加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产[评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%
新闻:《卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%》的相关评论卑诗地产协会(BCREA)昨日发表报告,显示全省上月透过中央电脑放盘系统(MLS)销售的房屋,总值31亿元,较去年同期减少12.9%,平均楼价亦较去年同期下跌12.2%,其中大温的跌幅更达12.4%。不过,加点击展开...调整是好事
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%调整就是下跌。
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%调整就是下跌。点击展开...您一发言,我就知道我还没到换房的时候.
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%您一发言,我就知道我还没到换房的时候.点击展开...我的经纪正慢慢帮我找房子呢,哈哈。
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%我的经纪正慢慢帮我找房子呢,哈哈。点击展开...
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%这个时候就别说大话了。坛子里现在唱多的,还没有一个进场的。
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%您一发言,我就知道我还没到换房的时候.点击展开...看到你以前言论,还以为你是住豪宅的大款,原来也要换房。
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%看到你以前言论,还以为你是住豪宅的大款,原来也要换房。点击展开...他是大款家的阿fu
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%看到你以前言论,还以为你是住豪宅的大款,原来也要换房。点击展开...哈哈,我可从来没说过自己有钱这话,而且我也没啥令人骄傲的工作,只是看好房地产长期稳定的发展,踏踏实实的做个长远投资而已.
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%我的经纪正慢慢帮我找房子呢,哈哈。点击展开...要入市了,呵呵,那还是低价入市好,我们在小地方看见多伦多和温哥华的空军和多军天天吵架就奇怪,为什么不喜欢低价入市。最好的结果是30岁到55岁期间房地产一直跌,有了弹药就入市,不断入,然后到6o岁开始大涨。
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%要入市了,呵呵,那还是低价入市好,我们在小地方看见多伦多和温哥华的空军和多军天天吵架就奇怪,为什么不喜欢低价入市。最好的结果是30岁到55岁期间房地产一直跌,有了弹药就入市,不断入,然后到6o岁开始大涨。点击展开...楼上的,做梦只有一夜。
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%你就往坑里跳吧。要入市了,呵呵,那还是低价入市好,我们在小地方看见多伦多和温哥华的空军和多军天天吵架就奇怪,为什么不喜欢低价入市。最好的结果是30岁到55岁期间房地产一直跌,有了弹药就入市,不断入,然后到6o岁开始大涨。点击展开...
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%我的经纪正慢慢帮我找房子呢,哈哈。点击展开...如果成交了麻烦说声比叫价和政府估价低了几成。
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%如果成交了麻烦说声比叫价和政府估价低了几成。点击展开... vancouver indvidual property sales detailshttp://www.realestatetalks.com/view...d=4f89db9419792d31299f874d9174fd0e&start=1095
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%如果成交了麻烦说声比叫价和政府估价低了几成。点击展开...好的。
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%这个帖子哪来的依据啊?明明是。。。。 成交量下了11%,房价差不多没变。。。。。。 乱写。。。。。Greater Vancouver housing market hits summer lull Residential property sales in Greater Vancouver remained at a 10-year low in July, while the number of properties being listed for sale continued to edge down and prices remained relatively stable. The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) reports that there were 2,098 residential property sales of detached, attached and apartment properties in July. That’s an 18.4 per cent decline compared to the 2,571 sales in July 2011 and an 11.2 per cent decline compared to the previous month’s 2,362 sales. July sales were the lowest total for that month in the region since 2000. They were 31.2 per cent below the 10-year July sales average of 3,051. “People appear to be cautious about making significant financial decisions right now. While our local economy appears to be quite robust, there may be some concern about the impact of international markets and the federal government’s tightening of mortgage regulations,” says Eugen Klein, REBGV president. New listings for detached, attached and apartment properties in Greater Vancouver totalled 4,802 in July, the lowest number of new listings for any month this year. This represents a 5.8 per cent decline compared to July 2011 when 5,097 properties were newly listed for sale on the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) and a 14.5 per cent decline compared to the 5,617 new listings reported in June 2012. At 18,081, the total number of active residential property listings on the MLS® increased 18.8 per cent from this time last year and decreased 2.2 per cent compared to the previous month. “With a sales-to-active-listing ratio of 11.6 per cent, conditions have favoured buyers in our marketplace in recent months,” Klein said. “That means buyers have more selection to choose from and more time to make a decision. For sellers, it’s important to price properties competitively. For information on local market prices, contact your REALTOR®.” The MLS® Home Price Index (MLS®HPI) composite benchmark price for all residential properties in Greater Vancouver over the last 12 months has increased 0.6% to $616,000 and declined 0.7% compared to last month. Sales of detached properties on the MLS® in July 2012 reached 787, a decrease of 28.4 per cent from the 1,099 detached sales recorded in July 2011, and a 13.3 per cent decrease from the 908 units sold in July 2010. The benchmark price for detached properties increased 1.4 per cent from July 2011 to $950,200 and declined 1.2 per cent compared to last month. Sales of apartment properties reached 927 in July 2012, a 10.9 per cent decrease compared to the 1,040 sales in July 2011, and a decrease of 5.3 per cent compared to the 979 sales in July 2010. The benchmark price of an apartment property remains unchanged compared to July 2011 at $374,300 and declined 0.5 per cent compared to last month. Attached property sales in July 2012 totalled 384, an 11.1 per cent decrease compared to the 432 sales in July 2011, and a 4.3 per cent increase from the 368 attached properties sold in July 2010. The benchmark price of an attached unit decreased 0.5 per cent between July 2011 and 2012 to $468,700 and is relatively unchanged compared to last month.
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%阿福是很怕跌的,天天喊着涨,你几套房了,这莫敏感
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%阿福是很怕跌的,天天喊着涨,你几套房了,这莫敏感点击展开...老大你不会说我呢吧,我可没有天天喊张,我一直看好长期的升值也只作长期的投资,所以短期内涨跌对我没有影响,现在关心房市是想换个房.
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%别人怎么想以及怎么打算我不知道,反正如果房价跌了20%,我会抓紧机会换一套更满意的,当初下飞机五天内就买了房,现在看来面积小了。
回复: [评论]卑诗省平均楼价较年前跌一成 大温跌12.4%vancouver indvidual property sales detailshttp://www.realestatetalks.com/view...d=4f89db9419792d31299f874d9174fd0e&start=1095点击展开... 温哥华7,80W的房子,真是不怎么样啊!
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