加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产BMO: 大多市场在08年衰退后再次步向"买方市场"
Toronto housing heads for buyers' market, first time since slump: BMOMICHAEL BABADupdated Thursday, Oct. 04 2012, 7:02 PMHere’s the bottom line on Toronto’s housing market from Robert Kavcic at BMO Nesbitt Burns: Toronto is on its way to becoming a buyers’ market for the first time since the slump.BMO (即论坛上某著名贷款经纪的公司) 分析师 Robert Kavcic 今日公开指出,"大多房市动态现明确呈现: 房市已步向买方市场。the signs are clear, particularly in the condo market, which has been a major area of concern and where sales lost 27 per cent. Standard detached homes sank by 19 per cent.迹象十分明显, 尤其是大多公寓市场。 此市场早已处于高风险状态, 本月其成交量已下跌27%。 而独立屋成交量下跌19%。Prices climbed, by 8.6 per cent on average, but that’s bound to change.均价上升了8.6%, 但是这情况注定会扭转。“With new listings up 4 per cent year over year against a backdrop of falling sales, and with plenty of potential resale condo supply coming over the next year, Toronto is quickly heading for buyers’ market territory for the first time (depending on your definition) since the recession,” Mr. Kavcic said.新上市量增加了4%, 成交量相对减少, 而未来即将上市的房源蓄势以待, 多伦多正在以迅速的步伐迈向2008年经济衰退后第一次的买方市场。http://www.theglobeandmail.com/repo...et-first-time-since-slump-bmo/article4588591/GF: "买方市场"这词实在不理想,买方市场不代表买房时机,只是说明供过于求,买方缺少, 造成卖方降价压力开始增加的一个阶段。
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 R rabbit 0$(VIP 0) 2,5212012-10-05#2 回复: BMO: 大多市场在08年衰退后再次步向"买方市场"第二个大温。
回复: BMO: 大多市场在08年衰退后再次步向"买方市场"sell BMO's stock. it's public enemy
回复: BMO: 大多市场在08年衰退后再次步向"买方市场"2012 vs 2011 九月份 大多公寓 同价位销售量2012 vs 2011 九月份 大多独立屋 同价位销售量
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 S silverkw 0$(VIP 0) 1,0912012-10-05#5 回复: BMO: 大多市场在08年衰退后再次步向"买方市场"觉得大多还是比较滞后, 周期比大温来说要晚近一年.
回复: BMO: 大多市场在08年衰退后再次步向"买方市场"大温的今年就是大多的明年。
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