加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。
上个月预测Richmond独立屋3年内下跌30%的地产经纪 James Wong, 昨日刚发表8月份列治文地产分析:“August was another disappointment for many home sellers who were hopeful of selling their homes.The real estate market in Richmond deteriorated further in August.The lack of buying activities and large number of listings continued to exert pressure on home sellers to cut their prices in order to sell their homes. There are many more homes listed at or below their city assessment values.八月再次带来了另卖方失望的消息。列治文八月房市恶化加剧。 在买方缺乏,及总房源持高的现状下,卖方面临巨大压力降价。 本月叫价低于政府估价的状况更为普遍。 There are no signs of the market in Richmond getting better. With the onset of the seasonally slower months in the fall, it is unlikely the last 3 months of 2012 will bring any relief to home sellers who are desperate to sell.For sellers who have to sell, the only way out is to cut prices… not just 5%, a much deeper cut of 10% to 15% is required.列治文房市没有任何改善的迹象。年底前必须卖房的屋主将面临更大挑战。 急着脱手的屋主必须降价。不是区区5%, 而是10%至15%。A prolonged period of low sales, and declining home prices could take many years to play out. Declining home prices will erode seller confidence, resulting in more motivated home sellers to cut prices to sell before home prices drop further.这个价量齐跌的房市很可能会持续许多年。 下降的房价必将腐蚀卖方的信心,造成更多必须卖的屋主积极降价,造成整体房价持续下降。A real estate down cycle is already in motion, and just like from 1995 to 2001, the real estate market in Richmond will have a persistent high level or homes for sale, and few buyers willing or able to buy due to tighter lending rules.房市已经进入下跌周期,就像1995-2001年一般。 列治文房市将面临多年的低迷成交量及大量房源。 政府新一轮的"打房"政策将抑制买家买房的能力。Richmond detached homes over $1,000,000 are not seeing much buying interest. With total active listings of 721 and average sale around 26 homes the past 3 months, there are 26 months supply of homes. For detached homes over $1,500,000, there are currently 366 homes for sale. With an average past 3 months sale of 12 homes, this translates into 30 months supply of homes.列治文大于$1M 的独立屋房市不受青睐,现在房源为721, 而3个月来平均每月才卖出26户,房源滞销达到超过26个月。列治文大于$1.5M 的独立屋房市更加低迷,现在房源为366, 而3个月来平均每月才卖出12户,房源滞销达到超过30个月。Early sellers would consider themselves the smart ones, cashing out long before others!早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 比别人早卖出兑现的屋主为智者。http://richmondbcrealestates.com/?p=841
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.把你的理论告诉给你最亲近的人,让他们马上卖掉所有的自住房,开始租房,他们会感谢你一生一世,甚至是来生来世。点击展开...don't shoot the messenger,小弟在这帖只从事翻译, 对此"理论"有意见请联络地产经纪 James Wong : )哦,GF 还没翻译这篇呢:加拿大经济半月刊: 加拿大房市泡沫破灭已开始,温哥华抢先,多伦多随后Canada's housing crash beginsBy Joe Castaldo | September 14, 2012In just one year, Vancouver house prices have dropped by 12%, and unit sales are plummeting in both Vancouver and Toronto.People have been predicting a crash in Vancouver for years, of course. What’s different now is the growing number of trends suggesting its imminence. The poor global economy is souring foreign investors’ appetite for expensive property overseas. The federal government, meanwhile, is trying to tame the market by tightening mortgage lending standards and warning the public at every opportunity that Vancouver is a risky city for buying real estate. Interest rates are still low, but the Bank of Canada keeps promising to raise them, which would quickly lower affordability. All of which leads David Madani, an economist with Capital Economics, to conclude: “The Vancouver market has cracked.”Vancouver won’t be the only one. The next market to crack will be Toronto, starting with the city’s overheated condo segment.http://www.canadianbusiness.com/article/98306--canada-s-housing-crash-begins
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 C CtoC 0$(VIP 0) 2,6412012-09-16#4 回复: 列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。路过
回复: 列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。人家只是说一些看法,感觉是踩到你的痛楚是的,怎模的,不能说跌吗?虽然说我刚买房,你也退那个了点击展开...你高位接最后一棒了
回复: 列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。你高位接最后一棒了点击展开...那你是高兴呢还是高兴呢?
回复: 列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。谁知道哪里是高位?还是那句话,Guess is cheap, guess wrong is expensive. 我也没指望有人感激我,但我要告诉所有人,自住房要早买,因为没有一个人知道哪里是高点。房价没有最高,只有更高,长期看,一定是涨。点击展开...这不废话吗?谁都知道.
回复: 列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。那你是高兴呢还是高兴呢?点击展开...楼主不是说了吗,赶紧低价出手啊
回复: 列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。楼主不是说了吗,赶紧低价出手啊点击展开...
回复: 列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。谁知道哪里是高位?还是那句话,Guess is cheap, guess wrong is expensive. 我也没指望有人感激我,但我要告诉所有人,自住房要早买,因为没有一个人知道哪里是高点。房价没有最高,只有更高,长期看,一定是涨。点击展开...好,此帖为证。我们都做有风格的人,不要删帖,不要修改。我明确说了,现在就是高点,今后四年,房价是在下降曲线。劝人现在买房,就是忽悠人高位接盘。让时间来告诉大家。
发帖存照,预测房价进入下跌通道http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=486992&page=25 超赞 赏 O opt 0$(VIP 0) 7052012-09-16#15 回复: 列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。踩到那些主要靠忽悠新移民买房中介的痛脚啦
回复: 列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。哦欧~~~又争起来了。
哪里不是天涯。。。。 超赞 赏 F fmvictory 0$(VIP 0) 1,0542012-09-16#18 回复: 列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。大家都要吃饭,都想发财,不想破财,就这么简单。
回复: 列治文地产经纪: 跌幅加大,将持续几年,越早卖亏越少。好,我认为你是说加拿大,今后四年,房价在下降通道,谁建议别人“现在”买房就是忽悠人高点接盘。因为你的观点是4年都下降,我可以认为“要买也要等四年之后”吗? 我认为你发的帖子是在开玩笑。点击展开...我一直试图对你保持礼貌,既然你这么说了,我认为你是在为了利益忽悠别人。
发帖存照,预测房价进入下跌通道http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=486992&page=25我一直试图对你保持礼貌,既然你这么说了,我认为你是在为了利益忽悠别人。点击展开... 我很奇怪,地产经理应该是希望房价下降,成交量增加才对,现在经理好象怎么都害怕赚钱?
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