加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产BMO: 加国房市目前貌似"软着陆", 但大温"颇明显地"例外
BMO 副首席经济学家 Douglas Porter 今日发表,加国大部分城市确实正步入所谓的"软着陆", 有些城市(Calgary) 甚至还在向上发展。 但大温地区却是"颇明显地"例外。"我不认为你还可以把温哥华的跌幅称作"软着陆"了"Soft landing for housing (with ‘rather obvious exception of Vancouver’)Dec. 17 2012“It increasingly looks like most major markets are indeed undergoing a policy-induced correction. But, for now, the landing looks to be soft in most cities (with some cities actually still lifting off), with the rather obvious exception of Vancouver.”As Mr. Porter added in an interview, "I don’t think you can call what’s going on in Vancouver a soft landing anymore."Mr Douglas Porter is the deputy chief economist of BMO Nesbitt Burns.http://www.theglobeandmail.com/repo...bvious-exception-of-vancouver/article6478016/
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 L lm001 0$(VIP 0) 3312012-12-17#2 回复: BMO: 加国房市目前貌似"软着陆", 但大温"颇明显地"例外硬着陆
回复: BMO: 加国房市目前貌似"软着陆", 但大温"颇明显地"例外房市要跌起来至少要7~10年,根本就不会有所谓的软着陆。伴随着页岩油开采技术的利用和大范围推广,加国地产会持续阴跌下去。
回复: BMO: 加国房市目前貌似"软着陆", 但大温"颇明显地"例外还在空中飘着,压根就没着陆。
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