加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产Bloomberg News: 多伦多Trump Tower 官司事件意味大多公寓市场大势已去
Trump Tower Woes Signal Top of Toronto Condo MarketDec 24, 2012“We bought into the Trump name and what we were being told was a hot real estate market in Toronto for this kind of project,” Crockett said in an interview. “It turns out that the hotel had nothing to do with him and that it isn’t a good investment after all.”“We’re currently in a state of housing oversupply,” Warren said in a phone interview from Toronto. “Next year, we can expect sales to slow down and a cooling in new projects being launched with additional units coming onto the market at the same time.”我们现在正目睹大多(高层)楼房供过于求。 明年,我们可以预期成交量将继续减少,而更多的单位将上市,加入房源。...Crockett, visiting Toronto, said he won’t be investing in the city’s real estate market again.“There’s the illusion of movement in the Toronto housing sector with sales and buyers,” he said, glancing outside a cafe onto the evening rush-hour crowd surging along Bay Street past his investment property 24 stories above. “But now it seems more like a Ponzi scheme.”"多伦多房市看来较像似庞氏骗局"http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-24/trump-tower-woes-signal-top-of-toronto-condo-market.html
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 J jenny97 0$(VIP 0) 7022012-12-27#3 回复: Bloomberg News: 多伦多Trump Tower 官司事件意味大多公寓市场大势已那是酒店式公寓,也就是楼上说的商业物业,在公寓市场占的比例极低,不能代表大多公寓市场。现在国内有些地方为了应对限购政策,也开始推出这种商业物业,水、电按商业用计价,但暂时不会受限购政策的影响,只要有钱想买就可以买。
多伦多生活信息:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=349313微信:cindyliu68 QQ: 2507685694 超赞 赏 蓝色妖妃 0$(VIP 0) 1982012-12-27#6 回复: Bloomberg News: 多伦多Trump Tower 官司事件意味大多公寓市场大势已顶大傻英文太菜帖! 有意忽悠误导帖!
回复: Bloomberg News: 多伦多Trump Tower 官司事件意味大多公寓市场大势已目前来看,楼花这个去年还是无限风光在险峰的投资产品,已经沦落为人见人怕的投资怪兽,由于受税收限制的原因,使那些早在2年前买入楼花,现在已经有20%~40%复合利润的人,需要面对明知楼市即将下跌,也无法抛售手中楼花的情况(现在抛售的话,所有收益都需要计税,等于几年下来白投资,甚至还要亏利息,这也是投资最不愿意看到的)。 对于手中没钱,又想投资房地产赚大钱的人,我想说房地产绝对不是投资的利器,风险与利润永远都是共存的。我们并不比老外聪明多少,能看得长远多少。 要买房子,自住就好
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