加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产(正解)Moody's 信评机构分析师假想: 如果加国房价跌44%


一个关于Moody分析师评论的报道。注意是某个他们的分析师的评论不是官方报道,被GF和一些没什么思想的空军人员恶意歪曲。我把原文一些分析师很客观的字眼扣出来,让空军们学习一下。原文出处:http://business.financialpost.com/2...severe-economic-shock-moodys/?__lsa=5b8d-c05dA severe economic shock, such as the kind that hit Japan in the early 1990s and California and Nevada in 2006, would have to knock Canadian housing prices down by 44% to cause securities linked to Canadian mortgages to lose the highest ratings assigned by Moody’s Investors Service.意思是说,目前加拿大房贷是最高信用评级,加拿大房价要跌44%才有可能被降级。对方没说房价要跌44%。GF和某些空军人士,看到这里就叫说Moody预测房价跌44%是傻乎乎的做法。Such a house price decline, were it to happen, would be driven primarily by the phenomenal upswing in Canadian home prices over the past decade, Moody’s said.were it to happen 明细是一个假设。 这里再次告诉大家,这个只是一个假设。没有数据。没有分析,只是假设。Canada joins Spain, as well as the United Kingdom and Australia, in the ratings agency’s assessment of countries where growth in housing prices over the past 10 years has driven their values away from sustainable market fundamentals and into “overheated” territory.“As with Australia, Spain and the U.K., we expect house prices in Canada to suffer the most due to the misalignment of current house prices with historic fundamentals,” Moody’s said.这里说加拿大房市 overheated. 但还是没说要跌44%!至于是不是overheated 就要跌44% 大家客观思考。我不加以评论。我认为只有南北极的房子最不overheated。The ratings agency released the report Monday that included its housing market analysis, along with request for comment on its proposed approach to analyzing the credit risk of non-insured mortgage pools.“Moody’s Investors Service is in no way predicting the extent nor the causes of a large scale house price depreciation in Canada,” spokesperson Thomas Lemmon said in an emailed statement.这里人家都说,"我不是在预测”。某些人还是坚持说Moody在预测跌44%就分明是恶意忽悠嘛。“Along with many other factors, the home price component of our analysis provides that in order to achieve our highest rating, a mortgage pool would have to be able to withstand a 44% downturn.”这里再次重复第一句话的意思。要跌44%才降级。不是预测要跌44%。 GF 请学好虚拟语气再跑来跟大家翻译。Moody’s is the second ratings agency in as many weeks to seek input on a proposal to change the methodology used to analyze securities linked to mortgages.

回复: (正解)Moody's 信评机构分析师假想: 如果加国房价跌44%

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