加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产请问买房的property transfer tax 来年报税的时候可以退么
本人在BC省,最近刚买房,价格超过50万,交了将近9000的property transfer tax. 请问明年报税的时候这9000多能否退一部分,我还有好几万的学费没有用完。谢谢。
不可以退,你的房子超过50万,property transfer tax就没有任何减免,即使你是全世界第一次买房。BC省的 property transfer tax 只有符合如下规定才可以减免,而且是在你的律师帮你完成过户时,帮你计算减免后由律师交的,与你个人报税退税没有任何关系。减免资格:1. 你是加拿大公民或移民2. 买房前你在BC省连续住满12个月,或过去6年你在BC省报过2次税3. 以前你在全世界从未买过房子4. 你以前没有第一次买房的减免另外你买的房子是1. 在BC省2. 这是你的主要住宅3. 房子的价值低于42.5万或在42.5万-45万之间(2014年2月18日前买的),或房子的价值低于45万或在45万-50万之间(2014年2月19日后买的)http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/topic.page?id=BBD16E2D7C1841A7BBD420E3AC5380F1To qualify for a full exemption (PDF), at the time the property is registered you must:be a Canadian citizen or permanent residenthave lived in B.C. for 12 consecutive months immediately before the date you register the property or filed at least 2 income tax returns as a B.C. resident in the last 6 yearshave never owned an interest in a principal residence anywhere in the world at any timeyou have never received a first time home buyers' exemption or refundand the property must:be located in B.C.only be used as your principal residencehave a fair market value of:$425,000 or less if registered on or before February 18, 2014, or$475,000 or less if registered on or after February 19, 2014be 0.5 hectares (1.24 acres) or smallerYou may qualify for a partial exemption (PDF) from the tax if the property:has a fair market value less than:$450,000 if registered on or before February 18, 2014, or$500,000 if registered on or after February 19, 2014is larger than 0.5 hectareshas another building on the property other than the principal residence
天蓬 说:不可以退,你的房子超过50万,property transfer tax就没有任何减免,即使你是全世界第一次买房。BC省的 property transfer tax 只有符合如下规定才可以减免,而且是在你的律师帮你完成过户时,帮你计算减免后由律师交的,与你个人报税退税没有任何关系。减免资格:1. 你是加拿大公民或移民2. 买房前你在BC省连续住满12个月,或过去6年你在BC省报过2次税3. 以前你在全世界从未买过房子4. 你以前没有第一次买房的减免另外你买的房子是1. 在BC省2. 这是你的主要住宅3. 房子的价值在42.5万-45万之间(2014年2月18日前买的),或房子的价值在45万-50万之间(2014年2月19日后买的)http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/topic.page?id=BBD16E2D7C1841A7BBD420E3AC5380F1To qualify for a full exemption (PDF), at the time the property is registered you must:be a Canadian citizen or permanent residenthave lived in B.C. for 12 consecutive months immediately before the date you register the property or filed at least 2 income tax returns as a B.C. resident in the last 6 yearshave never owned an interest in a principal residence anywhere in the world at any timeyou have never received a first time home buyers' exemption or refundand the property must:be located in B.C.only be used as your principal residencehave a fair market value of:$425,000 or less if registered on or before February 18, 2014, or$475,000 or less if registered on or after February 19, 2014be 0.5 hectares (1.24 acres) or smallerYou may qualify for a partial exemption (PDF) from the tax if the property:has a fair market value less than:$450,000 if registered on or before February 18, 2014, or$500,000 if registered on or after February 19, 2014is larger than 0.5 hectareshas another building on the property other than the principal residence点击展开... 谢谢楼上,还有一个问题请教,如果是自住房,怎样申请grant,好像一年有$700-$800的地税减免
每年交地税时,City会提前1个月给你寄地税单,如果是自住房,房子估价大概不超过120万,可以申请地税减免,列治文大概减免570刀,地税单上有3个地税金额,1.没有grant,2. 自住grant,3. 65岁以上老人grant,交地税时只要在地税单第2种自住grant打个勾,签上字和日期即可。
天蓬 说:每年交地税时,City会提前1个月给你寄地税单,如果是自住房,房子估价大概不超过120万,可以申请地税减免,列治文大概减免570刀,地税单上有3个地税金额,1.没有grant,2. 自住grant,3. 65岁以上老人grant,交地税时只要在地税单第2种自住grant打个勾,签上字和日期即可。点击展开...正解
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