加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产求教:树叶发黄、有小洞,是不是虫害,如何处理?
遥望原野看沧海,敞开心扉春期待! 超赞 赏 B bbjj无官一身轻 29$(VIP 0,#43) 18,1992014-08-04#2 basswood,又叫 tilia americana,咬叶子的应该是japanese rose beetles,如何处理比较费劲,要么喷药,要么逐个捉虫,我家的玫瑰也是被这种虫骚扰的,要花很多功夫。
Necessary Site Conditions:The native American basswood grows best on moist, fertile soils where those soils are acid or slightly alkaline. The tree likes to grow in full sun or partial shade and is more shade-tolerant than oaks and hickories. The leaves will show some wilting and scorching after a long dry season, but the tree appears fine the following year. The tree is often found growing along creeks and streams but will take short periods of drought. The trees favorite habitat is on moist sites.这种树喜欢潮湿的土壤,估计你要经常浇水才行。
bbjj 说:Necessary Site Conditions:The native American basswood grows best on moist, fertile soils where those soils are acid or slightly alkaline. The tree likes to grow in full sun or partial shade and is more shade-tolerant than oaks and hickories. The leaves will show some wilting and scorching after a long dry season, but the tree appears fine the following year. The tree is often found growing along creeks and streams but will take short periods of drought. The trees favorite habitat is on moist sites.这种树喜欢潮湿的土壤,估计你要经常浇水才行。点击展开...谢谢!只要不是害虫,只是吃树叶的甲虫就不怕了,我准备拿高压水枪冲冲,甲虫去光光。
遥望原野看沧海,敞开心扉春期待!门前一颗大树,不知道是什么树,树干发白,前任房主种的,一直营养不良,2个主枝,死了一枝,被我锯掉了,树太高,怕水分供应不上,树的上部叶被我锯掉了,剩下一枝,很多树叶发黄、有小孔,看着心疼。请教专家,如何处理?这是什么树?点击展开...说的有可能不对,仅供参考。你的树是白桦树(Betula platyphylla),从仅有的照片看,树比较正常。以前死掉的枝干,可能是天牛或病害所致。就叶片被害虫蚕食的状况而言,并不严重。你没有必要采取什么措施。当然。如果想让该树长得快点,可以经常浇水。其实,该树一般生长很快。如果该树在你的庭院范围内,最好砍掉,除非你喜爱庭院有较大的树。
Kevin Plants 分享植物信息(Email)1.香椿栽培 4.植物修剪 7.庭院蔬菜2.桂花飘香 5.庭院果树 8.3.观赏植物 6.植物繁殖 9.说的有可能不对,仅供参考。你的树是白桦树(Betula platyphylla),从仅有的照片看,树比较正常。以前死掉的枝干,可能是天牛或病害所致。就叶片被害虫蚕食的状况而言,并不严重。你没有必要采取什么措施。当然。如果想让该树长得快点,可以经常浇水。其实,该树一般生长很快。如果该树在你的庭院范围内,最好砍掉,除非你喜爱庭院有较大的树。点击展开...谢谢!树在门前,不影响庭院,希望它长大。
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