加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产How much you need to earn to buy a house in every major Canadian city


By:Workopolis / Elizabeth BromsteinSpecial to the Star,Published on Tue Jan 06 2015Many say property is the best investment you can make. Bursting housing bubbles and mortgage scandals aside, they’re usually right.The price of making that investment varies widely in Canada, depending on where you live. We looked at how much you need to earn to buy a house in every major Canadian city.To get these numbers, we consulted Adrian Williams, a Toronto mortgage broker, and used his calculator found here. He explained that to calculate the income required you need to know the purchase price, down payment, rate, utilities – mortgage qualifying must include a minimum of $100 a month for heating costs – and taxes.We got the average purchase price per city from the Canadian Real Estate Association, and Williams provided the property tax rates. At his suggestion we used a 2.99% interest rate, which is the average qualifying rate for a 5-year fixed term. We used a down payment of 10% of the purchase price and calculated $100 a month for utilities.According to Williams, “Other factors that will be included with mortgage qualification are the total monthly payment obligations from credit card, LOC’s, personal & car loans, car lease and other types of credit that require a monthly payment.”Here is what you need to earn to buy a house in every major Canadian market. (Numbers are rounded to the nearest dollar.)VancouverAverage price: $819,336Monthly mortgage payment: $3,570Property tax: $251Income required: $147,023CalgaryAverage price: $465,047Mortgage mortgage payment: $2,026Property taxes: $236Income required: $88,578EdmontonAverage price: $365,520Mortgage payment: $1,592Property tax: $244Salary required: $72,617ReginaAverage price: $331,161Monthly mortgage payment: $1,443Property tax: $378Income required: $72,028SaskatoonAverage price: $349,322Monthly mortgage payment: $1,522Property tax: $366Income required: $74,546WinnipegAverage price: $270,605Monthly mortgage payment: $1,179Property tax: $274Income required: $58,235OttawaAverage price: $357,887Monthly mortgage payment: $1,559Property tax: $336Income required: $74,820.28TorontoAverage price: $587,505Monthly mortgage payment: $2,560Property tax: $354Income required: $113,009MontrealAverage price: $344,273Monthly mortgage payment: $1,500Property tax: $237Income required: $68,884HalifaxAverage price: $264,447Monthly mortgage payment: $1,152Property tax: $266Income required: $56,929

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 超赞 赏 反馈:FlyingHawk 和 ZQMH 阿 阿中 2$(VIP 0,#301) 5582015-01-08#2 综合来看蒙特利尔压力最小,顶一下蒙村。不会又会引起地域争论吧。

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