加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产[评论]数据打脸:大温8月楼市 独立屋价涨36% 销量掉45%
新闻:《数据打脸:大温8月楼市 独立屋价涨36% 销量掉45%》的相关评论大温哥华8月房产销量下滑 23%,独立房销量掉45% 星期五(9月2日)上午,大温房地产局 (Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver)公布了最新统计数字,显示各种类型的房产包括在内,8月份的销售量比7月份下点击展开...是打小便的脸吧。把数据和一年前的比较,这种比较非常有隐蔽性。平均当房价跌过半年后,才会显示出来。这里有一份CBC的价格评论:According to the data, on the West Side of Vancouver 57 homes sold by August 30, compared with 108 in July. The median price of detached homes sold in the desirable neighbourhood also fell from $3.52 million to $3.42 million. (西温房价从7月份的352万跌倒8月份的342万)The drop in West Side sale numbers is even more startling when compared to August 2015, which saw 149 homes sold on the city's West Side.In Richmond only 56 homes sold by Aug. 30, compared with 121 in July (and 178 in August of the previous year), while median prices went from $1.7 million in July to $1.69 million by the end of August. (Richmond的房价从7月份的170万跌倒8月份的169万)And in Burnaby 42 homes were sold by Aug. 30, compared with 78 in July (and 123 in August 2015), while the median price dropped from $1.65 million in July to $1.52 million.(本拿比的房价从7月份的165万跌倒8月份的152万)Surrey showed the smallest drop with 157 homes sold by Aug. 30, compared with 201 in July (and 317 in August 2015), while median prices remained unchanged at $850,000. (素里房价保持85万没有变动)摘自:http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/number-of-home-sales-fall-in-metro-vancouver-after-tax-1.3744086
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