加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民IMM3903E第8项,征集翻译,纷纷等候。


NON ACCOMPANYING FAMILY MEMBERS DECLARATIONIf you have family members who do not intend to emigrate to Canada with you, you must submit with your application a notarized statutory declaration- identifying these family members and their relationship to you,- stating your intention to proceed to Canada without them, and- indicating whether or not you wish these persons to retain eligibility to be sponsored by you once you have settled in Canada.Non accompanying family members are still required to successfully meet immigration medical and security standards at the same time as you do (see Note below). They will retain eligibility to be sponsored by you as a member of the Family Class once you have settled in Canada for as long as they are your spouse or common-law partner or your dependent children, as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations.Note: If you have non accompanying family members who are your spouse from whom you are legally separated or your children who are not in your legal custody, it is not necessary to have these family members examined. However, if you do not, you will not be able to sponsor them later.Therefore, you may wish to have them undergo medical and background screening in connection with your application to accommodate possible future changes in circumstances. Should this be the case, indicate in your notarized statutory declaration your intention to retain their eligibility to be sponsored by you in the future.

退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 2007-02-13#2 B

是啊这几天有点累了就是这ESL8级,我的词汇量比较小,上课的时候到处都是不懂得单词, 特别吃力。所以发挥大家的力量。我正在逐步把重要的部分翻译中。感谢你的支持!

退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279是啊这几天有点累了就是这ESL8级,我的词汇量比较小,上课的时候到处都是不懂得单词, 特别吃力。所以发挥大家的力量。我正在逐步把重要的部分翻译中。感谢你的支持!点击展开...那你先翻一下.

palmer 说:NON ACCOMPANYING FAMILY MEMBERS DECLARATIONIf you have family members who do not intend to emigrate to Canada with you, you must submit with your application a notarized statutory declaration - identifying these family members and their relationship to you,- stating your intention to proceed to Canada without them, and- indicating whether or not you wish these persons to retain eligibility to be sponsored by you once you have settled in Canada. Non accompanying family members are still required to successfully meet immigration medical and security standards at the same time as you do (see Note below). They will retain eligibility to be sponsored by you as a member of the Family Class once you have settled in Canada for as long as they are your spouse or common-law partner or your dependent children, as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations. Note: If you have non accompanying family members who are your spouse from whom you are legally separated or your children who are not in your legal custody, it is not necessary to have these family members examined. However, if you do not, you will not be able to sponsor them later. Therefore, you may wish to have them undergo medical and background screening in connection with your application to accommodate possible future changes in circumstances. Should this be the case, indicate in your notarized statutory declaration your intention to retain their eligibility to be sponsored by you in the future.点击展开...非随行家庭成员声明如果您有家庭成员不打算和你一起移居加拿大, 和你的申请一起您必须递交一份公证过的法律声明 - 指出这些家庭成员及他们和你的关系, - 陈述移民加拿大将不包括他们, - 说明你想不想保留他们的合格性即在你定居加拿大后仍可担保他们移民。 和你一样,非移民随行家庭成员仍需满足移民体检和安全背景检查标准(参见下面备注) 。依照移民和难民保护法, 您的配偶,或事实婚姻伴侣,或您抚养的孩子,他们将自动被保留合格性,即当你定居在加拿大后你仍可把他们作为家庭成员担保。 注: 如果你的非随行家庭成员是你的配偶但已在法律上和你分居或孩子不归你监护, 他们可不做体检.但你这次不做的话, 将来就不能再担保他们.因此,最好是让他们和你一起进行体检和背景调查,以备以后你要变卦担保他们.如是这样,在公证好的法律声明里要说明将来你要担保他们,所以希望保留他们的合格性。 我没时间斟字酌句,请可再加文字修饰.

To Beijing2008:这一段非常重要, 但是总感觉没这么严重似的。 但是看了半天,你翻译的就是这个意思。团聚可真不容易啊。辛苦了, 谢谢你!

退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279To Beijing2008:这一段非常重要, 但是总感觉没这么严重似的。 但是看了半天,你翻译的就是这个意思。团聚可真不容易啊。辛苦了, 谢谢你!点击展开...那你团聚办好了?GX了.

我夫人在去年12月30 日就收到 VISA了 现在都是为了后来人 谢谢您!

退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279我夫人在去年12月30 日就收到 VISA了 现在都是为了后来人 谢谢您!点击展开...那要谢谢你了. 除了上班工作,我27日去耶鲁面试,所以自己也很忙,但愿能成功.另外还要准备YORK和PENN的面试.因为不想吊死在一颗树上.所以没空帮你斟酌句子.大意该不错的.


不是马甲的马甲赞反馈:palmer 2007-02-23#11 vivienne98. 706 $0.00 另外,补充说明,这里指的家庭成员,只包括子女,配偶,伴侣

不是马甲的马甲另外,补充说明, 这里指的家庭成员,只包括子女,配偶,伴侣点击展开...不是的You can sponsor relatives or family members from abroad if they are:your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner 16 years of age or older; your parents or grandparents; your dependent children, including adopted children; children under 18 years of age whom you intend to adopt; your brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces or grandchildren who are orphans; under the age of 18 and not married or in a common-law relationship; ora relative of any age if you do not have an aunt, uncle or family member from the list above who you could sponsor or who is already a Canadian citizen, Indian or permanent resident红色部分为FAMILY.

Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada ClassYou may also sponsor a spouse or common-law partner from within Canada if they have been living with you in Canada. Sponsorship of a spouse or common-law partner includes their dependent children whether inside or outside of Canada.Find out about the change announced on February 18, 2005, that affects the sponsorship of spouses and common-law partners from within Canada.Interim Policy on Civil Marriages between Same-Sex PersonsSame-sex couples’ access to civil marriage was extended throughout Canada on July 20, 2005, under the Civil Marriage Act. While CIC examines the impact of the Act on its immigration programs, its interim policy, which recognizes the validity of civil marriages between a foreign national and his or her Canadian citizen or permanent resident same-sex partner, will continue. At this time, the policy applies only to the family class (which includes the spouse or common-law partner in-Canada class).

vivienne98. 说:另外,补充说明, 这里指的家庭成员,只包括子女,配偶,伴侣点击展开...但对子女,配偶,伴侣, They will retain eligibility to be sponsored by you as a member of the Family Class once you have settled in Canada for as long as they are your spouse or common-law partner or your dependent children, as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations.依照移民和难民保护法, 您的配偶,或事实婚姻伴侣,或您抚养的孩子,他们将自动被保留合格性,即当你定居在加拿大后你仍可把他们作为家庭成员担保。



不是马甲的马甲 2007-02-25#17 vivienne98. 706 $0.00 也就是说,你移民的时候,你的子女,配偶,伴侣如果不移民,是自动保留这个被担保的权力(也是LZ这篇文章里的家庭成员)。

不是马甲的马甲也就是说,你移民的时候,你的父母,兄弟姐妹是不用体检的,无论你的父母,兄弟姐妹以后移民不移民。但是你移民的时候,你的子女,配偶,伴侣如果不移民,又想保留这个被担保的权力,是要体检的(也是LZ这篇文章里的家庭成员)。点击展开...此段文字没有定义家庭成员只指出 “They will retain eligibility to be sponsored by you as a member of the Family Class once you have settled in Canada for as long as they are your spouse or common-law partner or your dependent children, as defined in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations.依照移民和难民保护法, 您的配偶,或事实婚姻伴侣,或您抚养的孩子,他们将自动被保留合格性,即当你定居在加拿大后你仍可把他们作为家庭成员担保。” LZ此段文字来源于 “Family Class Immigration家庭类移民”,也就是我给出的移民局官方网址, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/sponsor/index.html 所以此段文字的家庭成员指我在上面帖字里用红字标出的部份. 如你要SPONSOR你的父母兄弟姐妹并一起走,他们要体检安检,如不一起走,也最好要体检安检,并填一张声明,陈述他们具备将来你到达加拿大要担保他们移民的合法性.如不做说明,他们和 “您的配偶,或事实婚姻伴侣,或您抚养的孩子 ”不一样,不自动受移民和难民保护法保护. 如他们放弃和你家庭移民,则不用体检安检等. Canadian citizens and permanent residents living in Canada, 18 years of age or older, may sponsor close relatives or family members who want to become permanent residents of Canada. Sponsors must promise to support the relative or family member and their accompanying family members for a period of three to 10 years to help them settle in Canada.Under the Canada?Quebec Accord, the province of Quebec has a role in determining sponsorship eligibility for Quebec residents. However, the Quebec portion of the process is begun only after Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has finished its assessment of your ability to meet Canada’s sponsorship requirements.If you live in Quebec and want more information about the province’s immigration requirements, please contact Quebec Immigration for information.

Beijing2008 说:不是的You can sponsor relatives or family members from abroad if they are:your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner 16 years of age or older;your parents or grandparents; your dependent children, including adopted children; children under 18 years of age whom you intend to adopt; your brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces or grandchildren who are orphans; under the age of 18 and not married or in a common-law relationship; ora relative of any age if you do not have an aunt, uncle or family member from the list above who you could sponsor or who is already a Canadian citizen, Indian or permanent resident红色部分为FAMILY.点击展开...很明显,家庭成员的定义不在这段文字里。我同意你的家庭定义,也从来没有反对过。

不是马甲的马甲 2007-02-26#20 vivienne98. 706 $0.00 原来是sannorm,哈哈。。

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