加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民这种情况需要重新申请团聚吗?
我们一家三口2004年3月份在温哥华短登,我今年2月份登陆多伦多,目前已经安顿下来。我们枫叶卡的期限是2009年3月份,2007年3月份以后显然在5年内不能住满2年了。这种情况下,我老婆和儿子还能直接只用枫叶卡登陆吗?入关的时候移民官会不会拒绝入境?如果不能使用枫叶卡了,是否可以重新申请团聚? 谢谢!
回复: 这种情况需要重新申请团聚吗?可能被拒。可以申请团聚。
回复: 这种情况需要重新申请团聚吗?担保人指南上摘录:Note: If the person you want to sponsor or his/her dependants became permanent residents of Canada sometime in the past but have subsequently left the country and have since been living outside Canada, they may not have lost their permanent resident status. If they have not lost their permanent resident status, you will not be able to sponsor them. For further inofrmation on re-entry of permanent residents to Canada, see the guisde applyinf for a travel document on our web site.
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