加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民准备资料中的几个问题!
各位好!我又来了,带了几个问题。呵呵~~~1、请问表格打印是单面还是双面也可以?(我想打印出来填)2、照片上的人都要写名字么?都是要英文么?(我理解是除我跟LG之外的家人要写上名字是不是?)3、照片都要写上时间地点么?英文?(我们现在就是照片多点,其他的E-MAIL,MSN,QQ,结婚之前都没有留意留,电话单只有近半年的!我们的照片跨度大点,从2000到现在都有)4、信件只是摆好顺序贴到A4纸上就可以吧?不需要翻译成英文吧?(那要累死)5、地址贴要拼音汉字的是不是?请问你们是在哪里买到的,我找了好几个地方都没有捏。。。。(我在广州,谢谢)6、解释信全部都是中英文对照么?还是全部都英文?7、发票单据的附带说明也全部要英文和时间地点么? 麻烦各位大虾了
回复: 准备资料中的几个问题!各位好!我又来了,带了几个问题。呵呵~~~1、请问表格打印是单面还是双面也可以?(我想打印出来填) Duplex Printing is not recommended 2、照片上的人都要写名字么?都是要英文么?(我理解是除我跟LG之外的家人要写上名字是不是?)We wrote on all of them in E 3、照片都要写上时间地点么?英文?(我们现在就是照片多点,其他的E-MAIL,MSN,QQ,结婚之前都没有留意留,电话单只有近半年的!我们的照片跨度大点,从2000到现在都有)We wrote on all of them in C 4、信件只是摆好顺序贴到A4纸上就可以吧?不需要翻译成英文吧?(那要累死) We put letters in the original envelops with post stamps. We did not bother translation.5、地址贴要拼音汉字的是不是?请问你们是在哪里买到的,我找了好几个地方都没有捏。。。。(我在广州,谢谢)Our case will be processed by their Beijing Embassy and we wrote Chinese only on the mailing lable. 6、解释信全部都是中英文对照么?还是全部都英文? We wrote all of them in E7、发票单据的附带说明也全部要英文和时间地点么? 麻烦各位大虾了Sorry, not sure...
回复: 准备资料中的几个问题!各位好!我又来了,带了几个问题。呵呵~~~1、请问表格打印是单面还是双面也可以?(我想打印出来填) Duplex Printing is not recommended点击展开...I always use a color laser printer to print Fees Receipt [IMM 5401], that makes me feel it looks like a receipt.
http://www.canadameet.comI always use a color laser printer to print Fees Receipt [IMM 5401], that makes me feel it looks like a receipt.点击展开...We ordered printed copies to make it as good as laser printed one
回复: 准备资料中的几个问题!We ordered printed copies to make it as good as laser printed one 点击展开...The ordered receipt looks much better then the laser printed one, but to use it, I need to go to some finacial institute that can deal with Canadian $$, I don't keep much balance in my accounts and I prefer paying by credit card online and I can get 1% cash rebate from credit card company
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 准备资料中的几个问题!哦!谢谢你
回复: 准备资料中的几个问题!请问就是这样的么?
·生活百科 昆士兰州现有太阳能/电池的扩展
·生活百科 太阳能电池板产品保修