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4,364 $0.00 回复: 今天,GrouseMountain沙发,你那英文啥意思?评论
2007/05/23 申请 12/08 VISA 12/19 登陆Toronto. (本人申请)2011/05/31 CIC接收 07/06 担保人DM 07/18 AR 08/13 FN和补料信 08/22 补料 10/13 MER 10/17 IP 10/21 DM 10/23 大信封.(儿子申请)回复: 今天,GrouseMountainGrouse GrindGrouse Mountain is also the location of a very popular hiking trail known as the Grouse Grind. It is an extremely steep and mountainous trail that climbs 853 meters (2,800 feet) over a distance of 2.9 kilometres (1.8 miles). Although the trail is known for being notoriously grueling for its hikers due to its steepness and mountainous terrain, it is popular among the outdoor enthusiasts in Greater Vancouver, and hikers often time themselves on the trail to see how quickly they can reach the top. The average time to reach to the top is approximately 90 minutes, although hikers who are physically fit can finish it in 45 minutes.As of November 2005, these are the fastest officially recorded ascents: EventPersonTime (min:sec)DateOverallJonathan Wyatt24:22June 12, 2004Annual Grouse Grind Mountain Run (Men's)Michael Simpson26:26September 25, 2005Annual Grouse Grind Mountain Run (Women's)Kelly Matoul32:54September 14, 2002本人身体状态良好的时候,上山1个半小时,下山45分钟。
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 今天,GrouseMountain晕~帮你顶了~嘿嘿
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