加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民写了封email给Minister,结果还是让人无奈的回信
Dear 。。。: I am replying to your e-mail of December 3, 2007, addressed to the Minster of Citizenship and Immigration, concerning your Application for Permanent Residence (APR) in Canada. We realize that those who have submitted their applications look forward to being granted permanent resident status within a reasonable period after applying. I assure you that we make every effort to deal with the applications we receive in the most efficient and effective way. As you may be aware, applications submitted by spouses, common-law or conjugal partners, and dependent children receive the highest processing priority at a visa office, and every effort is made to finalize the applications as quickly as circumstances permit. Nevertheless, in the interest of fairness and program integrity, our policy is to process applications in the order in which they are received. Our records indicate that your APR was received at the Canadian visa office in Hong Kong in November 2007, and is actively being processed. Currently, 80% of applications in this category at the visa office in Hong Kong are finalized in approximately 5 - 8 months from the date of receipt of the completed application. Processing times can be viewed on our web site at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/international/05-fc-spouses.asp. As soon as visa officers have completed reviewing you application, you will be notified if additional information, documentation, or an interview is required. Thank you for taking the time to bring your concerns to the Minister's attention. This electronic address is not available for response.
以佛修心,以道做人。回复: 写了封email给Minister,结果还是让人无奈的回信上次看到蓝枫有个姐姐写信给minister抱怨hongkong的不公平,不懂回复了什么内容?
以佛修心,以道做人。Currently, 80% of applications in this category at the visa office in Hong Kong are finalized in approximately 5 - 8 months from the date of receipt of the completed application.点击展开... 这个时间是从HK处理时间算起还是从CIC收到申请开始算起啊?请高人指教
回复: 写了封email给Minister,结果还是让人无奈的回信香港处理时间!!!!!!!!!!!!!
以佛修心,以道做人。香港处理时间!!!!!!!!!!!!!点击展开... 那四个月毕业算是幸福—&顺利的?
回复: 写了封email给Minister,结果还是让人无奈的回信而且是工作日。
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