加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助:这是什么receipt啊?
准备邮寄资料时看移民局邮来的指南上有这样一段话,这里的那个receipt是指什么啊?谢谢! Gather the forms the person you are sponsoring and his or her family members returned to you. Ensure they are completed and, where applicable, signed and are accompanied by the supporting documents. Send them with your forms along with all the supporting documentation to CPC-M. Do not forget to include a copy of your receipt. CPC-M’s mailing address is: Case Processing Centre ? MississaugaP.O. Box 3000, Station AMississauga ON L5A 4N6点击展开...
回复: 求助:这是什么receipt啊?缴费的收据
回复: 求助:这是什么receipt啊?缴费的收据点击展开...是指交那些申请费吗? 这些天搞的都神经兮兮的了,生怕遗漏些什么东西。。。看到这个最初也以为是申请费的收据,但又觉得这个说法是复印件和要求的收费收据必须是原件(copy2)又互相矛盾。
回复: 求助:这是什么receipt啊?可能是担保人收到的第一封信。因为我的那封在第一页下面写的“This letter confirms receipt of the processing fee, please retain this letter for your personal records" THIS IS THE ONLY COPY THAT WILL BE ISSUED TO YOU.
魁省团聚:2007-12-05 签收,2008-01-14DM 2008-01-22 材料到北京变14 。 2008-02-12 代码12 ,2008-02-21 MONTREAL 寄出空白CSQ,2008-03-05 代码5 ,2008-03-09 收到北京补料信,2008-03-18收到空CSQ表,2008-04-04 收到正式CSQ,2008-04-25 代码12 ,2008-05-23 代码13,2008-05-28 CIC显示DM,2008-06-10 代码17,2008-06-11大信封。是指交那些申请费吗? 这些天搞的都神经兮兮的了,生怕遗漏些什么东西。。。看到这个最初也以为是申请费的收据,但又觉得这个说法是复印件和要求的收费收据必须是原件(copy2)又互相矛盾。点击展开...是的,只有这一个收据,网上缴费之后在线打印的收据一起寄去
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