加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民又一问题!!!急!
老公和我都住在中国,担保方可是公公婆婆吗(加拿大西人)?还不知道该如何申请:( 是填完所有表格,还有准备结婚照片和公正书等等...然后邮寄给婆婆? 有谁可以让我在线上请教的 请加我牙虎[email protected] 万分感谢了!!
回复: 又一问题!!!急!完全可以
回复: 又一问题!!!急!公公婆婆担保你团聚移民么?不行的吧。如果你老公是加拿大籍,可以担保你移民的,和你的公公婆婆没有关系。
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 又一问题!!!急!不是家庭团聚吗?他的父母担保也扯不上关系?因为他在中国这边不上税 所以我都不知道是否可以 或论坛里的XDJM如果象我的情况应该是如何去做去申请
回复: 又一问题!!!急!建议慢慢看看:3900E担保人指南01-2008.pdf和 3999E移民指南02-2007.pdf
退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279不是家庭团聚吗?他的父母担保也扯不上关系?因为他在中国这边不上税 所以我都不知道是否可以 或论坛里的XDJM如果象我的情况应该是如何去做去申请 点击展开...我老公在中国工作,也没有在中国上税,不过在加拿大有上。 parents in law应该不能作你的担保人吧~
安居乐业回复: 又一问题!!!急!郁闷.....
回复: 又一问题!!!急!Hi, I'm Mr. Bean (yes, that is my real name), and I've heard that you have worries about your husband sponsoring you because he has no financial records for his income in China.The good news is that it may not matter how much he makes.The reason is that in the rules for sponsoring a member of the family class in Canada, the minimum necessary income does not apply to some people.I will type a direct quote from the Guide (form IMM 3903E), under "Who can sponsor?", in the point about income requirements:"This condition does not apply if you are sponsoring only- your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner who has no dependent children, or- your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner whose dependent children have no children of their own, or- your dependent child who has no children of his or her own."So if your spouse is only sponsoring you, and neither of you have any grandchildren who are dependants, then the financial requirements shouldn't apply.The CIC will still expect you to send financial records, but as far as I know, if your husband lives in China and makes less than 4,000RMB per month, the Chinese government does not tax him, and neither does the Canadian government. I am not an expert on this, so you should not take my word for it, but you should double-check the tax laws in both governments to be sure.If I am correct, then your husband can simply state in a letter (that you include with his application to sponsor you) that he makes less than 4,000 RMB per month while he is in China, and there are no financial records of his salary because none are required by law in China. It will probably help if you can get a letter from his boss on company letterhead (or stamped, since very few businesses in China use letterhead), which confirms that he makes less than 4,000 RMB per month.I hope that helps.To be honest, if you are serious about getting your permanent residence visa, you should not rely on information from message-boards like this one. Most of the people on these boards are not experts on immigration (I am not an expert either), so you really don't know if the information they give you is true or not.The best thing to do is to call the nearest Canadian consulate and ask for a Permanent Resident Visa Application for a Member of the Family Class, or you can go to the website: cic.gc.caThe application forms can be found in this section:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/fc.aspIt takes a long time to read all of the information that they provide, and some areas are confusing, but at least you know the information is accurate.You can also hire an immigration lawyer to help explain things to you. In the forms it says that the immigration lawyers don't improve your chances of getting accepted, and that may be true, but a good one will know all of the rules and hopefully make things less confusing.So anyway, you should probably be ok even if your husband does not have records of the money he made in China.Two things that you should know is:1: If your husband is sponsoring you and he lives outside of Canada, he must be a Canadian citizen (not just a permanent resident).2: Your husband will have to show proof that he plans to leave China and go with you to Canada once you are accepted. (Either by showing an acceptance of a job-offer in Canada, or by showing that he has a residence in Canada and is paying bills, or that he is registered for school there, or by showing a detailed plan of what you both plan to do after you arrive).
安居乐业回复: 又一问题!!!急!LS到底是憨豆先生还是憨豆夫人呢?
http://www.canadameet.com 赏 反馈:zhoujie107 2008-02-24#10 R 322 $0.00 回复: 又一问题!!!急!你公公婆婆不可以担保你,应该不属于家庭团聚那类,你老公可以,公民可以海外担保家庭团聚移民,跟其他在加拿大境内申请的团聚不同的是,你老公要提供申请成功以后与你回加拿大定居的证据,例如租约,偶们是婆婆跟我们签定的一份租约,或雇佣信,或入学通知书,具体表格有说明.
回复: 又一问题!!!急!也许是中国的家庭概念比较大,让楼主觉得家里人都可以担保团聚移民,呵呵。家庭团聚现在只有夫妻,子女,父母,你和你公公,婆婆的关系不属于这三种里面的任何一种,所以他们是不能担保你的。
回复: 又一问题!!!急!mrs.bean 说的很有道理。不过有些地方不是很赞同。 知无不言, 言无不尽。首先,我也不是专家,我只是尽可能的,根据官方文档 以及一些案例帮助大家。第二, 家庭(配偶和孩子)团聚,一般情况下不是太复杂, 看看我们论坛里的帖子足够做好这件事情了。在此情况下, 没有必要让那些律师去赚你一笔。甚至有些律师还不如我们对你的case 更慎重。第三,一切以官方文件为准,我们只是发挥一个辅助作用。您自己的case, 你自己更应该对自己负责。建议所有的人看看:3900E担保人指南01-2008.pdf 和 3999E移民指南02-2007.pdf至少浏览一下, 知道整体的框架。第四,如果你不想花费心思,或者情况比较复杂 建议您找律师处理。当然鉴于坛子里的反映, 你要慎重选择律师,货比三家。不过找律师的 筒子们也许 没来发帖,所以我们不知道那些通过律师, 成功的案例。不过我相信 好律师一定也很多。第五,希望大家一起努力, 众人拾柴火焰高。我们版主的精力和能力是有限的。不要仅仅汲取, 而不付出。多多指出我(们)帖子中的问题, 不足, 便于修正。或者多多总结一些帖子。希望能多几个人做版主, 俺有点累了, 想退休了。
退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279希望能多几个人做版主, 俺有点累了, 想退休了。点击展开...在加拿大得干到65才能退休。累了就去休假一段时间好了
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