加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民申请结婚团聚寄了去加拿大但寄回一封信,英文不
内容是:we are pleased to advise that you have met the requirements for eligibility as a sponsor.Accordingly the undertaking and the application for permanent residence have been forwarded to the visa office in hongkong for further processing.this letter refers to the application to sponsor a menber of the family class you submitted to this office on behalf of 我名字.effective May 1,2003,applications for permanent resident must be processed by the visa office responsible for the applicant's country of nationality ,or the country where the applicant has been lawfullyadmitted for at least one year,or in the case of an applicant who is stateless,the country of habitual residence.therefore,the visa post identified above was selected on the basis of the information that you provided with respect to your relative home address and the requirements of immigration legislation.however,please be aware that the visa office has the ultimate authority for the processing of this case and does have the right to transfer the file to another visa office if required.while the application for permanent residence has been found to meet minimum requiments for completeness under imigration Act,the visa office may,where necessary,request additional documents and information from your relative.should you need to contact the visa office or submit additional information during the processing of the application for permanent residence for your relatives,you may contact the visa office by fax,email.or in writing as follows: CONSULATE GENERAL OF CANADA P.O.BOX 11142 G.P.O. HONGKONG CHINA(PRC)....current email and fax contact information for all visa office are available at:www.cic.gc.ca/english/offices/missions.html this letter confirms receipt of the processing fee.it is also an outline of the basis requirements of the undertaking that you have sagned as a sponsor and your formal obligations under that agreement.please retain this letter for your personal records.this is the only copy that will be issued to you .as a sponser you have made a commitment to provide foe the lodging,care and support of your relatives in the event that they are unable or unwiling to support themseles.your obligations for your relatives will begin the day on which your relatives become permanent residents os canada,or ,in the event they have entered canada with a temporary resident permit,on the day of that entry.your obligations for your relatives will end as follows:sponses,commom-law partners,conjugal partners:3 year from the date on which permanent resident status is granted.dependent children of sponsors,ot dependent childen of sponsor's spouse,common-law partner,or conjugal partner, who are less than 22 years of age on the date permanent resident status is granted:10 years from the date on which permanent status is granted or untill the age of 25,whichever comes firste ADVISED THAT IF PAYMENTS ARE MADE TO YOUR relative from any federal,provincial or municipal assistance program:you have not honoured your obligations as a sponsor and you will be in default of your sponsorshipall social assistance paid to the sponsored person or family members,become a debt owed by the sponsor and may be recovered through enforcement action by the minister and the province as appropriateyou will not be allowed to sponsor any other relative to canada until the debt is repaid in fullthe sponsorship agreement?(1344b)that you signed is a formal and binding agreement between you and your relative.if you submitted a sponsorship agreement bearing your original signature instead of a photocopied version,you will find the original document enclosed with this letter,please ensure that this document is retained for your permanent records.if the right of permanent residence fee is a pplicable to your sponsorship and you have chosen to defer payment of that fee,you will bw contacted at a letter date by this office .once such notification is receive ,prompt payment is recommended to avoid delays in the processin and conclusion of your relatives application abroad,a permanent resident visa cannot be issued to your relatives until this payment is submitted. if your require information about immigration programs and services,application forms,general updates on your file status,or you need to change your address,visit our website at www.cic.gc.ca or contact the citizenship and imimgration call centre toll free at 18882422100 文件比较长....请帮忙,谢谢!!!!!!!!
回复: 申请结婚团聚寄了去加拿大但寄回一封信,英文不太懂,请教各位前辈!无胜感激这是担保人资格通过的信,说明你们sponsorship申请已经通过,案子已经被转到加拿大香港领事馆了,后面的家庭团聚移民申请会在那里被审理。
回复: 申请结婚团聚寄了去加拿大但寄回一封信,英文不太懂,请教各位前辈!无胜感激恭喜~~~
7.4递料――7.8签收――7.31担保DM――8.8IP――8.15日FN――8.16主动补护照――9.8变12――9.9变13――9.17大信封!给俺加声望哦,嘎嘎火箭班 团聚1群42141924(升级高级群,可进) 2群37529986 (人满) 团聚3群 74367143 (人满)回复: 申请结婚团聚寄了去加拿大但寄回一封信,英文不太懂,请教各位前辈!无胜感激可真难为你,把这么一封长信都敲了出来
退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279回复: 申请结婚团聚寄了去加拿大但寄回一封信,英文不太懂,请教各位前辈!无胜感激这么长的信真难为LZ了,不过作为回报你也值了.这封信只有前面2句是最重要的了:我们很高兴的告之:您已经达到要求作为一个担保人的资格,你的申请已转交给签证办事处,在香港作进一步处理.就是说担保DM了.这是团聚移民的第一步.
生活在加拿大回复: 申请结婚团聚寄了去加拿大但寄回一封信,英文不太懂,请教各位前辈!无胜感激谢谢各位...........我会进一步跟大家分享我的经里.....无言感激....
回复: 申请结婚团聚寄了去加拿大但寄回一封信,英文不太懂,请教各位前辈!无胜感激和我收到的一样滴,切喜
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