Based on the contents of your application and submissions to date, you have failed to demonstrate that you meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act as member of the family class.Furthermore, based on the documents you have submitted, it has been determined that you have not supplied credible information to determine that you have combined your join affairs to the extent that a reasonable person would expect of a couple spousal relationship, nor have you demonstrate the level of interdependence expected of such a relationship.Should you wish to address these concerns you may forward to this office a written submission that you feel answer the concerns outlined above.The information you provide must reach this office within sixty days of the date of this letter. We must caution you that should you fail to respond to this letter or the information you provide fail to disabuse this office of the concerns above we intend to refuse your application as per subsection R4 of the Regulations and A11 (1) of this Act.这应该是让我补材料. 请问香港的移民部门受理中文的解释信吗? 真不知还能提供什么?哪位补过材料的请帮忙.谢谢!

回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?不知道楼主递交了哪些材料?大家可以帮你分析分析,光看这封信,只是说楼主递交的材料不足以证明你们两个的关系,并没有其他的信息。
回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?不知道楼主递交了哪些材料?大家可以帮你分析分析,光看这封信,只是说楼主递交的材料不足以证明你们两个的关系,并没有其他的信息。点击展开...
2011年12月23日 VISA 开始新生活啦回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?结婚证公正不可以吗?
08.7.7邮寄,7.10签收,8.6start processing,8.18fn。状态14. 9.11状态12.9.12状态13, 9.17变17结婚证公正不可以吗?点击展开...这是不够的
回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?你不会就提供了个结婚的公证件吧???
回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?找给你,LZ可要记住了啊,这是能证明你们会问到你的问题
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?1.谁给你申请的?(例:我的未婚夫XXX)2.你们怎么认识的?(要符合GG写的认识经过)3.[前面回答通过网络相识]什么网站? 4.[前面回答通过介绍人相识]有介绍人的相片吗?介绍人的名字?怎么跟介绍人认识的?(例:不知道要带他的相片) 5.[前面回答从小就认识的邻居]有小时候的相片吗? 6.你们都是北方的?(例:是的,不仅如此,我们还都是一个城市的) 7.你们是同乡? 8.你们什么时候认识的? 9.认识你的时候他住在什么地方? 10.你们认识多久了? 11.你们是通过什么方式沟通交流的?(例:Email、电话、上网聊天……) 12.你们用什么语言交流?(针对GG不是华人) 13.你们见过面吗? 14.你们什么时间见的面? 15.你们多长时间见一面? 16.他来过中国看你吗? 17.他来中国看过你几次? 18.他来中国分别是什么时候? 19.[前面回答只有一次]为什么只有一次? 20.[前面回答只有一次]只见过一次你就嫁给他啦? 21.他来中国之前你们认识多久了? 22.他来中国时呆了多长时间? 23.他在中国的时候你们都做了什么?(例:旅游、见父母、……) 24.[前面回答旅游]一起去过哪些城市? 25.他上次来什么时候?什么时候走的? 26.他为什么要来这里? 27.你们见过双方父母没有啊? 28.他每次回来你们都拍了照片吗? 29.[出示合影]问合影的时间地点? 30.你们的照片还有吗?怎么不多照些?(例:两人出去玩,照合影要请别人帮忙照很麻烦) 31.[出示信件]你是根据什么打出来这些信的?(例:信件太多了,只是隔一段时间打一封) 32.你们什么时候决定结婚的? 33.你们什么时候订的婚? 34.你们什么时候结的婚? 35.带结婚证了吗?(例:不是给你公证了吗?) 36.你们第一次见面就结婚了? 37.表格是自己填的吗? 38.他的尊姓大名? 39.他是哪里人?(华人GG的籍贯) 40.他住哪里? 41.他的年龄? 42.他的生日? 43.他出生在哪里? 44.他从哪里去加拿大的? 45.他什么时候移民的? 46.他是什么学校毕业?专业及学历是什么?他以什么为生/做什么工作/干哪一行?47.他在哪里工作? 48.他一个月挣多少薪水? 49.他是否有兄弟姐妹? 50.他老爹老妈还活着吗? 51.他妈贵姓?她从哪里来的? 52.他的兴趣爱好是什么? 53.他最喜欢什么颜色? 54.他喜欢什么音乐? 55.他驾驶什么牌子的汽车? 56.他有什么宗教信仰? 57.他什么时候与前妻离婚的?(针对GG有过婚史) 58.你的年龄? 59.你去过那个国家?什么时候?多长时间?去干吗?和谁一起?名字?干什么的?在什么公司? 60.你以前到过加拿大吗?什么时候?呆了多久?上一次去的目的是什么? 61.你以什么为生/做什么工作/干哪一行? 62.你是哪个大学毕业的? 63.你是学什么专业的? 64.[前面回答贸易类]那你对世贸组织是怎么看的?65.你是经济工作吗? 66.你有什么宗教信仰? 67.你有兄弟姐妹吗? 68.你结过婚吗? 69.你前夫/孩儿他爹的名字是什么?(针对带小孩的K类JM) 70.你能说英文吗?(例:一点点/没问题) 71.你是不是员?(最好回答不是) 72.[参过军]谈谈部队背景?(敏感问题) 73.你哪天到哪里去干吗?有什么目的/企图?(例:上网找人闲扯聊天) 74.你是否属于恐怖组织的成员? II 有关个人情感 75.你最喜欢你未婚夫哪些性格/品质/特点? 76.跟我谈谈你的那个他?(开放型问题) 77.你是否愿意嫁他?(明知故问) 78.你为什么想嫁他?(针对年龄、专业等差距大) 79.他比你大好多?你的父母是怎么看待这个问题的? 80.你为什么想认识这个加拿大人,而要嫁到加拿大去?(例:没有刻意的想认识,纯属偶然) 81.你们相识这么短的时间,你怎么知道他就是最适合你的呢? 82.你的朋友和家人都在中国,为什么要去加拿大和他结婚? 83.即将背井离乡,远离家人,你感觉如何?有没有什么留恋? 84.马上要移民了,意不意外,开不开心? III 有关未来计划 85.你准备去哪个城市? 86.你什么时候离华? 87.你去了打算住在什么地方? 88.打算到加拿大做什么职业?学习?有什么计划?(例:想先适应一下环境) 89.你们婚期定在什么时候?(例:去加拿大后90天内尽快结婚,因为我们已分开很久了) 90.你们打算在哪里结婚?为什么不在中国结婚? 91.请告诉我你们的结婚计划? 92.你们要举行婚礼吗? 93.你的父母不想参加你们的婚礼吗? 94.你知道进入加拿大90天以内必须结婚吗? 95.如果到时候你们没有结婚,你打算怎么办?(例:我们是如此相爱,一定会结婚的)
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?I About details of interview question. 1.Who helped you to apply for the K1 visa? -My fiancee has helped me complete the application. 2.How do you know each other? -eg.We met on the internet and then got to know each other via phone calls. And since meeting we have become engaged to be married. 3.[if you answer through the net]which web-site? -eg.Yahoo 4.[if you answer someone introduced you two]Have you any picture of the person who introduced you to each other? What is his name? How do you know him? -eg:I don't know that I should bring the his photo with me. -No, I have no picture of the person who introduced us. His name is xxx. I knew xxx from xxx. 5.[If you answer you knew each other when you were kids]Do you have any photo of his childhood? -e.g. Yes, but I didn't bring them with me today. -or Yes, here they are. -or No I don't. 6.Are you all from North? -eg:yes,even more we come from same city -or Yes, I am from the North. -or we are from different cities. 7.Are you fellow townsman? -eg.Yes, we both come from xxx -or No, we are from different cities. 8,Since when have you known each other? -We have know each other since xxx 9.Where did he live when you knew him? -He lived in xxx when we first met. 10.How long have you known each other? -We have known each other xxx 11.How do you keep in touch? -We use email or internet chat, at least daily. If one of us is travelling we both have cell phones. Occasionally we send letters or cards to one another. -12.In which language do you talk to each other?(if GG is not Chinese) -eg.We speak English and Chinese, since my fiance's Chinese is so wonderful we can easily use that. 13.Have you met? -Yes. 14.when did you meet? -we have met in xxx and xxx..... 15.How often have you met? -eg.We spent a week together in April and 10 days in September. 16.Has he come China to see you? Yes. 17.How many time has he come China to see you? - 5 times 18.What are the dates of the visits? -eg.August 31th 2002 19.[if answer once]Why is it only once? -eg.Because we like to travel to other places too, so we meet in other countries. -or he was so busy and we thought K visa only took short time. 20.[if answer once] Can you marry him only having seen him once? -Yes, I feel I know him very well. We have communicated with each other every day since we have met. I am certain that we are well suited for each other, this is not a step I would take lightly. 21.How long did you know each other before he came china? -eg?? months 22.How long did he stay in china when he came to see you? -eg 1 week. 23.What have you done when he came? -eg. We saw the XXX, shopping in XXX.ate some sichuan food. 24.[if you answer travelling]Where did you go? - We went XXX 25.when did he come last time? When did he leave?? - He came in XXX. we stayed in hotels during our travels. 26.Why did he come here? -To visit me. 27.Have you met both parents?? -eg I have not met his parents but he has met mine. 28.Have you taken any pictures of your visits together? -eg.Yes, we have hundreds of pictures of each other. -29.[after taking out pictures]when and where did you take these pictures? -Some at XXX, some at XXX, some at XXX..... 30.Have you any more pictures? Why didn't you take more? -eg:when we go out have a trip,it's difficult to ask people to help a lot -Yes we have more, but when the camera is on a timer it's hard to get a good photograph. Also, it can be embarrasiing to always ask someone to help us take our pictures. 31.[when you took out letters] What did make you decide to print out these letters???? -eg:There is too much,I only printed out sometime. -I have over 1000 messages. I can only print out some, so I printed some of the ones I didn't mind people reading, they are quite personal items. I understand you may need to see some of them, but I am sure you don't want to see all of them. I chose ones spanning a range of dates. 32.When did you decide to marry? -We decided to get married in XXXX 33.When did you get engaged? -eg.We got engaged when he came to visit me at the 2nd time. 34.when did you marry? -We have not married yet. -we married in XXXX 35.Have you brought the marriage certificate? -Yes. 36.Did you marry when you just met? -Yes. because we feel we just know each other. 37.Did you fill the form yourself? No, my fiancee helped me. 38.What's his full name? -xxxx 39.where does he come from?(if GG is Chinese) -He was born in xxx 40.Where does he live? -xxx 41.How old is he? -xx 42.When is his birthday? -xxx 43.Where was he born? -xxx 44.From where did he move to CA? -xxx 45.When did he emigrate?? -xxxx 46.What does he do for living/what does he do/what's his job?? -He is a xxx. 47.where does he work? -xxx 48.How much his salary is? - xxx/per year (or per month,per hour) 49.Has he any other brothers and sisters? -eg.Yes, x brothers and x sisters. 50.Are his parents alive? -Yes. 51.What's his mother's name? where does she come from? -xxx, she comes from xxx. 52.What is his fond of? -eg.Hot spicy food. 53.what color does he like best? -eg.Black - like my hair 54.what kind of music does he like? -eg.He likes a variety of music, including some Chinese music I sent him. 55.What car does he drive? -xxx 56.What's his religion? -eg.He doesn't have one. 57.when did he divorc his ex-wife?(if GG is divorced) -eg,xxx. He seperated in xxx, but xxx law requires a year seperation before divorce can be filed. 58.what's your age? -xx 59.to which countries have you been? When did you go there? For how long? How did you get there? -xxxx. 60.Have you ever been to CA? when? For how long? What's you purpose to go there? -No. -eg.Yes, I came to xx in xx xxx for x week. 61.What do you do for living/what's your job/what do you do? -I am a xx at xx in xx. 62.Which university did you graduate from? -xxx 63.Which subject you have studied? -I studied xxxx 64.[if anwer trade] What do you think about the WTO?/ What's your comment of the people who protest in front of WTO's gate. -eg.I think the WTO is a good opportunity to improve trade relations between China and the rest of the world. I didn't know there was a protest in front of the WTO offices. 65.Is your job about economy? -eg.All jobs are involved in the economy. I don't understand this question. 66.What's your religion? -eg.I have none. 67.Have you have brothers and sisters? -eg.Yes, I have a brother. 68.Have you married before? -No. -Yes, I was married before. 69.What's your EX's name/What's the name of your Child's father's?(if there is K2) -My ex's name is xxx. he is xxx's father. 70.Can you speak English -Yes, I can. 71.Are you CAP? -NO. 72.[If have army background]Talk about experience in Army? -xxx 73.Why did you go there that day? What's you pupose? -eg.looking for someone chatting 74.Are you belong to any terror organization? -Absolutely not! II (About personal feeling) 75.Which character/quality/nature do you like best about your fiance? -I like that he is .... and .... to me. I am certain he loves me. It's true my LP 76.Please tell me something about him -He is xxx, has xxx hair and xxx eyes. What specifically do you want to know? 77.Are you willing to marry him? -Of course. 78.Why do you want to marry him -Because we are in love and we would like to spend the rest of our lives together. 79.He is much older than you. What do your parents think about this? -I don't think he is so much older. and my parents are happy that I have chosen a man I love. 80.Why do you want to know him. and are going to marry in CA? -I know him already and yes we thought K1 could let us to be together fast. 81.As you both know each other in such short time. How do you know he is the most one fit for you? -Time can't decide anything. -Sometimes you can tell a lot about a person, how that person makes you feel.How difficult life is without them. I have never met anyone like this person who can give me those feelings. 82.All your friends and family member are in China. why do you want to go CA to marry him? -I want to stay with my future husband, I will be able to visit my friends in China. 83.How do you feel when you will leave your hometown and family? will you feel any sorrow? -Yes, I think I shall feel some sadness at leaving. but I will feel happy to be toghter with my love. 84.You will emigrate very soon. Is this sudden? Are you happy? -I am quite nervous about moving, but I know my fiancee will help me make the adjustments. III (About future plan) 85.To which city are you going? -xxx 86.When will you leave china? -I will leave as soon as I get my visa.We we have waited too long. -After I have finished my contract. 87.Where will you live when you arrived? -xxx 88.What kind of profession do you want to do? Do you want to study? what's your plan? -My fiancee and I are still talking about this. He knows I want to be a xxx and we have considered studying, but have no final plans yet. -My husband can support me until I have found suitable work. 89.When will you marry? -we will marry as quickly as we can,because we have been apart for long time -We intend to marry as soon as we can. 90.Where will you marry?Why don't you marry in China? We shall marry in xxx 91.Please tell me your plan of marriage -eg.We can't plan until we have the visa, then we can decide how to get married. 92.Are you going to hold a wedding? -We would like to, until we know the dates of the K1 visa we cannot make any concrete plans, especially those involving a big wedding. 93.Are your parents going to be at your wedding? -I would like them to, my parents will need a visa to enter the CA. We may hold a celebration in China at a later date. 94.Do you know you must marry in 90 day after you having entered the CA?? -Yes 95.If you can't marry. what are you going to do? -We shall, if not then I know I must leave the CA in 90 days
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?加拿大配偶移民面试辅导01.你与你的担保人是在何时、何地第一次见面?02.是否赠送过见面礼?如果有,是什么?03.请详细描述第一次见面时的情景、在场人员,分别与你们的关系。04.你是否在见到你的担保人之前很早就有移民加拿大的想法?05.你的家人是否很想你移民加拿大之后,通过你担保他们移民?06.如果你们是经人介绍的,请描述你和你的担保人与介绍人的关系。07.介绍人是如何认识你和你的担保人?08.介绍人为何要介绍你的担保人给你认识?09.何时开始第一次通信?是谁先写给谁的?10.第一次通电话的日期及时间?谈了多久?11.你和你的担保人除了写信及通电话外还有什么联系方式?12.是否互送定情信物?如有,分别是什么?13.是否送双方父母礼物?如有,分别是什么?14.恋爱、结婚及移民,双方父母是否知道并且同意?15.决定结婚之前,你们恋爱谈了多久,你们多久约会一次?16.为何在相识不长的一段时间内便决定和你的担保人结婚?17.谁提出求婚?18.为什么你或你的担保人提出求婚?19.何时何地提出求婚的?20.你们的婚姻是被安排的吗?如果是,那么是由谁安排的?何时安排的?21.谁陪伴你的担保人一起回中国结婚?22.你的担保人是否带礼物给你及你的父母?什么礼物?23.你的担保人离开中国时,你是否送礼物给他/她的加拿大的家人或朋友?24.你们于何时何地举办的婚宴?25.是何人筹备的婚礼?何人参加?分别与你们的关系?双方父母是否参加?如果没有,是何原因?26.婚礼时你们穿着什么样式及颜色的服装?27.如果没有举行婚宴,请说明是何原因。是否计划以后举行?计划何时何地举行?28.结婚戒指是在何处购买的?谁买的?款式、质地、颜色及价格?29.你的担保人何时回的中国?结婚前住在哪里?结婚后一起住在哪里?30.你的担保人离开中国的那一天你是否有送行?何时何地?在场人员?谁开车送担保人去的机场?31.你的担保人在中国时每天的起居饮食?32.你的担保人从加拿大回到中国后第几天你们登记结婚的?登记结婚后哪一天离开中国返回加拿大的?33.你的担保人回中国期间,你们上街购物都买些什么?34.你的担保人回中国期间,是否一同去其他地方旅游?如有,起止时间?居住地点?35.你们有没有计划生育子女?计划在什么时候?36.双方睡觉的习惯?最喜欢穿着睡衣、内衣裤的款式及颜色?37.婚后有否正常的性生活?何时何地第一次及最后一次行房?当时双方的睡衣、内衣裤的款式及颜色?是否避孕?如何避孕?38.通常几天行房一次?通常采用何种方式避孕?39.你们在电话中都谈论哪些方面的话题?40.你的担保人现住在加拿大哪个省份?哪个城市?你能记得你的担保人的地址?能否完整写下?41.是否其他家庭成员与你的担保人一起居住?如有,分别是何人?与你的担保人的关系?42.你的担保人是自有房屋或租房?是高楼还是平房?43.每月房租的花费?44.若房屋是按揭买下的?每月供屋的费用?45.是否拥有汽车?汽车品牌、价格?46.目前拥有大约多少存款?分别为何币种及金额?47.你的担保人的家庭电话号码?手机号码?48.你去加拿大之后,是否会和担保人共同居住在目前的地址或搬到其他地方居住?你们对将来的生活有什么计划?49.你的担保人目前做什么工作?在这份工作之前他曾经都做过什么工作?每份工作做多长时间?具体做什么?50.多久发一次工资?按一周期、两星期或一个月来发放工资?每次发多少?每天工作几个小时?每周工作多少天、多少小时?是否要加班?通常在星期几加班?加班的薪金如何计算?51.每周休息几天?每年是否有一定天数的休息日?是否带薪休息?52.休息日都有哪些活动?53.你的担保人有哪些朋友?你能说出他/她要好的同事或朋友的名字吗?54.你的担保人住的地方离上班的地方有多远?是自己开车还是以其他方式前往上班?55.你的担保人的教育文化程度?分别在哪里读过书?56.你和你的担保人的生肖分别是属什么的?57.你和你的担保人相互间喜欢及最喜欢对方的什么?58.你的担保人打给你的电话单是他/她自己的名字吗?59.你的担保人何时移民加拿大?如何移民的?60.你的担保人能讲什么语言或方言?平时用什么语言或方言沟通?61.你的担保人的父母、兄弟姐妹在什么地方居住?他们的姓名、年龄、家庭及婚姻状况?62.你平常与你的担保人的家人是否有联系?何种方式联系?63.如果你的担保人的父母住在加拿大、中国或其他国家,你与你的担保人的父母是否见过面?是否在电话里交谈过?何时?谈话内容?64.你或你的担保人是否寄过钱给对方?共几次?每次的金额?65.在节日或特殊的日子里,你们是否互送贺卡及礼物?66.你们有哪些共同的梦想和爱好?67.你或你的担保人以前是否结过婚?68.如有,双方是否知道对方之前的婚姻史?例如:何时结婚、何时离婚?离婚的原因?是否有子女?抚养权归属?抚养费?69.你的担保人婚后是否曾回国探望你?如果有,起止时间?如果没有,你的担保人这么久没有回中国探望你的原因?70.你来北京或香港面试,到达北京或香港后,是否与你的担保人联络过?71.你在面试之前的两个星期里,同你的担保人通过几次电话?72.最近一次通电话的时间?当时你的担保人的当地时间是几点钟?是谁打给谁的?通话多长时间?谈话内容
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?1.双方基本资料:· 姓名(中英文的拼写) 昵称,互相称呼· 生日、出生地、属相、星座· 父母亲兄弟姐妹的称呼、年纪、职务、所在城市及情况,身体状况· 和对方的以上的各亲人有没有通过话见过面?什么时候?· 对方的教育程度(了解最后的学历及所学的专业,及就读的地方)· 对方的工作情况(了解对方目前及以前职业,职务,工作兴趣,单位所在及单位的一些情况)· 月收入多少?在什么公司工作?此公司是经营什么?在此公司工作了多长时间?公司里有多少人(大约)工作?· 在此之前做什么工作?· 经济情况收入来源?在什么银行有账号?2. 双方的生活情况· 住在什么样的房子里?有多少人住?什么人一起?别的房客?· 对方爱好,消遣习惯· 下了班后喜欢做什么· 平时的消费习惯· 对方最好的朋友,朋友的名字,有什么特别的事件,一起做什么事· 与最好的朋友是如何相识的· 电话或邮件交流的内容描述· 对方印象中最开心事,最不开心的事,最难忘的事,最骄傲的事· 最喜欢的明星· 喜欢什么音乐,什么歌手,什么歌· 喜欢什么颜色,什么花?· 喜欢什么水果,讨厌什么水果?· 喜欢什么电影,什么类型的?什么电视节目?现在各自在看什么节目,说什么?什么人演?· 喜欢什么风格的衣物· 每天一般几点起床几点上床· 抽烟喝酒茶或咖啡?3.两人交往过程· 如何相识?——我们是在网上认识的。· 有没有介召人。介召人与双方如何相识?是如何认识你们相识?什么原因介召?· 双方在接受介召人的介召时各有什么想法? · 第一次联系的方式?谁主动?谈什么?· 第一次见面的时间地点及周围环境双方感受对方衣着发型· 第一次见面有没有互送礼物?所送的礼物是什么内容· 以后送过什么礼物?· 如何约会到达成为男女朋友?如第一次约会的时间 地点及活动内容。吃什么,如何的天气?· 喜欢对方什么?· 对方是个怎么样的人?· 和对方的家人朋友相处如何?相识了些什么朋友?· 去过什么地方?· 描述一下从最初相识到结婚这个过程中的主要事件· 什么时候开始有性关系?第一次性行为后各自做的第一件事是什么?· 什么时间开始住在一起?誰提出 ?搬入时带了什么东西?· 谁提出相爱的方式及结婚?· 求婚时间地点: · 结婚的场合,谁付的账? · 结婚当晚是在哪里过的?如何度过?· 婚后生活描述,是否有过争吵,为什么事?是如何相处?个性如何?· 共同住处的描述:在几楼?周围环境如何?屋内有几个房间,,几个洗手间?什么颜色?家具如何?窗帘什么样式,颜色?灯饰?睡房?睡在哪边?挂着什么话?结婚照如何?什么色的床单枕头?新的旧的?等等· 婚后购置了什么家居用品· 家里有几个电话?电话的颜色?号码· 经济如何交流控制· 谁早上先起床?是否一齐吃早饭· 平时都吃早饭吗?· 对方通常几点吃晚饭?· 在一起时两人如何消磨时间?· 婚后的日常生活包括谁煮饭买菜喜欢吃什么不喜欢吃什么· 婚后性生活的频率· 最后一次性生活的日子及时间· 避孕方式· 是否讨论过要孩子?打算什么时候要?喜欢男或是女?· 是不是为了移民加拿大才结婚,你如何说法?· 有没有一起讨论过如果被拒绝进入加拿大怎么办?· 双方现在的生活方式,比如每天的流水生活,从早到晚如何渡过· 上班的作息,什么交通工具?(开什么车,多少钱)· 最后的送行是在什么地方以下是一些带挑战性的问题:· 你是否曾试着和周围的人约会?· 为什么要那么远的找一个伴侣?· 你也曾在中国用同样的方式认识其他人吗?为什么要选择加拿大的人?· 在第一次交谈时如何谈论自己?· 告诉我你的担保人是个怎么样的人?(最好有些事情说明一下个性,价值观)· 你何时开始对你的配偶有爱意· 什么时候两人开始接吻· 双方和前夫(妻)的来往及关系前夫(妻)与子女的关系及来往· 离婚时间是否为了结婚 · 为什么这么快就决定结婚· 平时电话的交流说些什么内容· 这样的电话是不是浪漫?· 为什么仅仅通话就可以知道对方一定是适合的人· 在前次婚姻失败后,为何会有信心和另一个人相识时间这样短就进入婚姻4.如果有孩子· 几个孩子?什么名字?生日· 读几年级?成绩如何?· 爱好什么?· 见面时什么反应· 怎么样称呼你?5.婚姻经历· 共有几次婚姻?· 离婚的原因?
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?夫妻团聚移民面试常问问题移民官最爱提的问题,供参考.01. What is your occupation?02. What is your intended occupation in Canada?03. What kind of QUALIFICATION did you get?. 04. What university did you graduate from? 05. What’s your major? 06. Since you have graduated from the university for more than 10 years, how can you catch up the fast-growing world? 07. What have you learnt in your university? 08. Have the course you studied in the university helped you? 09. Can you speak any other language than English and Mandarin? 10. Do you have to speak English, write English in your working environment? 11. Have you received any professional training? 12. Have you received any on-site job training? 13. Do you have any professional license/certificate? 14. How did the training help you in your present career? 15. In what company are you working at present? 16. Can you tell me about your company? 17. How many employees are there in your companies? 18. How long have you been working in the company? 19. How long have you been working in this firm since your graduation? 20. How long have you been in the position? 21. Who do you report your work to? 22. What is your position in your company? 23. How many staffs do you supervise? 24. What’s the main business of your company? Name of general manager? 25. What have you done in your work? 26. What are your responsibilities? 27. What are your achievements? 28. What’s your routine work? 29. Do you have a reference letter from the present employer? 30. After you land in Canada, what sort of job you plan to look for and how long you believe will take you before you can successfully get a job offer? 31. How can you survive in Canada? 32. What are you going to do if you cannot find a job in Canada? How will your friends help you? 33. Do you have any relatives or friends in Canada who could assist you? 34. How much transferable funds and other personal assets do you have? Do you have a summary of your assets?
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?只要LZ把以上问题都熟记于心就没问题了,放心吧
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=107227回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?游客啊,你 copy 的这些都是面试问题,楼主现在的问题是所提供的材料 8 能证明夫妻关系是真实的,限 60 天内补交关系证明材料,8 然就该 over 了.
eli8的世界硬币收藏:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=131759eli8的澳洲之旅:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=202076递国外的朋友请进: 赏
我爱加拿大回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?那就该从面试问题中找找看,自己当初递申请资料时,有没有符合vo的需要.vo的思维就体现在面试题中了.尽快对照,找找自己哪个方面会引起vo的怀疑,自己还有哪些可以证据可以提交的.
回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?http://forum.iask.ca/showpost.php?p=2235906&postcount=32 5491之25 与担保人关系的证明夫妻团聚要提供: 婚纱照,合影照片,电子邮件.MSN and YAHOO and QQ.....聊天记录,电话帐单等详细见 IMM3903E 第9项:If you are being sponsored by your spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, you must send evidence of the relationship between you and your sponsor such as wedding photos or photos of outings, letters between you and your sponsor (including postmarked envelopes), telephone bills showing contact between you and your sponsor. Note: Photos must be loose; do not send them in binders, albums, frames or other such containers. Do not send video discs or video cassettes. Do not send musical greeting cards or other similar documents containing electronic or mechanical devices.Proof of your sponsor’s visits such as airline ticket coupons, boarding passes, photocopies of your sponsor's passport biodata pages and of pages showing entry/exit stamps.如果你的担保人是你的 配偶,common-law partner 或 conjugal partner,你必须提交明确的证据来证明你们之间的关系,例如结婚照,婚礼的照片,结婚照的照片;一起外出的照片;往来的信件(保护带邮戳的信封);反映你们联系的电话帐单。注意:照片必须是 松散的(must be loose);不要装订,或使用影集,或装帧,或其他容器。不要给我们你的 VCD 或录像带。不要给我们你的音乐贺卡及其它类似的含有电子或机械装置的文档。提交担保人 拜访你的证据, 例如:机票优惠卷,登机牌,担保人护照的进出关登记戳相应页面的复印件。
退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 赏
eli8的世界硬币收藏:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=131759eli8的澳洲之旅:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=202076递国外的朋友请进:回复: 求助:他们要我怎样证明我们的夫妻关系啊?很不错
赏 palmer 说的那些我觉得其实都是些基本的东西,最关键的东西我认为主要有 2 点:(1)社会交往方面的共同参与.(2)经济方面的往来与参与. 谁结婚都会有照片,那个很容易,但是如果你能证明夫妻两个人共同和双方的朋友交往,参加社会活动 etc.,这个可信度就高多了. 换句话说,就是双方到处见亲戚啊朋友啊,狂拍合影照,嘿嘿. 另外,出去旅游搞些门票也很容易,但是如果能证明机票是谁出的钱,住宿是谁出的钱之类的就不见得那么容易了,如果夫妻中的有加拿大身份的那方可以使用信用卡付帐单,那就是很好的证明材料了,可以在银行的 statement 里体现出来. (小 tip:如果在中国国内坐飞机旅游,可以用网上支付的功能,我推荐用“招商银行一卡通”,可以有支付记录的体现,并马上在线打印.) 关于照片如何提交的问题:现在大家都用数码相机了,我认为没必要非要把照片洗出来,因为大家都知道现在的数码照片都可以 PS 后再洗出来,想做假也很容易的。把选出的有代表性的照片直接打印在 A4 纸上并标注上说明就可以了,这样更方便阅读查看。照片的尺寸 8 重要,可以一张 A4 纸上打印 3 张照片,最好用彩色打印机.点击展开...LZ参照8M去准备吧,肯定有9成把握,
·生活百科 疯狂地决定太阳能!
·生活百科 有热水系统的燃烧室吗?