加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有没有筒子办理担保移民DIY的,分享一下经验!



回复: 有没有筒子办理担保移民DIY的,分享一下经验!这里基本上都是DIY的,多看看置顶的贴子,里面很详细的。

渥村生活ing~~~回复: 有没有筒子办理担保移民DIY的,分享一下经验!楼上真的好快,我准备12月才递交材料俄

回复: 有没有筒子办理担保移民DIY的,分享一下经验!材料是不不是就如下部分?What documents do I need to submit with this application for this stream?A certified copy of all relevant legal documents, clearly proving the family relationship of you and your sponsor (e.g. birth certificates, adoption documents, etc.)A copy of your sponsor’s citizenship or permanent resident document(s)A copy of your sponsor’s Notice of Assessments, from the Canada Revenue Agency, for the past three (3) years (i.e. 2007, 2006, 2005)A letter from your sponsor’s employer(s) showing the annual salary and that he or she has been employed for at least the past 12 consecutive months (if applicable), and a copy of your sponsor’s Tax Information Slips, used for reporting income to the Canada Revenue Agency, for the past two (2) years (i.e. T4 slip for 2007 & for 2006) or a letter from a recognized Canadian financial institution (stamped by the institution) to demonstrate that your sponsor has at least CAD $15,000 in unencumbered, transferable and available assetsA copy of the valid passport for you and your accompanying family members Include only the personal information page and any page(s) showing the expiry and renewal date(s) of the passport*** A letter from a recognized Canadian financial institution for an account in your, or your spouse or common-law partner’s (if applicable), name stamped by the institution and showing the type of account, the current balance, and if the funds are accessible*** Your, or your spouse or common-law partner’s (if applicable), account history, stamped by a recognized Canadian financial institution, for the past three months Online statements are not acceptableA copy of your and your spouse or common-law partner’s (if applicable) IELTS or TEF assessment(s), if required (see Candidate Eligibility above for more details)A certified copy of your and your spouse or common-law partner’s (if applicable) degree, diploma, certificate, licence and/or transcript for your highest level of educationReference letters from your and your spouse or common-

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