加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于团聚移民收入的要求
刚刚看到Checklist上面写着“If you must meet the minimum necessary income requirement……”,后面就是如果没有Meet的话,就要提供很多的收入证明。可是我听说夫妻团聚移民不是没有收入方面的要求么?是不是必须要Meet the requirement呢?我们现在什么收入都没有,那这一项该怎么填啊?就空在那里吗?
回复: 关于团聚移民收入的要求没有收入可以解释会找到工作。要解释的合理就好。有些存款也能说明些问题。夫妻团聚没有收入要求,父母的有最低收入。
7.4递料――7.8签收――7.31担保DM――8.8IP――8.15日FN――8.16主动补护照――9.8变12――9.9变13――9.17大信封!给俺加声望哦,嘎嘎火箭班 团聚1群42141924(升级高级群,可进) 2群37529986 (人满) 团聚3群 74367143 (人满)回复: 关于团聚移民收入的要求如果被担保人有孩子,而且这个孩子也有自己的孩子,那么才有对收入的要求。或者说,如果被担保人没有孩子,那就一定没有对收入的要求。You may be eligible to sponsor if:...... you have an income that is at least equal to the minimum necessary income, the amount of which is published yearly by the Canadian government.This condition does not apply if you are sponsoring only your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner who has no dependent children, or your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner whose dependent children have nochildren of their own, or your dependent child who has no children of his or her own.
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