非常幸运,能够结识到家园这么好的网站,在这非常感谢曾经跟我分享过他们移民申请经历的朋友,特别是几位斑竹!经过一个多月的准备,材料都基本弄完,也准备邮寄了,在这里将我准备的材料写下,希望各位过来人能帮我看下,是否有遗漏的地方,谢谢Index:Sponsor’s forms and materials index:1. The Document Checklist [IMM 5491]2. Application to Sponsor and Undertaking [IMM 1344A]3. Photocopy of the Sponsorship Agreement [IMM 1344B]4. The Sponsorship Evaluation [IMM 5481]5. The Additional sheet A for Sponsorship Evaluation [IMM 5481]6. Sponsor Questionnaire [IMM 5540]7. Copy 2 of our Receipt [IMM 5401]8. Photocopy of the sponsor’s Permanent Resident card 9. Option C Printout of the notice of Assessment10. The proof of the sponsor’s bank statementSponsored person’s forms and materials index:[FONT=宋体]①[/FONT]The Application for Permanent Residence [IMM 0008 GENERIC][FONT=宋体]②[/FONT]The Schedule 1 Background/Declaration [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1] [FONT=宋体]③[/FONT]The Additional Family Information [IMM 5406][FONT=宋体]④[/FONT]The Sponsored Spouse/Partner Questionnaire [IMM 5490][FONT=宋体]⑤[/FONT]The additional sheet of paper for “ The Sponsored Spouse/Partner Questionnaire [IMM 5490]”[FONT=宋体]⑥[/FONT]The Notarial Certificate of Birth for the sponsored [FONT=宋体]⑦[/FONT]The Notarial Certificate of the sponsored ’s Normal Resident Registration Card [FONT=宋体]⑧[/FONT]The Marriage Certificate of ours [FONT=宋体]⑨[/FONT]The Notarial Certificate of No Criminal Record for the sponsored [FONT=宋体]⑩[/FONT]Photos of the sponsored (Five pieces in bag) [FONT=宋体]⑾[/FONT]The address labels with mailing address of the sponsored [FONT=宋体]⑿[/FONT]Photocopy of the sponsored ’s passport[FONT=宋体]⒀[/FONT]Copy of Identity Card [FONT=宋体]⒁[/FONT]The Medical Examination Copy 2 of Form 1017 [FONT=宋体]⒂[/FONT]Photocopies of sponsor’s PassportThe evidence of our love[FONT=宋体]一、[/FONT]Photos1[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT]Our Photos fromJun 2002~Aug 2008 and The photos of the Gifts2[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT]Parts photos of marriage celebrate and honeymoon (FILE:A)3[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT]Wedding Photos [FONT=宋体]二、[/FONT]Evidence of communication between us1[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT]QQ history (FILE:B)2[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT]Email (FILE:C)3[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT]Traditional letter communications 4[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT]Cell Phone Records (FILE
回复: 麻烦各位帮我看看我准备的材料是否有遗漏你交的是结婚证原件么?少结婚证公证还有被担保人似乎不能翻译成sponsored
回复: 麻烦各位帮我看看我准备的材料是否有遗漏你交的是结婚证原件么?少结婚证公证还有被担保人似乎不能翻译成sponsored点击展开...想不到那么快就有热心人回复,谢谢我交了结婚公证了,应该是我翻译错了,就是⑧那还有,请问被担保人该怎样翻译呢?谢谢
回复: 麻烦各位帮我看看我准备的材料是否有遗漏就是sponsor
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