加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助,收到这样一封补料信


求助夫妻团聚。12第4天变5,收着信发现日期是12第3天写的信。有两封信,一封是自带中英问的,要求补担保人的护照复印件全本,和香港出入境记录。并写跟随材料一起寄回。另一封是一封全英文的,内容如下。this refers to application for permanent residence in canada.all of the following documents are required in order to continue your application.a letter from your sponsor's cuttent employer outlining your sponsor's position,salary,working hours and indicating specifically how long your sponsor has been working for their present employer*,and,documentary evidence of your sponsor having rentde/bought accommodation in canada(e.g.rental agreement,ownership contract)indicating how long they have resided there ,anda photocopy of the pages of your sponsor's current and previous passportS made after the date of receipt of this letter,and*photocopies of your sponsor's credit card/debit card statements showing transactions made in canada over the past 6 months,anda photocopy of your sponsor's most recent "notice of assessment "issued by Revenue canada* and \a photocopy of your sponsor's most recent"Statement of Remuneration Paid,form T-4"issued by your sponsor'semployer*.andany other documentary evidente that your sponsor is residing in canada ,indicating specifically since what date they have resumed residency thereIn cases where you are being sponsored by your son or daughter,father or mother ,if the spouse of your sponsor in canada has co-signde your sponsorship ,you must also submit the above mentioned items for your sponsor's spouse to further support your applicationIf your sponsor is unable to provide one of the requested documents,they must provide a written expianation as to why they have been unable to do so我们是夫妻团聚,不是说夫妻团聚不要求经济的吗?不知道哪位前辈有过类似的情况。说一下我的情况,我老公当时选错一个选项,没选主申请人,选了另一项。还有就是因为我过不去,所以3年来,我老公大多时间是在中国陪我的,是不是怀疑我们能不能在那住下去?不知道这封信和这两种点有没有关系?有没有哪位前辈有过类似的情况经历啊,请指点一下,谢谢各位了。

回复: 求助,收到这样一封补料信对了,忘了说明一点,我老公现在还是学生,没有工作

回复: 求助,收到这样一封补料信VO是让你提供,在加拿大的生活证据.比如,工作证明啊,税单啊,银行帐单啊,租房合同啊等等,这些都能说明你先生在加拿大过着正常人的生活.如果你这些都没提供的话,会被认为是资料不全。假如你没有工作的证明,但银行的帐单要有,租房合同也要有啊.我觉得你也有必要写封解释信去说明为什么你的先生没有工作。去了后你们打算怎样生活,经济来源在哪里?等等 吧.

温哥华喜喜客栈..温馨居住, 非常近metrotown,免费接机,欢迎垂询[email protected]://beckyzhaolan.blog.163.com/回复: 求助,收到这样一封补料信可是我不明白的是。已经过了DM了。怎么还会这样啊?这些不是DM的时候要的吗?

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