加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助?收到fn的信,关于姓名拼写问题?
这次收到的fn信,我发现我的姓名拼写不对,jie yi 两个字分开.然后上cic网查,查到是jie yi,也是分开写的,先生说这样写不对,应该是jieyi,两个字要连着写的.我的护照上也是连着写的. 老公:they changed your name to Jie Yi, not keeping Jieyi 老婆:那怎么办 老公:no choice 老公:maybe, you can write a letter to HK to ask 老公:saying all the documents are Jieyi, including federal / Quebec governments. 于是老公就要我写一封信给香港的vo(tcy),因为英文太差.我头都大了,请教大家我这样写行不行,并请帮我改下我的英文?请问大家有没有试过这样的经历呢?我应该怎样做才好呢?谢谢大家! 以下是我的信:Dear Consul: 恕我冒昧地打扰您,此次写信给您,是关于我的姓名拼写问题.我申请移民的全部文件都是Jieyi Du 包括federal / Quebec governments. 但在cic网上显示的姓名是jie yi du,请问会有什么影响吗?我的e-mail是:[email protected],期盼您的回复.Thank you. Best regards. Dear Consul:Excuse my troubing you, this time to write to you about my name is on the question of spelling. I had to apply for immigration documents are all Jieyi Du. Including the federal / Quebec governments. But cic on-line services display my name is jie yi du. I would like to ask what impact it for me?my e-mail is [email protected],Look forward to your reply. Thank you. Best regards.
回复: 求助?收到fn的信,关于姓名拼写问题?应该是没问题啊,我上CIC网上看到我老公和我的名字也是分开拼写的,我们名字都是3个字的
回复: 求助?收到fn的信,关于姓名拼写问题?谢谢
回复: 求助?收到fn的信,关于姓名拼写问题?我也觉得应该无问题,可老公老是说有问题
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