加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于无犯罪纪录证明和护照的问题


我在IMMIGRATION CANADA 的PART2 : THE IMMIGRANT'S GUIDE IMM39999 E(08-2008) 上读到了这样一段文字,不得要领,望指点:Police certificatesYou and your family members who are 18 years of age and older and are not permanent residents or Canadian citizens have to provide:• a valid police certificate, or• police clearance, or​• record of no informationThese documents are to be provided for each country other than Canada, in which you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18.Note: If you or your family members were under 18 years of age (16 years of age in certainjurisdictions) for the entire time you lived in a particular country, you do not need to provide a police certificate for that country.​The certificate must have been issued no more than three months prior to submitting your application. If the original certificate is not in English or French, then you will need to submit both the certificate and the original copy of the translation prepared by an accredited translator.It is your responsibility to contact the police or relevant authorities. When doing so, you may have to:[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] pay a fee for the service, and[FONT=宋体]•[/FONT] provide information or documentation such as:[FONT=宋体]・[/FONT] photographs,[FONT=宋体]・[/FONT] fingerprints,[FONT=宋体]・[/FONT] your addresses and periods of residence in the country or territory.We will also do our own background checks to determine if there are grounds under which you and your dependants may be inadmissible to Canada.Please consult our Web site for specific and up-to-date information on how to obtain police certificates from any country.1。请问上文中的“family members” 是指的申请人的丈夫/妻子和小孩(如果有) 还是指除了妻子/丈夫、小孩,还包括申请人的父母、兄弟姐妹啊?2。 • a valid police certificate, or​• police clearance, or​​• record of no information是否就是指的传说中的无犯罪纪录证明?? 3。我看了申请人的CHECKLIST8. IDENTITY AND CIVIL STATUS DOCUMENTSThe following documents are required for you, the principal applicant, each of your family membersand your dependent children, if applicable:• Certificates of: birth, adoption, marriage, divorce, death,• Absolute nisi decree (Hong Kong residents),• Custody order for your child and proof that you have fulfilled any obligation stated in the custody order,• Citizens of the People's Republic of China must provide photocopies of all pages of the household register ("hukou"),• A photocopy of the bio-data page of your passport with a validity of at least 18 months. If you cannot submit this along with the application, provide it at a later date. (1)上面写了要出生证明、结婚证、户口和护照复印件但是并没有说要提供无犯罪纪录证明阿~~~~(2)最后一点说到要护照,是需要护照从签发起到申请之日止满18个月才能申请的吗?我的护照是08年1月20日签发的,我想在3月中旬递资料岂不是不可以?难道要等到09年8月???!!!!

回复: 关于无犯罪纪录证明和护照的问题1. 你是被申请人,你就提供你的无犯罪记录,如果同时被申请的人还有,比如父母,孩子什么的,过了18岁的就都要提供2.是3.看置顶贴,出生证明,结婚证,户口,犯罪记录证明都得提供,还得公证。

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