加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民这到处发送成功了没?


给HK发了封邮件。系统自动回复这么一封。到底发达成功了没有? -----Original Message to HKONG (IMMIGRATION)/Message d'origine à HKONG(IMMIGRATION) ----- This is an automatically generated message This will acknowledge receipt of your email to the Hong Kong visa office. For more information about CIC, please visit CIC site at www.cic.gc.ca. Disclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an emailcommunication with CIC and CIC is thereby authorized to use the emailaddress provided by you for communication with you including thetransmission of personal information on your file/case. Ce message accuse réception de votre courrier électronique au bureau desvisas de Hong Kong. Pour plus d'information sur CIC, veuillez consulter le site de CIC àwww.cic.gc.ca. Désistement : En fournissant votre adresse électronique, vous établissezune communication par voie électronique avec CIC et, par conséquent, CICest autorité à utiliser l'adresse électronique fournie à cette fin, ycompris pour la transmission de renseignements personnels au sujet devotre dossier.

回复: 这到处发送成功了没?This will acknowledge receipt of your email to the Hong Kong visa office.这句话就是告诉你发送成功啦

08-12-23递表--12-29签收--09-01-08处理--01-12DM--01-19DM信--01-21北京FN--01-29FN信(状态14)--02-16(状态12)--02-19寄护照,02-23妥投--03-02使馆电话--04-06(13)--04-22(17)回复: 这到处发送成功了没?标题都打错字了。呵呵,第一次发邮件过去。没想到是自动回复的。以为地址写错了呢。谢谢楼上的。不知道这封信会不会石沉大海?

回复: 这到处发送成功了没?过几天就会有回复的了.

回复: 这到处发送成功了没?下午就回复了:Dear Applicant, We process applications based on first come first in principle and resources plus caseloads. Please stop sending case enquiries as they will prolong the overall processing time of your application in the end. Please use our website to track the progress of your application. We shall not respond to general case enquiries before we start processing your application.难道发邮件问或者补料会导致重新排队么?

回复: 这到处发送成功了没?下午就回复了:Dear Applicant, We process applications based on first come first in principle and resources plus caseloads. Please stop sending case enquiries as they will prolong the overall processing time of your application in the end. Please use our website to track the progress of your application. We shall not respond to general case enquiries before we start processing your application.难道发邮件问或者补料会导致重新排队么?点击展开...不会重新排队,但是会增加人家的工作量。如果你发邮件就是询问进度,还是去website查询吧。

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