加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.


今天即28号收到使馆来信,内容如下,在最后一段知道大概是传说中的60天补实信,但不清楚整封信详细写了些什么,请英语好的人或有同等经验的人帮忙看看写的是什么,谢谢. This refers to your application for permanent residence in canada, A review of your application taking into account factors such as the length of your courtship,the circumstances surrounding your introduction and the subsequent developemnt of your relationship has been completed. Based on the contents of your application and submissions to date,you have failed to demonstrate that you meet the requirements of the immigration and refugee protection act as a member of the family class. Furthermore,based on the documents you have submitted,it have been determined that you have not supplied credible information to determine that you have combined you joint affairs to the extent that a reasonable person would expect of a couple spousal relationship,nor have you demonstrate the level of interdependence expected of such a relationship. Subsection 4 of the immigration and refugee protection regulations states that a foreign national shall not be considered a spouse,a common-law partner,a conjugal partner of an adopted child of a person if the marriage,common-law partnership,conjugal partnership or adoptionis not genuine and was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the act. Should you wish to address these concerns you may forward to this office a written submission that you feel answer the concerns oulined abobe. The information you provide must reach this office within sixty days of the date of this letter,we must caution you that should you fail to respond to this letter or the information you provide fail to disabuse this office of the concerns above we intend to refuse your application as per subsections R4 of the regulations and A11(1)of this act. Sincerely Family Class processing CC.Sponsor

回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.帮顶^_^

RCM皇家注册钢琴教师http://blog.sina.com.cn/pianokong778-858-3950 回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.大概意思就是,你的CASE已经审阅完毕,根据你提供的材料,无法满足团聚移民的要求,不能证明合理的夫妻关系,需要在60天内补料证明,否则拒签

魁省生活中。。。回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.非常感谢YKSWEET的帮顶,还有WENDY6的快速回复,我现在知道信的详细意思了,我在网上搜索找到了的翻译成中文的版本,有人和我一样,收到同样内容的信.

回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.楼主可否转载一下这个中文翻译,这样大家都可以学习了解了。。。

回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.LZ好好准备补充材料就行, 把能证明你们关系的材料 比如通信 聊天记录 电话帐单 合影 出去玩的证据 等等能用上的都补充上去. 顺便问下 LZ的VO是谁?

回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.VO是谁呢?好快的速度啊!你快加入我们的群啊!大家一起讨论!见我签名啊!!

回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.楼主怎么不来的??

回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.OK译文如下,sorry我不知道VO是谁,在补料信sincerely后面只有一条一画带过的,很草的签名,根本看不清楚是什么字母,其实自我感觉我们的材料是很充足,我们婚姻超过一年半,生活相片有很多,婚宴也办得很隆重,在大酒店举行邀请了100多个亲戚朋友,随后又按传统方式在家乡摆了六七十围酒席,蜜月也去了好几个地方,都有留影,老公家人与我的家人都有很多合照,我们有共同房产,老公一年内给我的生活费汇款单超过50万人民币,买给我的礼物也很多,我们总共相处的时间也很长,不在一起的时候贺卡,电话单也有很多,真不知道为什么我们还会收到这样的补料信,竟然说我们交的资料没有一样能证明婚姻真实性,悲哀!真不知道还要补些什么资料了,最后在此谢谢大家关心,有好消息我会上来通报的了.This refers to your application for permanent residence in canada. 此信是作为你申请在加拿大永久居民身份的回复。 A review of your application taking into account factors such as the length of your courtship , the circumstances surrounding your introduction and the subsequent development of your relationship has been completed . 我们已经完成了对于你所申述的从相识的时间长短,如何最初相识,到关系的发展的过程的内容的研究。 Based on the contents of your application and submissions to date , you have failed to demonstrate that you meet the requirements of the immigration and refugee protection Act as a member of the family class . 基于你在申请中所陈述的内容,你并不符合关于家庭类移民或难民保护的条件。 Furthermore ,based on the documents you have submitted ,it has been determined that you have not supplied credible information to determine that you have combined your joint affairs to the extent that a reasonable person would expect of a couple spousal relationship ,not have you demonstrate the level of interdependence expected of such a relationship. 并且,在你所提交的文件中,你并没有提供能证明你们关系的的信用证明,也没有能说明你们是互相依赖的夫妻关系的证据。 Subsection 4 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations states that a foreign national shall not be considered a common-law partner ,a conjugal partner or an adopted child of a person if the marriage, common-law partnership, conjugal partnership or adoption is not genuine and was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act. 根据移民及难民保护条款第四条,一切婚姻关系,合伙关系及领养关系是基于以获得特别待遇与权利而建立的,都是被认为是不诚恳的且不被承认的。 Should you wish to address these conecrns you may forward to this office a written submission that you feel answer the concerns outlined above. 如果你对此信中所陈列的感到有疑问,反对或补充,请以正式书信形式向这位移民官提出。 The information you provide must reach this office within sixty days of the date of this letter. we must caution you that should you fail to respond to this letter or the information you provide fail to disabuse this office of the concerns above we intend to refuse your application as per subsections R4 of the Regulations and A11(1) of this Act . 你的书信必须在此信发出的日期后60天内送到这位移民官。我们必须要提醒你,如果你没有及时把你的补充材料在规定的日期内送到这位移民官手上,我们将会拒绝你关于R4 和A11 的申请

回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.楼主在你的FN号码后面的()里的就是你的VO感觉你婚后的材料很充足但是婚前的呢?VO是很看重婚前的材料,他们会认为双方是否够时间相互了解而结合的,建议在这方面多做补充~还有就是申请的人的条件怎样,虽说楼主的老公给了汇了很大比钱给楼主,但如果楼主本身的条件很好,收入也很高,VO可能也会觉得这是一种把戏(楼主不要生气,我这么说只是一种个人分析)最后,祝你补料成功快速DM!

回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.非常感谢蒙醒醒的分析和建议,谢谢你,让你这一提,我发现我们真的忽略了婚前的材料,

回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.我和老公的文字表达能力都不是很强,当初交材料的时候想有这么多事实材料,VO一看就可以明白了,不必太多动感的描述,所以在描述感情发展时写很简洁,一两句相识,相恋,相爱,结婚就带过了,现在回想真后悔.

回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.这么多材料了还让不材料,HK可真是严啊

――――――――――――――――――――― 5月12号面试通过 非常感谢蒙醒醒的分析和建议,谢谢你,让你这一提,我发现我们真的忽略了婚前的材料,点击展开...那就赶快补足婚前的资料啊!预祝你这次能如期通过!


回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.是否闪婚,再婚?蒙说得有道理,如果申请人本身很有钱,VO也可能认为担保人汇给申请人的钱只是转来转去的把戏而已.

魁省生活中。。。回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.我地址栏都出现了一个半月了,还没任何动静

努力工作快乐生活回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.关注中...

回复: HKcase,1月12IP,今天收到使馆来信,请帮忙看看.说的我心慌慌啊~材料这么多还收这样的信哦~是否是再婚或者怎样呢?关注中~

如果你是来BC省,如果你希望和我们成为朋友。“温哥华大家庭”期待你的加入!QQ高级群:81769478今天即28号收到使馆来信,内容如下,在最后一段知道大概是传说中的60天补实信,但不清楚整封信详细写了些什么,请英语好的人或有同等经验的人帮忙看看写的是什么,谢谢. This refers to your application for permanent residence in canada, A review of your application taking into account factors such as the length of your courtship,the circumstances surrounding your introduction and the subsequent developemnt of your relationship has been completed. Based on the contents of your application and submissions to date,you have failed to demonstrate that you meet the requirements of the immigration and refugee protection act as a member of the family class. Furthermore,based on the documents you have submitted,it have been determined that you have not supplied credible information to determine that you have combined you joint affairs to the extent that a reasonable person would expect of a couple spousal relationship,nor have you demonstrate the level of interdependence expected of such a relationship. Subsection 4 of the immigration and refugee protection regulations states that a foreign national shall not be considered a spouse,a common-law partner,a conjugal partner of an adopted child of a person if the marriage,common-law partnership,conjugal partnership or adoptionis not genuine and was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the act. Should you wish to address these concerns you may forward to this office a written submission that you feel answer the concerns oulined abobe. The information you provide must reach this office within sixty days of the date of this letter,we must caution you that should you fail to respond to this letter or the information you provide fail to disabuse this office of the concerns above we intend to refuse your application as per subsections R4 of the regulations and A11(1)of this act. Sincerely Family Class processing CC.Sponsor 点击展开...LZ现在用FN查状态,地址栏是否仍然可变呢?

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