加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民孩子能拥有加拿大护照和中国护照的问提?
我读了一些资料,有的人说父母一方中国国籍,一方为加拿大国籍,孩子可以拥有两个护照,中国不承认双国籍但是把加拿大护照视为一种旅行文件,可是出入境具体的使用我就不明白了,给贴一下我看到的帖子。 You don't need to worry about getting two passports. Canada recognizes dual citizenship, and since one parent is Canadian, your baby will automatically be eligible for this passport as well. Being that your baby will be born in China, he should get a Chinese passport as well, for whatever local use it might be good for (like travelling in/out of China without needing a visa). Just double check with chinese authorities about having dual citizenship. And do fill chinese as nationality as cara suggests. "I'm just curious if i get this chinese passport .. how on earth i get the child out of china? When i go visit canada"Show the Chinese passport to the Chinese as you leave China. Show the Canadian passport as you enter and leave Canada. Or must the child have some sort of travel permit? If so just use the Canadian passport. hey don't technically allow dual citizenship, however, if you DO have other passports, then when in china, they only recognise the "other" passport as a travel document "they don't technically allow dual citizenship, however, if you DO have other passports, then when in china, they only recognise the "other" passport as a travel document. so, if you needed "emergency" help for something, the chinese would not be inclined to allow you a visit from your consulate/embassy official."Yes this is true.Canadian citizenship and pp you 'll have to apply at your local Can. embassy. The pp takes about a week and is only good for 1yr. plus an extra 1yr. extension before you need a new one. The citizenship card takes longer, several weeks, and needs to be replaced when baby is a certain age (I forgot but the embassy has all these info). Use this when you enter/exit Canada or other countries that does not need any visas (due to having Can. pp), use the China pp when you exit/return to China. "Sometimes, you have to prove you have a tourist visa for your final destination before you exit your country, so I'm not sure it's that simple to just use one passport to exit and another to enter, any more than I am sure China allows dual nationality."That's the whole reason for using two different passports. Canadian passports don't require a tourist visa for many countries, unlike China passport. Proving you have a "visa" or right to enter another country is done at the check-in counter of the airline only, and of course upon arrival to the other country. Immigration (on exit out of China and entry back) will only need to see the China passport. Upon arrival at the destination, let's say USA, you only need to show your Canadian passport. 以上是我读到的,大家有经验的来说说哦。
2017 北京TRV:3.24递交--当天签收--IP--5.5护照从CVAC寄出--5.7收签2009 北京PR申请:5.30递交--6.1签收--7.2担保人DM--7.20申请人IP--同天收到FN信--7.22状态14--7.27状态13--7.30double DM--8.1状态17--大信封回复: 孩子能拥有加拿大护照和中国护照的问提?你都知道中国不承认双重国籍啦,还要问呀?现在讨论得最多的就是要不要加入加籍,还是保留枫叶就算了。如果你的小孩是在加拿大出生的话,还能申请到中国国籍吗?
9月8日签收,10月27日IP,11月27日DM,12月4日收到取签信回复: 孩子能拥有加拿大护照和中国护照的问提?楼上仔细阅读一下我的帖!
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