加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民搞死我了,请教问题
对于family member这个称呼真是看得我搞死了。虽然在guide里写的是配偶,common-law partner, conjugal partner. 我没有小孩。 父母不随我移民申请。(1)5张PHOTOSInclude five (5) photos for each member of your family and yourself taken within the last six (6)months. 看了guide是说each of your family members included in your application, whether they will be accompanying you or not. 所以是我父母也要照片???(2)Separation Declaration for Minors Travelling to Canada (IMM 5604) 到底怎么写,怎么关系乱乱的(3)NON ACCOMPANYING FAMILY MEMBERS DECLARATION是自己写了去公证?论坛上没看到这样的例子啊。证明我父母不随我移民?
回复: 搞死我了,请教问题对于family member这个称呼真是看得我搞死了。虽然在guide里写的是配偶,common-law partner, conjugal partner. 我没有小孩。 父母不随我移民申请。(1)5张PHOTOSInclude five (5) photos for each member of your family and yourself taken within the last six (6)months. 看了guide是说each of your family members included in your application, whether they will be accompanying you or not. 所以是我父母也要照片???(2)Separation Declaration for Minors Travelling to Canada (IMM 5604) 到底怎么写,怎么关系乱乱的(3)NON ACCOMPANYING FAMILY MEMBERS DECLARATION是自己写了去公证?论坛上没看到这样的例子啊。证明我父母不随我移民? 点击展开...父母不算你的家庭成员(2)是给离过婚有孩子的用的,你也不用
回复: 搞死我了,请教问题你父母不是你的家庭成员。所以你只要你自己的照片就可以了。其他都不用。 对于family member这个称呼真是看得我搞死了。虽然在guide里写的是配偶,common-law partner, conjugal partner. 我没有小孩。 父母不随我移民申请。(1)5张PHOTOSInclude five (5) photos for each member of your family and yourself taken within the last six (6)months. 看了guide是说each of your family members included in your application, whether they will be accompanying you or not. 所以是我父母也要照片???(2)Separation Declaration for Minors Travelling to Canada (IMM 5604) 到底怎么写,怎么关系乱乱的(3)NON ACCOMPANYING FAMILY MEMBERS DECLARATION是自己写了去公证?论坛上没看到这样的例子啊。证明我父母不随我移民? 点击展开...
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