加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于发信询问的格式


补料一个月差不多了 本来是不想发信去问VO的 但是现在体检马上就要过期了 经过和很多姐妹分析 深思熟虑之后决定还是发信去提醒一下VO 家园和蓝枫上也有很多询问VO的姐妹 但是找不到有发信的格式和模版 自己也是在摸索阶段 跟大家分享一下我的信件格式 这是我个人认为比较合适的 各位兄弟姐妹可以参谋一下 当然 一定要给建议[FONT=新宋体]Applicant's Information File No. Name of applicant: [/FONT][FONT=新宋体]Applicant's date of birth: [/FONT][FONT=新宋体]Phone number of applicant: Name of guarantor: Guarantor’s the Date of birth:[/FONT][FONT=新宋体] [/FONT][FONT=新宋体] Phone number of Guarantor: [/FONT][FONT=新宋体] [/FONT]Dear visa officer[FONT=新宋体][/FONT][FONT=新宋体]My name is, About my immigration applications (File No.), I have received the letter about adding more evidence about my marriage last month .And my sponorers sent the evidence on 20th May. A month has been past, but I still have not received any information from your office.I am worried about my case very much. Becouse my physical examination will be expired on [/FONT][FONT=新宋体]7th July, 2008[/FONT][FONT=新宋体]. At the same time,our wedding anniversary is coming on 21st june .I miss my husband very much and look forwards to reunioning with my husband as soon as possible. Please tell me the progress of the case. Thank you very much.[/FONT] 如果各位觉得有用的话一定要给我SW+鲜花噢~~~~

2011年12月23日 VISA 开始新生活啦回复: 关于发信询问的格式我帮你问问我LG,THEN TELL YOU . i thought he familiarity english format,

回复: 关于发信询问的格式谢谢taoqc~

2011年12月23日 VISA 开始新生活啦回复: 关于发信询问的格式File Number:Applicant:Applicant's Date of Birth:Sponsor:Sponsor's Date of Birth:Hello, my name is _______. Last month I received a letter requesting more information about my marriage, and my husband sent the information on the 20th of May. We have not received any information since that time, and I am worried because my physical examination expires on July 7th, 2008. Also, our anniversary is on the 21st of June, and I really want to see my husband again as soon as possible. Please tell us the progress of the case. Thank-you.希望帮到你啦~ 加油阿~

安居乐业赞反馈:cheryl 2008-06-18#5 cheryl 1,440 $0.00 回复: 关于发信询问的格式超级感谢~希望我跟你一样好运~决定明天发信到香港了~

2011年12月23日 VISA 开始新生活啦回复: 关于发信询问的格式现在就发吧~请放心,这是Mr. Bean写的!

安居乐业回复: 关于发信询问的格式香港的EMAIL地址是什么?

2011年12月23日 VISA 开始新生活啦回复: 关于发信询问的格式[email protected]

安居乐业回复: 关于发信询问的格式Dear Sir and Madam, This is a letter from***who is applying for permanent residence in Canada. From Internet cases status request, I noticed that my application status had been in code 7 (Pending medical results) for a long time. My medical report was sent to you by Western Hospital of Chengdu last year on Oct.24. I also sent my medical report-section A to my parents last year in October. They have sent the report-section A with my mother's application to immigration office at CASE PROCESSING CENTRE 6212-55th Ave, VEGREVILLE, ALBERTA, CANADA, T9C 1W5. Therefore I am writing to inquire on the status of my application, and whether you have received my medical report. My file number is ******, the date of my birth is *******. The number in my medical report is MD******. My tell-number is*********. Thank you Sincerely, 这是我之前发送的询问信,询问我的体检报告的。(黑体字是我觉得可能比较好的说法)我邮件的主题是inquire on the status of my application希望对大家有帮助

回复: 关于发信询问的格式thank you ~那我的主题要写什么好啊?

2011年12月23日 VISA 开始新生活啦thank you ~那我的主题要写什么好啊?点击展开...我的主题是:File No. + 我 & Mr. Bean 的全名

安居乐业回复: 关于发信询问的格式我之前发过的一封信是这样的:主题:Letter of InquiryDear Sir or Madam:I submitted the application for my daughter xxx immigrated to Canada on xxx and got the FILE NO: xxx on xxx. I was so eager to stay with my daughter that I checked the application status everyday (right now the status is: In Process). I was afraid of that you already sent out some inform letter but I missed to receive it. Please forgive me for bothering you because I always know your works are so busy and hard. I will be very appreciating if you can give me some information about this case. Thanks again.With best regardsSincerely yours xxx

new life!回复: 关于发信询问的格式我的意思是,信件没有一定的什么模式或者规格,主题也未必非常讲究。但是,一定要写到点上,语气尽量客气。比如我在给VO写的后一封信时,我觉得她可能认为我在申请自己时没有申请女儿,然后又拖了这么久才申请,可能认为我不急她也才不急呢,于是写信做了一些解释,然后PL就到了。我建议你细细分析VO可能对你的哪个方面存在疑问,你的信能尽量将这些疑问解释清楚,写长点没事,而不是简单的只是询问。只是问进度的话,他的回信恐怕只会是“Please cut down your general case enquiries as they will prolong the overall processing time of your daughter's application when resources are allocated to provide replies to you. Please consult our website to obtain processing status information.”信写了,就要让它起作用。请再琢磨一下。

new life!回复: 关于发信询问的格式我已经发信出去了 刚发的 紧张到 胃都痛了~昨天有姐妹说 因为询问了 还延迟了她案子的处理 我很担心 另外一个就是 我还害怕会让我面试~神经质的~~~

2011年12月23日 VISA 开始新生活啦回复: 关于发信询问的格式我是综合了mrs.bean和jadeyuyu的意见 ~也把信改成综合版的~呵呵~有抄袭的嫌疑~~~希望真的会带给我好运~成也这一仗 败也这一仗了~

2011年12月23日 VISA 开始新生活啦回复: 关于发信询问的格式被拒收了 系统退信 是不是email地址错误[email protected]

2011年12月23日 VISA 开始新生活啦回复: 关于发信询问的格式刚上了www.hongkong.gc.ca, 直接复制粘贴Immigration Enquiries: [email protected]再试一下~

安居乐业回复: 关于发信询问的格式This message is generated by COREMAIL email system.I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned你发送到[email protected]的邮件由于以下原因被退回 : [email protected] SMTP error, DOT: 552 Error: content rejected请到http://help.163.com/special/007525G0/163_tran_withdrawal_letter.html 查询退信原因。

2011年12月23日 VISA 开始新生活啦回复: 关于发信询问的格式以下是所提退信的分析结果:发送邮件中的内容被对方拒收。 解决方法:请调整发送的内容后再次发送或者和对方管理员联系处理。联系管理员的方法如下:1、直接发送邮件到对方管理员的信箱。2、通过其他方式联系对方,然后让对方联系自己的邮件管理员处理。

2011年12月23日 VISA 开始新生活啦回复: 关于发信询问的格式我知道了 那是因为香港使馆不接受163的邮件 我刚用gmail发出去了 也接收到香港使馆的确认信~~~谢谢~~~

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