加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民New Processing time update


the CIC just update the website for processing time of family class application, hongkong case increase againhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/international/05-fc-spouses.asp

回复: New Processing time updatewow, increase again! CIC updated this chat pretty often, as i knew, the proccess time has been updated not long time ago.However, the proccess time seems to be quick accordding to some cases in the past few weeks. I hope our cases won't take as long as it says in the chat.Thanks for shareing.

回复: New Processing time update香港的就完蛋了,我也完了:(

回复: New Processing time update我不想申请了,真是太绝望了,欲哭无泪, 心情极差,都想跳楼了,

回复: New Processing time updatewow, increase again! CIC updated this chat pretty often, as i knew, the proccess time has been updated not long time ago.However, the proccess time seems to be quick accordding to some cases in the past few weeks. I hope our cases won't take as long as it says in the chat.Thanks for shareing.点击展开...it did not update as often as you mention, we wait for more than a year to get an update in March.. then they re-update again in May.. i only can keep silent as i see the HK case processing time never get improvement

回复: New Processing time updateit did not update as often as you mention, we wait for more than a year to get an update in March.. then they re-update again in May.. i only can keep silent as i see the HK case processing time never get improvement点击展开...i c, i c, i didn't know the update in March took that long. now they updated it again, which doesn't show any improvement like you said. sad.... BTW, how's your timeline looking?

回复: New Processing time update怪不得我IP7个月什么动静都没有,体检快过期了。。

08.OCT.1st 担保DM-->27th VO+IP-->NOV.4th 收到FN-->09.Jun.22主动补料-->Oct.8th 补体检--Nov.4th PL--09.DEC.17th IN CANADAi c, i c, i didn't know the update in March took that long. now they updated it again, which doesn't show any improvement like you said. sad.... BTW, how's your timeline looking?点击展开...Sponsorship approved On July 22, 2008application process on August 26, 2008if i did not order CAIPS. i had on idea about they did on my wife case. they have concern with my wife FBI clearance.i will order the caips next month to see what is going on

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