加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦
2008.10.1担保DM,10.27Ip, 11.4收到FN, 2009.6月主动补料,一直都是IP,VO:TCYLG是西人,双方是初婚,LG比我大10几年,不超过15年
08.OCT.1st 担保DM-->27th VO+IP-->NOV.4th 收到FN-->09.Jun.22主动补料-->Oct.8th 补体检--Nov.4th PL--09.DEC.17th IN CANADA回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦我比你还久,其中原因,除了猜,暂别无他法,但要坚持住哦。
回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦2008.10.1担保DM,10.27Ip, 11.4收到FN, 2009.6月主动补料,一直都是IP,VO:TCYLG是西人,双方是初婚,LG比我大10几年,不超过15年点击展开...真的好久啊,是闪婚吗?
回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦我知道还有比你更久现在还在等的,而且楼主情况介绍太简单,没得分析啊。
回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦真的好久啊,是闪婚吗?点击展开...当然不是闪婚,才令我猜原因,我们认识了2年多才结婚
08.OCT.1st 担保DM-->27th VO+IP-->NOV.4th 收到FN-->09.Jun.22主动补料-->Oct.8th 补体检--Nov.4th PL--09.DEC.17th IN CANADA我知道还有比你更久现在还在等的,而且楼主情况介绍太简单,没得分析啊。点击展开...因为就是这么简单的婚姻
08.OCT.1st 担保DM-->27th VO+IP-->NOV.4th 收到FN-->09.Jun.22主动补料-->Oct.8th 补体检--Nov.4th PL--09.DEC.17th IN CANADA回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦好奇怪。。我也不解!我也好想知道原因!
28/7/09 申请文件寄出---25/8/09 担保人DM---03/9/09 收到担保人DM信---10/9/09 IP---21/9/09 FN---25/9/09 要求补料---15/10/09 最后补料---11/11/09 DM+MER要求补护照 - 20/5/2010 PR9/1/2015 更新枫叶卡(CIC收到)- 8/3/2015 IN PROCESS - 11/3/2015 更新成功COMPLETE我比你还久,其中原因,除了猜,暂别无他法,但要坚持住哦。点击展开...You can order a CAIPS, or let your husband to go to the MP office, ask the MP to help you make an inquiry on your behalf.i went to the MP office. within a week. the MP office got an message from HongKong. THe VO told my MP my wife was in the queue of interview.
回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦You can order a CAIPS, or let your husband to go to the MP office, ask the MP to help you make an inquiry on your behalf. i went to the MP office. within a week. the MP office got an message from HongKong. THe VO told my MP my wife was in the queue of interview.点击展开...谢谢你的回复。1、我已经在6月份查询了CAIPS ,但是没有什么有用的信息。只能看到期间被另一个VO处理过,现在转到GWA ,如下:PAPER FILE SENT TO GWA FILE BF'D TO :4FC ON 11-5-2009 MICROLOCATOR您能看得懂这是什么意思吗? 2、今年5月份我们的律师也曾致信到使馆,他们也回复说已经在等待面试了(我觉得这个回复很敷衍,但是好过没有),可是现在眼见2个月又过去了,什么都没有变化,且8月份我们中旬,我们的FN就满一年了,时间真的拖得很长,拖得令人心慌。
回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦谢谢你的回复。1、我已经在6月份查询了CAIPS ,但是没有什么有用的信息。只能看到期间被另一个VO处理过,现在转到GWA ,如下:PAPER FILE SENT TO GWA FILE BF'D TO :4FC ON 11-5-2009 MICROLOCATOR您能看得懂这是什么意思吗? 2、今年5月份我们的律师也曾致信到使馆,他们也回复说已经在等待面试了(我觉得这个回复很敷衍,但是好过没有),可是现在眼见2个月又过去了,什么都没有变化,且8月份我们中旬,我们的FN就满一年了,时间真的拖得很长,拖得令人心慌。点击展开...GWA is a VO. he will be the person to make a decision on the your application. you should look at the CAIPS carefully, there should a message to indicate why it take so long to process. look the message section that any VO had put down. something recommodation etc.if they reply that you are in the queue of interview. it means you will get a letter for an interview.
回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦Hi, what is MP? and how to do? Do I need to fill out some paper to my husband? Thanks.
回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦MP stands for Member of Parliament. if your husband is a canadian citizen. his MP should be able to help him make an inquiry on your behalf. HK embassy must be answer in 7 days, which is by law. the only question is that not all the MPs are enthusiastic on this issue.if you are in toronto, you will be much better since those MP love to have immigration vote for them
回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦GWA is a VO. he will be the person to make a decision on the your application. you should look at the CAIPS carefully, there should a message to indicate why it take so long to process. look the message section that any VO had put down. something recommodation etc. if they reply that you are in the queue of interview. it means you will get a letter for an interview.点击展开...谢谢您给我详尽的回复,谢谢你的热心帮助。我在caips 上看到处理我案件的vo不止一个wcy jcy gwa ,caips 只是体现了我们当初提供的基本信息,看不出等待的原因,或许是我不会看?但是我们现在除了等,似乎什么都不能做,真的很无奈。
回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦Thank you, Keous.
回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦You can order a CAIPS, or let your husband to go to the MP office, ask the MP to help you make an inquiry on your behalf. i went to the MP office. within a week. the MP office got an message from HongKong. THe VO told my MP my wife was in the queue of interview.点击展开...sorry..what does 'MP'mean, and how is ur case? both chinese?
08.OCT.1st 担保DM-->27th VO+IP-->NOV.4th 收到FN-->09.Jun.22主动补料-->Oct.8th 补体检--Nov.4th PL--09.DEC.17th IN CANADA回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦不久啊! 都没到一年!我跟你差不多,办理10个月!
法语----没落的贵族14岁儿子话语 被别人投诉虐待宠物的事还真给我碰上了 登陆两月,可怜的老公衣带渐宽!http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=274566http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=379637回复: HK,大家有像我这样久吗?帮我分析下啦我和你也差不多时间的。
努力工作快乐生活sorry..what does 'MP'mean, and how is ur case? both chinese?点击展开...MP is member of Parliament.My wife case was in HK since August 26, 2008. the interview is one week ahead of one year processing time.
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