加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我是香港的,这个信件的内容是取签通知吗?


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------your permanent resident application appears to be ready for approval and visa issuance. you must submit your passport to this offic within 60 days of the date of the date of this letter in order to finalize your application.the total number of passports you are required to submit is 1your medical validity will expire on 30 mar 2010 .you mast retrieve the visa and travel to canada before this day. if you fail to use your visa before this date you will not be able to become a permanent resident as your visa will be invalid and you will be required to start the entire procedure from the beginning of the process including submitting a new application and fee.no extension to this date is possible.Visa collection in personeach passport must contain at least two blank pages for visas and must be signed by the beareryou must report to this office in writing any changes in your travel documents,family configuration and marital status before collecting you vis or submitting your passports,this includes all births,deaths,marriages,divorces,new custody arrangements and adoptions involving you and your dependans.changes could result in the necessity of filing a new application and fee,and sponsorship if applicableall visas will feature the passport numbers that you have provided for your file.if you submit a new passprot ,a document replacement fee may be chargedno follow-up or reminder letters will be sent and no extensions to visa validity will be granted.if you fail to collect the visas before their expiry and do not use them prior to their expiry,you will be required to submit a new application ,pay new processing fees and qualify under the selection standards in force at that time in order to immigrate to canadaany original documents submitted to our office will be returned by regular mial to the address on file

回复: 我是香港的,这个信件的内容是取签通知吗?是的,恭喜。恭喜。快快取签去吧。

回复: 我是香港的,这个信件的内容是取签通知吗?请问楼主 你的取签信是用什么邮件寄来的?是挂号信吗?

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