加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮
我申请老婆团聚,一个月后全部材料被S.D.B退回了. 汗。。。写了封信给我。有的懂,有的不懂,希望大家给予指点。。 信有正反面,大致原文如下。。。 信正面 :This letter refers to the application to sponsor a member of the family class you submitted to this office. The application is being returned to you for the resons specified below. The following is required: Supporting Documentation required from sponsor:. Please submit all paystubs that you received from all of your employers for the period from MAY 2009 TO DATE ( NOTE: If your employer has year-to-Date summary of your income on each pay cheque, submit only the paystub that includes the final date of this assessment period.)(是不是要我提交每回公司发工资给我们的工资单啊?). Please remove the mental bindings from your supporting documents (" The message log of MSN Chatting ..)as the documents cannot be sent to visa office with the bindings. (我的MSN聊天记录是在国内用铁圈装订的,看来真是画蛇添足。。倒霉啊。 现在拆了,留下全是洞洞,怎么办?)Documentation Required from Application:As you are sponsoring a spouse, you must submit the sponsorship application together with the complete Application for Permanent forms to this office. As such the following information is required:. Please review the guidebook accompanying the Application for Permanent Residence and follow the instructions regarding a medical exmation. Every principal applicant and their dependents (whether accompanying or not ) must undergo an Immigration medical exmination by a Designated Medical Practitioner (DMP). The ORIGINAL Medical Report Forms (IMM1017 - copy 2) signed by DMP who completed the medical exmation must then be resubmitted with this application package.(是不是要我老婆提交国内的体检报告?)我以为可以后面交。现在看来马上得让我老婆体检。。。 You should resubmit your entire application package, all information requested above, and a copy of this letter within 90 days from the date of this letter within 90 days from the date of this letter. Please note that it is important that all requested information be provided otherwise processing delays may occur. A pre-addressed envelop label bearing the complete mailing address of this office is enclosed for your convenience when resubmitting the application. ATTENTION信反面:The visa posts abroad have been receiving a significant number of Application for Pamanent Residence with missing or incomplete information. As this often results in processing delays, we are recommending that in addition to any specific information requested in this letter, that your relatives review their application package to ensure that forms have been completed as per the instructions and that all documents specified in the Checklist (Appendix A) of their application package have been provided.Application should pay particular attention to the following items have been fully completed and are included:1 Application for Permanent Residence (IMM008)2 Schedule 1 - When completing sections 10-15, complete the question in full or indicate in writing if the question is not applicable. Do not leave any gaps when completing the personal history or address question e.g. if you were unemployed specifiy the length of time you were unemployed.3 Additional family information document.4 All questionnaries for the type of application to be submitted.5 Signed and completed "IMM 5476 or Use of a Representative" where applicable. All questions must be answered unless the question stats "if known " or "if applicable."If you require information about Immigration programs and services, application forms, general updates on your file status, or you need to change your address, visit our web site at www.cic.gc.ca ........以下省略。。信反面我就搞不懂了。我不知道他写的是针对我提交的表格的错误需要检查改正还是他只是常规提醒所有人的例行文字?其中IMM5476 是纯粹是请中介才填的,我是自助的干嘛要填那个表格???奇怪!!!
回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!我申请基本是按照(Palmer的团聚大全)来参考填写申请的。
回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!我申请基本是按照(Palmer的团聚大全)来参考填写申请的。点击展开...我很怀疑你是按照团聚大全照做的,最起码的体检表你都可以忘,所以我很怀疑。仔细再研究一下吧。
回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!那文件必须是散装的不能装订,你也没看见?仔细啊兄弟!呵呵~
不知道签些啥子,所以就签了这个回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!我看到信反面,提的几条,好像跟我表格对不上。总觉得好像不是讲我,好像是例行提醒。
回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!又请问如果我材料再提交上去,是不是还得交钱?交多少钱?怎么交钱啊。信里倒没说要我交钱.
回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!信正面 :This letter refers to the application to sponsor a member of the family class you submitted to this office. The application is being returned to you for the resons specified below. The following is required: Supporting Documentation required from sponsor:. Please submit all paystubs that you received from all of your employers for the period from MAY 2009 TO DATE ( NOTE: If your employer has year-to-Date summary of your income on each pay cheque, submit only the paystub that includes the final date of this assessment period.)(是不是要我提交每回公司发工资给我们的工资单啊?)交你从09年5月到现在的工资单. Please remove the mental bindings from your supporting documents (" The message log of MSN Chatting ..)as the documents cannot be sent to visa office with the bindings. (我的MSN聊天记录是在国内用铁圈装订的,看来真是画蛇添足。。倒霉啊。 现在拆了,留下全是洞洞,怎么办?)有洞就交有洞的呗,如果留着电子版就再打印一份。 Documentation Required from Application:As you are sponsoring a spouse, you must submit the sponsorship application together with the complete Application for Permanent forms to this office. As such the following information is required:. Please review the guidebook accompanying the Application for Permanent Residence and follow the instructions regarding a medical exmation. Every principal applicant and their dependents (whether accompanying or not ) must undergo an Immigration medical exmination by a Designated Medical Practitioner (DMP). The ORIGINAL Medical Report Forms (IMM1017 - copy 2) signed by DMP who completed the medical exmation must then be resubmitted with this application package.(是不是要我老婆提交国内的体检报告?)我以为可以后面交。现在看来马上得让我老婆体检。。。申请人的体检表必须和所有材料一起递交。 You should resubmit your entire application package, all information requested above, and a copy of this letter within 90 days from the date of this letter within 90 days from the date of this letter. Please note that it is important that all requested information be provided otherwise processing delays may occur. A pre-addressed envelop label bearing the complete mailing address of this office is enclosed for your convenience when resubmitting the application. ATTENTION信反面:The visa posts abroad have been receiving a significant number of Application for Pamanent Residence with missing or incomplete information. As this often results in processing delays, we are recommending that in addition to any specific information requested in this letter, that your relatives review their application package to ensure that forms have been completed as per the instructions and that all documents specified in the Checklist (Appendix A) of their application package have been provided.Application should pay particular attention to the following items have been fully completed and are included:1 Application for Permanent Residence (IMM008)2 Schedule 1 - When completing sections 10-15, complete the question in full or indicate in writing if the question is not applicable. Do not leave any gaps when completing the personal history or address question e.g. if you were unemployed specifiy the length of time you were unemployed.3 Additional family information document.4 All questionnaries for the type of application to be submitted.5 Signed and completed "IMM 5476 or Use of a Representative" where applicable. All questions must be answered unless the question stats "if known " or "if applicable."If you require information about Immigration programs and services, application forms, general updates on your file status, or you need to change your address, visit our web site at 上面只是提醒你在一些表格中容易漏填的项目,自己检查好了就行。没用中介就不用IMM 5476
回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!建议参考 (Palmer的团聚大全)我是一小步一小步参考它所提供的,以免错任何差错!~关注中~
28/7/09 申请文件寄出---25/8/09 担保人DM---03/9/09 收到担保人DM信---10/9/09 IP---21/9/09 FN---25/9/09 要求补料---15/10/09 最后补料---11/11/09 DM+MER要求补护照 - 20/5/2010 PR9/1/2015 更新枫叶卡(CIC收到)- 8/3/2015 IN PROCESS - 11/3/2015 更新成功COMPLETE回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279祝你成功!
28/7/09 申请文件寄出---25/8/09 担保人DM---03/9/09 收到担保人DM信---10/9/09 IP---21/9/09 FN---25/9/09 要求补料---15/10/09 最后补料---11/11/09 DM+MER要求补护照 - 20/5/2010 PR9/1/2015 更新枫叶卡(CIC收到)- 8/3/2015 IN PROCESS - 11/3/2015 更新成功COMPLETE回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!谢谢Hatty,还有楼上各位,讲的很详细。但我材料递上去resubmit好像听人说是要加钱。有没这回事?今天老婆打电话来。她去问了。但是她又说,要申请人全家体检,我还有个女儿,因为很小,我暂时没打算申请她过来,让她奶奶照看。是不是她也需要体检?实在搞不懂了!!
回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!楼主太强~虽然偶也漏了一个签名,但是这样漏法实在是。。。跟着clicklist嘛,那什么都有的,一步一步跟着很难落东西的
回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!~关注中~
28/7/09 申请文件寄出---25/8/09 担保人DM---03/9/09 收到担保人DM信---10/9/09 IP---21/9/09 FN---25/9/09 要求补料---15/10/09 最后补料---11/11/09 DM+MER要求补护照 - 20/5/2010 PR9/1/2015 更新枫叶卡(CIC收到)- 8/3/2015 IN PROCESS - 11/3/2015 更新成功COMPLETE谢谢Hatty,还有楼上各位,讲的很详细。但我材料递上去resubmit好像听人说是要加钱。有没这回事?今天老婆打电话来。她去问了。但是她又说,要申请人全家体检,我还有个女儿,因为很小,我暂时没打算申请她过来,让她奶奶照看。是不是她也需要体检?实在搞不懂了!!点击展开... 你老婆和你的小女儿都要体检。 你的材料被退回来,最主要的原因是漏寄体检单了, 你补齐后,不用排队,直接就会担保DM了, 而且不需要给CIC什么额外的费用。
8月13日签收,12月1日面试通过当日下午取签,12月6日启程去加拿大,加拿大时间12月6日登陆加拿大(Winnipeg)!回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!非常关注中。
赏 你老婆和你的小女儿都要体检。 你的材料被退回来,最主要的原因是漏寄体检单了, 你补齐后,不用排队,直接就会担保DM了, 而且不需要给CIC什么额外的费用。点击展开...谢谢,我明白了。
回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!谢谢Hatty,还有楼上各位,讲的很详细。但我材料递上去resubmit好像听人说是要加钱。有没这回事?今天老婆打电话来。她去问了。但是她又说,要申请人全家体检,我还有个女儿,因为很小,我暂时没打算申请她过来,让她奶奶照看。是不是她也需要体检?实在搞不懂了!!点击展开...还是一起办吧,以后办女儿团聚还得再体检一次。
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!钱只交一次。最后体检也交钱。
企鹅GG和企鹅MM去约会,企鹅MM还没有到约会的地点,企鹅GG就一直在左看看,右看看...左看看,右看看...企鹅MM来了后看见企鹅GG这个样子,怒了! 一巴掌呼了过去骂道:“你以为你TMD在登陆QQ啊!” 回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!赶快去体检,女儿的也一起办,免得以后还得麻烦。交申请材料之前一定要多检查几遍,不要漏了签名,重要的信息也不要错,以免再次担误时间。
回复: 我申请我老婆团聚,材料被退回来了,大家帮帮我,急!!!细心太重要了!
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