加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民面试信 请大家帮我看一下要带什么材料


origiral valid passport or travel document or identity card for you and/or your dependant origiral family househole register "HUKOU BU"of all family members.(PRC and taiwan applicants).Please provide the residential address of where you and your dependant are living at now if it is different from your HUKOU address. origiral birth /marriage/divorce court order(judgement,petition and divorce certificated)/annulment or legal seperation court orders for you and/or your sponsor/death certificated for deceased spouse.(please also bring the notarized certificated with the photocopy of the origiral) origiral up to date certificated of good conduct or police clearance certificated or notarized certificated of no criminal conviction records for yourself and/or dependant aged18 or above FOR YOU SPONSOR : origiral birth certificated(kinship certificated is not acceptaable copy of landing paper(IMM1000)confirmation of permanent residence form(IMM5292) permanent resident card /canadian passport / canadian citizenship card. Proof of removal of term and condition passport imposed on sponsor”s landing paper(IMM1000) Copy of all page of former or present passport with air tickets/boarding card showing visits. Notice of assessment for the past two years together with copies of the tax return summary and innmome tax and benifit return for the past two years Employment letter showing length of employment job title.duties and salary .If present employment is less than one year,please provide employment proof from former employer.Employment letter must show business address,phone number and name of sifnatory. proof of financial means of sponsor such as bank account accivitives with balances for the past two years and any others assets in canada original birth and marriage 是什么东西 结婚证公证 出生公证 户口簿公证是不是都不会过期?是不是就 未受刑事公证会过期? original birth cerrificated 是什么东西面试时不是一定要请翻译 请翻译大概要多少钱 还有 哪家旅行社好没有出生证原件 公证是不是就可以了

回复: 面试信 请大家帮我看一下要带什么材料origiral valid passport or travel document or identity card for you and/or your dependantorigiral family househole register "HUKOU BU"of all family members.(PRC and taiwan applicants).Please provide the residential address of where you and your dependant are living at now if it is different from your HUKOU address.origiral birth /marriage/divorce court order(judgement,petition and divorce certificated)/annulment or legal seperation court orders for you and/or your sponsor/death certificated for deceased spouse.(please also bring the notarized certificated with the photocopy of the origiral)origiral up to date certificated of good conduct or police clearance certificated or notarized certificated of no criminal conviction records for yourself and/or dependant aged18 or aboveFOR YOU SPONSOR :origiral birth certificated(kinship certificated is not acceptaablecopy of landing paper(IMM1000)confirmation of permanent residence form(IMM5292)permanent resident card /canadian passport / canadian citizenship card.Proof of removal of term and condition passport imposed on sponsor”s landing paper(IMM1000)Copy of all page of former or present passport with air tickets/boarding card showing visits.Notice of assessment for the past two years together with copies of the tax return summary and innmome tax and benifit return for the past two yearsEmployment letter showing length of employment job title.duties and salary .If present employment is less than one year,please provide employment proof from former employer.Employment letter must show business address,phone number and name of sifnatory.proof of financial means of sponsor such as bank account accivitives with balances for the past two years and any others assets in canada 这是电脑生成的文件,我面谈前准备了一通,实际上只看要了更新的无罪公证,还有看了担保人的税单

回复: 面试信 请大家帮我看一下要带什么材料出生证明原件。 如果没有,你可以做出生公证吧?出生证明原件/结婚证书原件/离婚判决书原件

回复: 面试信 请大家帮我看一下要带什么材料公证书永不过期

回复: 面试信 请大家帮我看一下要带什么材料无犯罪纪录的公证好像是半年有效的,

BJ CASE : 2010年1月4日签收-- 1月22日DM-- 1月29日DM信-- 2月8日FN E-MAIL--2月18日"1"--3月15日面试通过下午取签! 6月28登陆温哥华--享受生活中!回复: 面试信 请大家帮我看一下要带什么材料最新的无犯罪公证最新的税单双方的雇佣证明双方两年的银行出入证明更新的证明资料(如通讯记录等)我面试的时候,只看了税单,收了无犯罪公证,其他的资料都没有要求看.

回复: 面试信 请大家帮我看一下要带什么材料结婚证公证没有有效期,永久有效的。无犯罪记录公证和体检证明的有效期都是一年.通知我面试是发邮件给我的,上面怎么没有提到让提供银行收入证明啊税单啊什么的, 面试信内容和面试邮件内容应该一样吧?发邮件了还会给寄面试信吗?

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