加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民急求高人指教!关于收到Visa及其文件中关于家庭
急求高人指教!关于收到Visa及其文件中关于家庭成员的话题。我是再婚申请去加拿大与丈夫团聚。我递交移民表格和寄出香港要的护照的时候,我前夫生的23岁独立生活了的女儿,谈了男朋友。我在表格中填写我的家庭成员,只有写我的女儿。不料,当我收到Visa和移民纸时,女儿已是登记结婚了。他们并不随同我移民加拿大。 而现在,和移民纸一起到的文件如下: Your visa is valid only if all family members (spouse, common-law partner, dependent son or daughter) have been declared and examined. You were required to inform us of any change to your family composition prior to picking up the visa(s). Failure to have declared any family member may prevent you from becoming a permanent resident in Canada. You must inform us of any change in your marital status or in your family composition (marriage, common-law relationship, separation, divorce, birth era child, adoption, death, etc.) BEFORE you leave for Canada. We will let you know if there are further procedures required. Presenting a visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence form (IMM5292) which do not correspond to the reality of your situation could result in the refusal of your admission to Canada. Any current family member not examined now can never be sponsored by you in the future. 我拿不准,我这情况是否属于使馆规定的范围,我是否要把不跟随我移民并不依靠我生活就是独立生活了的女儿的婚姻要补办上去,是否复制他们的结婚证寄去给使馆,还是要他们的结婚证公证并且翻译成英文,那样做的话,连邮局寄快递,又要折腾多少天,多花几百大洋。 跪求准确答案。谢谢。
回复: 急求高人指教!关于收到Visa及其文件中关于家庭成员的话题。急求高人指教!关于收到Visa及其文件中关于家庭成员的话题。 我是再婚申请去加拿大与丈夫团聚。我递交移民表格和寄出香港要的护照的时候,我前夫生的23岁独立生活了的女儿,谈了男朋友。我在表格中填写我的家庭成员,只有写我的女儿。不料,当我收到Visa和移民纸时,女儿已是登记结婚了。他们并不随同我移民加拿大。 而现在,和移民纸一起到的文件如下: Your visa is valid only if all family members (spouse, common-law partner, dependent son or daughter) have been declared and examined. You were required to inform us of any change to your family composition prior to picking up the visa(s). Failure to have declared any family member may prevent you from becoming a permanent resident in Canada. You must inform us of any change in your marital status or in your family composition (marriage, common-law relationship, separation, divorce, birth era child, adoption, death, etc.) BEFORE you leave for Canada. We will let you know if there are further procedures required. Presenting a visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence form (IMM5292) which do not correspond to the reality of your situation could result in the refusal of your admission to Canada. Any current family member not examined now can never be sponsored by you in the future. 我拿不准,我这情况是否属于使馆规定的范围,我是否要把不跟随我移民并不依靠我生活就是独立生活了的女儿的婚姻要补办上去,是否复制他们的结婚证寄去给使馆,还是要他们的结婚证公证并且翻译成英文,那样做的话,连邮局寄快递,又要折腾多少天,多花几百大洋。 跪求准确答案。谢谢。点击展开...你女儿都已经结婚了也就是已经Independent了,不属于上面depend son or daught的范围了。
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