加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎


摘录信中重要的信息,不是很清楚他们现在的进度,同时很担心,看到信中misrepresentation的字样,大家帮看看是怎么回事?有没有类似情况的?麻烦解释一下,谢谢。 You could be described at paragraph 40(1)a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for misrepresentation. You file has been submitted to us by the Mississauga Case Processing Center because you have sponsored members of the family class and their file is presently under study at the responsible Canadian mission. In order to determine if we can continue the processing of their application, we must meet with you to establish certain facts on the obtention of your own permanent resident status. 然后说明了一些面试要带的资料,比如lease,枫叶卡之类的基本资料

摘录信中重要的信息,不是很清楚他们现在的进度,同时很担心,看到信中misrepresentation的字样,大家帮看看是怎么回事?有没有类似情况的?麻烦解释一下,谢谢。 You could be described at paragraph 40(1)a) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act for misrepresentation. You file has been submitted to us by the Mississauga Case Processing Center because you have sponsored members of the family class and their file is presently under study at the responsible Canadian mission. In order to determine if we can continue the processing of their application, we must meet with you to establish certain facts on the obtention of your own permanent resident status. 然后说明了一些面试要带的资料,比如lease,枫叶卡之类的基本资料点击展开...快找律师吧,担保人的麻烦大了。下面是相关的法律条文: Misrepresentation40. (1) A permanent resident or a foreign national is inadmissible for misrepresentation (a) for directly or indirectly misrepresenting or withholding material facts relating to a relevant matter that induces or could induce an error in the administration of this Act; Misrepresentation127. No person shall knowingly (a) directly or indirectly misrepresent or withhold material facts relating to a relevant matter that induces or could induce an error in the administration of this Act;(b) communicate, directly or indirectly, by any means, false or misleading information or declarations with intent to induce or deter immigration to Canada; or(c) refuse to be sworn or to affirm or declare, as the case may be, or to answer a question put to the person at an examination or at a proceeding held under this Act. Penalties128. A person who contravenes a provision of section 126 or 127 is guilty of an offence and liable (a) on conviction on indictment, to a fine of not more than $100,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years, or to both; or(b) on summary conviction, to a fine of not more than $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years, or to both. 229. (1) For the purposes of paragraph 45(d) of the Act, the applicable removal order to be made by the Immigration Division against a person is (h) an exclusion order, if they are inadmissible under paragraph 40(1)(a) or (b) of the Act for misrepresentation, unless subsection (3) applies; 46. (1) A person loses permanent resident status (c) when a removal order made against them comes into force; or

http://www.canadameet.com回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?misrepresentation??,不明白。难道楼主担保人的移民身份获得有问题吗?楼主快看看看递交材料中有什么不合适的文件吧。

回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?不是很明白,有没有了解的TX来解释一下啊

我们一定要幸福!​BJ CASE:3.25寄出 - 3.27签收 - 4.8担保DM - 4.14收到DM信 - 4.16 IP - 4.28收到FN, 状态"12" - 4.30状态"5" - 5.5护照妥投 - 5.14收到补料信 - 5.20妥投 - 5.29状态"12" - 6.4状态"13" - 6.8状态"17"回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?请问:你在12月15号变6后收到过背调信吗?

09.10.10登陆回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?好像怀疑楼主本人在申请移民时有意隐瞒事实/造假,要求和你面谈。看来原来的被调是楼主作为担保人被调。

钟爱一生,my love回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?移民局怀疑担保人自己所拥有的永久居民身份的合法性,要面谈以确定某些事实。楼主要认真对待。

回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?楼主,今天我也收到和你一样的信,我在蒙特利尔,能留个联系方式给我吗,交流一下情况。

回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?可能是违反了移民法40(1)a)的条文,“直接或间接地歪曲或隐瞒重要事实或相关问题,诱使或诱导本法的错误的执行;”后边有说担保人的身分可能有危险,得面谈

我会衷心祝福大家的。各位,加油了!回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?抱抱 安慰楼主!



快找律师吧,担保人的麻烦大了。下面是相关的法律条文: Misrepresentation 40. (1) A permanent resident or a foreign national is inadmissible for misrepresentation (a) for directly or indirectly misrepresenting or withholding material facts relating to a relevant matter that induces or could induce an error in the administration of this Act; Misrepresentation127. No person shall knowingly (a) directly or indirectly misrepresent or withhold material facts relating to a relevant matter that induces or could induce an error in the administration of this Act;(b) communicate, directly or indirectly, by any means, false or misleading information or declarations with intent to induce or deter immigration to Canada; or(c) refuse to be sworn or to affirm or declare, as the case may be, or to answer a question put to the person at an examination or at a proceeding held under this Act. Penalties128. A person who contravenes a provision of section 126 or 127 is guilty of an offence and liable (a) on conviction on indictment, to a fine of not more than $100,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years, or to both; or(b) on summary conviction, to a fine of not more than $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years, or to both. 229. (1) For the purposes of paragraph 45(d) of the Act, the applicable removal order to be made by the Immigration Division against a person is (h) an exclusion order, if they are inadmissible under paragraph 40(1)(a) or (b) of the Act for misrepresentation, unless subsection (3) applies; 46. (1) A person loses permanent resident status (c) when a removal order made against them comes into force; or点击展开...

回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?现在也搞不清楚是好是坏了,反正豁出去了,既然能给个面试的机会,总比干等着强,我已经背调14个月了。楼主,我PM你我蒙特利尔的电话,我27号面试

回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?担保人是不是曾经被人担保过来的?

幸运一条龙回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?曾经结婚团聚被人担保过来的?

回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?有这么严重吗?自己的居民身份没有什么问题。难道这不是个好事吗?点击展开...信中说违反40.1.a是你的担保人,表示移民局认为你的担保人在取得移民身份的过程中有故意作假/欺瞒的行为。如果他们追究,最高处罚是罚款10万+监禁五年,很可能递解出境。所以最好认真对待。 你还是让你的担保人找个律师,重点看看当初他申请移民时提供的材料和现在担保你出具的材料是不是矛盾。如果当初你担保人是团聚移民过去的要特别看看是不是移民官会怀疑真实性。 如果允许,建议由律师陪同或者由律师代表你担保人去面谈。 希望是虚惊一场,祝你好运。

http://www.canadameet.com回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?楼主不用太担心,担保人被调查,基本上都是因为这个misrepresentation. 估计是担保人曾经有过婚史,当初登陆以后不久,就离婚,或者在表格中填写了和前配偶登陆前有分居情况,按照加拿大移民法,如果担保人和前配偶在首次登陆加拿大之前,突发感情破裂,应该立即通知移民局(各位可以看看你们的移民签证后面的说明,都有这一条),但是很多人都没有注意这个问题,即便是前次婚姻中夫妻感情已经破裂还是登录加拿大了而没有申报婚姻已经破裂的事实, 这就造成如今再婚,移民局会怀疑担保人对前次婚姻的破裂情况有隐瞒。 楼主对自己为什么被调查应该还是有点谱的,你就根据这个去准备,如果自己不知道怎么自圆其说,可以找律师咨询一下。从目前来看,还没有任何担保人因为这个被驱逐出境的(虽然说得很严重),我认识有担保人原来是被担保过来的,并且登录很快就离婚,如此严重的情况(看起来太像假结婚移民了),担保人都没有被驱逐,可以说加拿大移民局还是比较宽松的。但是加拿大移民局这一关过了,不见得申请人那一关就能过,目前已有好几个案例,就是担保人通过了背景调查,但是申请人却被拒,估计vo对这种案子中的担保人资格实在怀疑有关系。

回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?楼主不用太担心,担保人被调查,基本上都是因为这个misrepresentation. 估计是担保人曾经有过婚史,当初登陆以后不久,就离婚,或者在表格中填写了和前配偶登陆前有分居情况,按照加拿大移民法,如果担保人和前配偶在首次登陆加拿大之前,突发感情破裂,应该立即通知移民局(各位可以看看你们的移民签证后面的说明,都有这一条),但是很多人都没有注意这个问题,即便是前次婚姻中夫妻感情已经破裂还是登录加拿大了而没有申报婚姻已经破裂的事实, 这就造成如今再婚,移民局会怀疑担保人对前次婚姻的破裂情况有隐瞒。 楼主对自己为什么被调查应该还是有点谱的,你就根据这个去准备,如果自己不知道怎么自圆其说,可以找律师咨询一下。从目前来看,还没有任何担保人因为这个被驱逐出境的(虽然说得很严重),我认识有担保人原来是被担保过来的,并且登录很快就离婚,如此严重的情况(看起来太像假结婚移民了),担保人都没有被驱逐,可以说加拿大移民局还是比较宽松的。但是加拿大移民局这一关过了,不见得申请人那一关就能过,目前已有好几个案例,就是担保人通过了背景调查,但是申请人却被拒,估计vo对这种案子中的担保人资格实在怀疑有关系。点击展开...解释的很详细很具体,谢谢,我的情况也是这样,刚收到这封信得时候觉得背景调查就要结束了,现在看到你的解释,心里基本知道怎么回事了。再次感谢

回复: 背调中担保人收到一封面试信,大家帮看看是怎么回事?谢谢你的回复,焦躁之中安心了少许,这个月就要面试了,我会好好准备,希望有个好的结果,祝福一下。 PS:也谢谢楼上几位热心的朋友们,大家加油! 楼主不用太担心,担保人被调查,基本上都是因为这个misrepresentation. 估计是担保人曾经有过婚史,当初登陆以后不久,就离婚,或者在表格中填写了和前配偶登陆前有分居情况,按照加拿大移民法,如果担保人和前配偶在首次登陆加拿大之前,突发感情破裂,应该立即通知移民局(各位可以看看你们的移民签证后面的说明,都有这一条),但是很多人都没有注意这个问题,即便是前次婚姻中夫妻感情已经破裂还是登录加拿大了而没有申报婚姻已经破裂的事实, 这就造成如今再婚,移民局会怀疑担保人对前次婚姻的破裂情况有隐瞒。 楼主对自己为什么被调查应该还是有点谱的,你就根据这个去准备,如果自己不知道怎么自圆其说,可以找律师咨询一下。从目前来看,还没有任何担保人因为这个被驱逐出境的(虽然说得很严重),我认识有担保人原来是被担保过来的,并且登录很快就离婚,如此严重的情况(看起来太像假结婚移民了),担保人都没有被驱逐,可以说加拿大移民局还是比较宽松的。但是加拿大移民局这一关过了,不见得申请人那一关就能过,目前已有好几个案例,就是担保人通过了背景调查,但是申请人却被拒,估计vo对这种案子中的担保人资格实在怀疑有关系。点击展开...

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