加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民萨省团聚移民的特殊问题
加萨省团聚移民如果主申请人不能按照规定的时间登陆足够长的是时间(,听说要注满好几年,可是主申请人甚至呆一天就得回了),那么副申请人的资格是否被取消???很感谢!这个问题很重要。我爸爸是主申请人,目的是帮我出去(我还没有工作经验).很感谢!这个问题很重要.以下是官方材料 但没有涉及我的问题 希望牛人指点! EligibilityTo be considered for the SINP Family Members Category, you must:1. Be between 18 ? 49 years old.2. Have a signed affidavit of support (SINP 500-22) from one or more familymembers in Saskatchewan.3. Have completed post-secondary education, training, or apprenticeship of at leastone year in length that has resulted in a diploma, a certificate or a degree.4. Have at least one year of work experience in your field of education or training.5. Have a full-time, permanent job offer from a Saskatchewan Employer. (Live-incaregivers cannot apply under this category.) Job offers, to family memberapplicants, do not have to be related to the field of education or previous workexperience although it is preferable.orIntend to find full-time, permanent work in Saskatchewan and have enoughmoney to live in the province for a short time without work after arrival ($10,000for you and $2,000 for each accompanying family member). The funds can befrom you, your spouse, your supporting family member or a combination ofsources. You must show you have had possession of these funds for at least threemonths.6. Have the English language ability either to do the job you have been offered by aSaskatchewan employer or to get a job in your field of education or training.Your English language ability must be verified by one of the following:a. an affidavit of English language ability from a Saskatchewan employerwho has offered you a permanent job (SINP 500-8)b. education/training documents where the language of instruction is Englishor the content of instruction is Englishc. language testing results such as International English Language TestingSystem (IELTS), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), Test ofEnglish for International Communication (TOEIC)
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