加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助,关于申请人照片问题
<魁省团聚><BJ CASE>5月5日递,5月6日签收,6月4日DM,6月9日DM Letter,6月11日MICC,6月22日FNEmail&变12,7月15日收到补CSQ信,7月16日变6,CSQ8月13日签发,8月18日递CSQ北京,8月25日变12,9月6日变17,9月11日收到大信封!毕业啦!回复: 求助,关于申请人照片问题一张照片后面写名字和生日,其它的千万不要写
回复: 求助,关于申请人照片问题imm3093e之附录a第14项14. PHOTOSInclude five (5) photos for each member of your family and yourself taken within the last six (6)months. Follow the instructions in your guide:• Photos in section "Completing the Application for Permanent Residence in Canada", and• Appendix B: Photo Specifications. imm3999e第16页Photos: Ask a photographer to provide you with a set of photos of yourself and each ofyour family members included in your application, whether they will be accompanyingyou or not. The required number of photos for each individual is indicated at Appendix A,under PHOTOS. Photos must comply with specifications given at Appendix B, PhotoSpecifications. Make sure you give a copy of these specifications to the photographer.・ On the back of one photo (and only one) in each set, write the name and date of birthof the person appearing in the photo as well as the date the photo was taken.・ Enclose each set of photos in separate envelopes. Write the family member’s name,date of birth and relationship to you on the corresponding envelope and close theenvelope with a paper clip.・ Photos must not be stapled, scratched, bent or bear any ink marks.Note that the visa office may also require additional photos at a later date. 请问各位前辈、大侠:申请人5张照片后面需要写名字和生日么?看了很多文件,没看到有这种要求,目前情况是,只有一名主申请人,照片需要提供名字和生日么?点击展开...你在哪里看了哪么多文件?你看置顶帖子了么?你看最基本的The Immigrant’s Guide了么? 最近看很多帖子提问很是郁闷?自己的事情自己不认真研究,不努力工作也就算了,还觉得自己很认真很努力。无语。
回复: 求助,关于申请人照片问题imm3093e之附录a第14项14. PHOTOSInclude five (5) photos for each member of your family and yourself taken within the last six (6)months. Follow the instructions in your guide:• Photos in section "Completing the Application for Permanent Residence in Canada", and• Appendix B: Photo Specifications. imm3999e第16页Photos: Ask a photographer to provide you with a set of photos of yourself and each ofyour family members included in your application, whether they will be accompanyingyou or not. The required number of photos for each individual is indicated at Appendix A,under PHOTOS. Photos must comply with specifications given at Appendix B, PhotoSpecifications. Make sure you give a copy of these specifications to the photographer.・ On the back of one photo (and only one) in each set, write the name and date of birthof the person appearing in the photo as well as the date the photo was taken.・ Enclose each set of photos in separate envelopes. Write the family member’s name,date of birth and relationship to you on the corresponding envelope and close theenvelope with a paper clip.・ Photos must not be stapled, scratched, bent or bear any ink marks.Note that the visa office may also require additional photos at a later date. 你在哪里看了哪么多文件?你看置顶帖子了么?你看最基本的The Immigrant’s Guide了么? 最近看很多帖子提问很是郁闷?自己的事情自己不认真研究,不努力工作也就算了,还觉得自己很认真很努力。无语。点击展开...好样的,俺愣是忍住没敢说
回复: 求助,关于申请人照片问题非常感谢各位无私的帮助以及中肯的、不留情面的批评。。。
<魁省团聚><BJ CASE>5月5日递,5月6日签收,6月4日DM,6月9日DM Letter,6月11日MICC,6月22日FNEmail&变12,7月15日收到补CSQ信,7月16日变6,CSQ8月13日签发,8月18日递CSQ北京,8月25日变12,9月6日变17,9月11日收到大信封!毕业啦!好样的,俺愣是忍住没敢说点击展开...我已经没劲说了
退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279回复: 求助,关于申请人照片问题http://forum.iask.ca/showpost.php?p=2236169&postcount=35都已经翻译好了, 中文的。
退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279回复: 求助,关于申请人照片问题palmer你真是好耐心。等我修炼好了我也申请做斑竹。
回复: 求助,关于申请人照片问题http://forum.iask.ca/showpost.php?p=2236169&postcount=35 都已经翻译好了, 中文的。点击展开...谢谢palmer,我会再重新好好看看置顶的帖子的!
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