加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民VO TCW咨询信和回复


整理出写给VO TCW的咨询信及回复,以供大家参考我的case是TCW的,整个过程6个月左右,IP四个多月后,我们总共发了8封信左右,回复了7封,LG发出的信第二,三天都有实际意义的回复,他很得意洋洋,没有复的是我发的,(不公平待遇)。可以说我的case是催出来的,如果不发email去紧追,我肯定DM还要拖后几个月,8月中使馆回复的email通知补料,寄了补料,但三周后,才收到姗姗来迟补料平邮信.过两天后使馆已email通知我们DM了。幸好当时有写信问,如果等平信来再补,还不知道拖到什么时候.而我的PL平信现在还没有来,不过使馆将PL信email来了。我的签证路走完了。凡是经过加拿大夫妻团聚过程的感情会不会更坚固一点?因为这一段过程走得不易。如何办理手续的迷茫,等待的急躁,忐忑不安,可能只有办个团聚的夫妻才有深体会。在此深深感激LG对我坚固浓厚的爱情与宠爱,我们经过了中西文化差异的磨擦与团聚之路,更加相爱与珍惜,不知道加拿大是不是乐土,但是我LG在那边生长,有他在就是我的幸福之地。希望大家都珍惜来之不易的团聚。好些人问我信内容怎么写的,现在整理一下部份咨询的信件,以供大家参考。香港email 地址:[email protected] 1,咨询进展Subject: B0512**/FC1***client # 58** update To whom this may concern,I, ***, have just returned from a 2nd honeymoon with my wifeL* of Chinese citizenship. My wife has all documentationof our trip to Malaysia. Our application was submitted March 12th, I recall, to the Canadian Embassy and was forwarded to H.K. by April 19th.I can see online that the Visa Application is still "in process". Let me know of any updates. 使馆回复:Your wife L*** is required to submit the following as soon as possible : Photocopy of her passport with a validity of no less than 18 months, please including photocopy of the biodata page and the validity pages. 2) Photographs per specification below: (or please refer to the attachment of this email)Immigration Section Section de l'Immigration12/F, One Exchange Square 12e ?/FONT>tage, One Exchange Square8 Connaught Place 8 Connaught PlaceG. P. O. Box 11142 B.P.C. 11142Hong Kong Hong KongFacsimile: (852) 2847-7493http://www.hongkong.gc.ca

VO TCW咨询信和回复22,发信确认补料是否收到。Subject: Re: B05*8/FC1***client # **Case : VO TCWFile no: B05***client # 5**To Whom it may concern:As per your instructions, we have sent you all the documents and photos you have requested. Proof of shipment as stated below. Stamped and delivered August 13, 2007 14:58 .Air Waybill Number Origin Service Area Destination Service Area Status --------------------------------------------------------------------------------DHL 9924913283 Chengdu - China, Hong Kong Signed for by: company stamp Shipment delivered August 13, 2007 14:58 .Please confirm receipt of documents on Aug.13th, 2007使馆回复:----- Original Message ----- Document received. We shall be in contact with the applicant soon.Immigration Section Section de l'Immigration3再询问进展(好慢啊)Re: B0512***FC1***client # *** To Whom it may concern: It has been another 10 days since you have said you will be in contact with my wife (spouse) shortly. We are getting anxious now and frustrated to the lack of progress. We continually view our application status and all we see is "in process" . I will call the CIC canada and enquire as to my application status for my wife because I am getting weary. I sent the application in Canada in March and they forwarded all the documents to hong kong in April. We have sent additional documents requested which were identical to the documents we originally sent in March. We have responded quickly in taking the requested photos again. We are, I repeat, anxious. Thank you for your attention.使馆回复:Visa has been issued valid till 25 feb 2008.Pick up letter will be sent within the next 30 days.4,询问PL信进展 To whom this may concern,I was informed that my wife's application was approved as of aug.25th and the pick up letter was in transit.It is now sept 18th and she has yet to receive it. Could you give us a tracking number or an estimated thim of reception or...to make things easieryou could fax it to my lawyer or scan+email to me.Thank you, fax number : (250) ***294BC, Canada使馆回复:Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 1:40 AMSubject: RE: B051***/FC1***client # 5**The visa pick up letter was sent on 17-SEP-2007 using both the English and Chinese mailing address.5再问使馆用email或传真PL信Subject: Re: B0512**/FC1***client # 58**It is now sept 27th and my wife hasn't received the letter... perhaps you can fax this to my lawyer so that she can pick it up (visa) at the embassy in hong kong... do you have a tracking number for the letter?you could fax it to my lawyer or scan+email to me.Thank you, fax number : (250) 3***Victoria, BC, Canada使馆第二天就email了LG一封PL信。

回复: VO TCW咨询信和回复我的VO也是TCW.如果下周不变态我也准备写封信问问,楼主的信息太有用了,谢谢。

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