加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民香港邮件,是否让我等候审查,可能面试?


大家好,今天我收到一封香港寄来的信件,请教大家,这是否是告诉我“等候面谈,已经排队审查”的意思?是面试信吗?有没有朋友收到和我一样的信件呢?收到这封信以后大概多久能收到面试的正式通知?有没有人审查以后不需要面试了?信件内容如下,谢谢大家。Dear Applicant:This is refers to your application for Permanent Residence in Canada. A review of your applicantion taking into account such factors as the length of your courtship,the circumstances surrounding your introduction,your immigration history and the subsequent development of your relationship has been completed. Based on the contents of your application and submissions to date,we have determined that you may require a personal interview.Your file has now been queued for review by an officer.your file will be examined in the order in which it has been received to ensure equitable treatment of your application. It is expected that the decision to convoke you to an interview will be taken in the next 180 days.should you be required to attend a personal interview you will be notified by mail. Alternately, the officer may decide to request further documents from you and in that case you will also be notified by mail.Please note there is no requirement in the immigration and Refugee Protection Act for a personal interview before a decision is taken,however no refusal will be made without previously advising you of the specific refusal concerns. Due to the high volume of applications in our office and in order to better serve our applicants we request that you do not inquire as to the status of your application until you receive further information or requests. Furthermore,should you need to advise us of a significant change in your applicantion such as a change in your address or family composition(....),please do so by either facsimile or mail.

回复: 香港邮件,是否让我等候审查,可能面试?是让你等候面试通知,180天之内给你发面试信,签证官也可能要求补材料,如果要补料,也是写信给你。 还有,你就别写信问进度了,如果你的任何重要资料发生改变,就写信或发传真到领馆。

回复: 香港邮件,是否让我等候审查,可能面试?谢谢你。收到这种信件一般要等多久收到面试或者补材料的通知呢?

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