加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天收到信
今天收到信,就是叫我补充大头照,可能是我交的证件照不合格吧,请各位帮我看看怎么寄,好想是叫我把四张分开四个信封装吗?而且每个信封都要写名字和F.N? 还想请教大家,就是信是十月六号发出,十月十二号到广州,因为我最近很忙今天才开信封,现在寄会不会太迟,如果会,要否写个解释信呀。。。。。。。谢谢各位。(我想贴图,不知咋贴)
回复: 今天收到信1个信封4张相片,相片后写名字、出生日期,附上信件的复印件。 马上寄。
回复: 今天收到信递料时我在大头相片后面与了名字与出生日期,但是收到FN后,却要我重新寄大头相,要求不要在相片后面写东西的。 我的是HK的。
月饼,玫瑰饼,萝卜糕,芋头糕,马蹄糕,凤梨酥。 请给我加声望哈~~回复: 今天收到信CIC要求是只在其中一张后面写名字,生日和拍照日期
虫虫的长登纪实日志加国生活闲聊扯淡群:198989927,241338508回复: 今天收到信是啊…他们要求我不要着东西在背后哦…
回复: 今天收到信这是CIC上写的照片要求: Photos: Ask a photographer to provide you with a set of photos of yourself and each of your family members included in your application, whether they will be accompanying you or not. The required number of photos for each individual is indicated at Appendix A, under PHOTOS. Photos must comply with specifications given at Appendix B , Photo Specifications. Make sure you give a copy of these specifications to the photographer. On the back of one photo (and only one) in each set, write the name and date of birth of the person appearing in the photo as well as the date the photo was taken.Enclose each set of photos in separate envelopes. Write the family member’s name, date of birth and relationship to you on the corresponding envelope and close the envelope with a paper clip.Photos must not be stapled, scratched, bent or bear any ink marks.Note that the visa office may also require additional photos at a later date. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3999E4.asp
虫虫的长登纪实日志加国生活闲聊扯淡群:198989927,241338508回复: 今天收到信kids我的情况和你一样…
回复: 今天收到信通常我们公司这样处理,提供5张(特意多提供1张),其中1张写名字、出生日期,另外4张不写。
回复: 今天收到信请问黄先生,我这样拖了他们一个月才回他们回太迟吗,有补救措施吗?谢谢。
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