Pease bring this document list and the following items: l Original valid passport or travel document & identity card for you and/or your dependant(s). 护照、身份证 l Original family household register(s) “HUKOU BU” of all family members. (PRC and Taiwan applicants). Please provide the residential address. 户口薄 l Original birth/marriage/divorce court order (judgment, petition and divorce certificate) / annulment or legal separation court orders for you and/or your sponsor / death certificate for deceased spouse. (Please also bring the notarized certificate with the photocopy of the original.) 出生公证 l Original custody order for your child/children: custody order for children under the age of 18. (Please also bring the notarized certificate with the photocopy of the original document) l Notarized written consent (form IMM5604) of the other biological parent of your child(ren) under the age of 18 to your removing the child(ren) from his/her/their country of residence to Canada for permanent immigration. This written consent must be notarized and must state the full name and PRC identity card number of the parent giving consent. The notarized consent must be accompanied by a copy of the front and back of the PRC identity card of the person giving consent. l Notarized or Certified Declaration for Non-Accompanying Family Members(*Please note that you nay not be able to sponsor your non-accompanying family member(s) in the future if they do not comply with immigration requirements with you at this time. Please refer to our website www.cic.gc.ca for Regulations under R23, R117(9)(D) to R117(11) and our Mission specific checklist posted on www.hngkong.gc.ca)- A declaration from you and/or your spouse/common-law partner declaring that you are aware of the consequences of not having your non-accompanying family member(s) comply with the immigration requirements at this time; OR- sign the separation statement and notarize or certify the statement l Original adoption certificate issued by the District Court of Hong Kong/the People’s Government of the Civil Administration. (Please also bring notarized certificate with photocopy.) l Original proof of full-time education at a recognized institution of your accompanying dependant(s) over 22 years old, such as and not limited to the following:-secondary school graduation certificate with transcripts-curriculum of Post-Secondary Studies specifying number of years to complete the program-transcripts of semesters completed-proof of attendance records specifying number of hours per week-proof that the education institution is accredited by the relevant government authority.-If studying in Canada or overseas, copy of valid student authorization/permit FC-INT- Supplement-Docs List Jan 2010 l Certificate of no previous marriage record(s) for yourself/your dependant(s) aged 18 or above. 我自己的初婚证 l Original proof of contact before & after your marriage with your sponsor in Canada. (E.g. personal correspondence, e-mails, phone bills, remittance receipts (means of support), wedding or engagement photos, joint-investment etc…) 信件、邮件、电话单、礼物等... l Complete the following form(s) if there are changes since submission of your application. (Please download the forms from www.cic.gc.ca or www.hongking.gc.ca and make copies if required.)-Application form (IMM5540)/ Schedule One Background/Declaration -Sponsor Questionnaire (IMM5540)/ Sponsored Spouse / Common-Law Questionnaire (5490)-Supplement to Schedule One-Additional Family Composition (IMM5406) l For your sponsor: original birth certificate (kinship certificate is NOT acceptable) and:-Copy of landing paper (IMM1000) or confirmation of permanent residence form (IMM5292)/Permanent Resident Card / Canadian passport / Canadian citizenship card.-Proof of removal of Terms & Conditions imposed on sponsor’s landing paper (IMM1000).-Copies of all pages of former & present passports with air tickets/boarding cards showing visits.-Notice of Assessment for the past two years together with copies of the Tax Return Summary and Income Tax and Benefit Return for the past two years (please refer to www.cra.gc.ca to obtain your return on-line if you have not received your Notice of Assessment by mail).-Employment letter showing length of employment, job title, duties and salary. If present employment is less than one your, please provide employment proof from former employer as well. Employment letter must show business address, phone number and name of signatory.-Details of residential addresses for the past 5 years. 他的护照及其全部页的复印件 l For yourself:-Employment letter showing length of employment, job title, duties and salary. If present employment is less than one year, please provide employment proof from former employer as well. Employment letter must show business address, phone number and name of signatory. 工作、学校证明 Other: No1.这是我复制到群理共享的面试信,基本上跟我自己收到的面试信是一样的。 我们都是初婚,无小孩。对于这些上面的材料,我自己摸索着带蓝字部分的东西,关于我自己的应该是没上面问题的了。 但是对于我老公的一直都很困扰我,因为他的出生证明别说原件,就连复印件都找不着了,加上移民纸也不见了,在工作跟税单那一块呢,因为他没正式的工作,所以也提供不了。 我老公有开到几个证明证明自己是因为一直要照顾婆婆所以没办法找稳定的工作(婆婆老年痴呆无法自理),平时是做些零散工(跟父母一起住,不用供车供房)维持平时的生活。 我都不知道接下来是对他的税单之类的置之不理呢还是叫他email S馆解释一下为什么他就只能提供护照这材料(移民太多年,加上以前东西都是婆婆保管,现在一问三不知)。恳请大虾赐教 No2. 抱怨下中介,中介这鬼东西真的不能信啊,害人匪浅。 我之前超级信任他,他也态度好好,现在要面试了吧,他什么都不理我,态度180度大转弯。唯一做的事就是给我推荐了一个翻译,懒虫的我为了省事也没多想就真听从了他的,4500港币啊,我的天,今天猛然醒悟,我怎么那么愚蠢啊!!! 复印了之前填的材料,发现没有一点建设性,填的平淡无奇也就算了,还错误百出。都怪我们之前太信任他,也没研究过DIY那些,全权交给了中介。 所以,童鞋们一定要瞪大眼睛看清楚中介。 抱怨完还是回到正题,童鞋们,对于那个面试信,给偶点意见,我老公又不肯定ta有些指什么,中介又不理,我自己又担心带少了被无情的劈掉,呼救/...
回复: HK 面试前呼救-- 核对所需材料、抱怨中介你这些材料以前都没有交过啊?!
虫虫的长登纪实日志加国生活闲聊扯淡群:198989927,241338508你这些材料以前都没有交过啊?!点击展开...护照/身份证/户口簿都是指原件,肯定是要带;我那个出生公证之前交过,带不带倒没所谓;工作证明我之前没交过,学校证明只交过缴费清单及其翻译件初婚证之前肯定?没交过的无刑公证是已经过期了,肯定要带的那些电话单,邮件什么的都是递料之后的,有当然要带上啊 我就是困惑我老公那些东西,他08年至今没正式工作,提供不了税单跟雇佣证明,加上他的出生证跟移民纸(估计?没交过)填表时就说找不到的了.我就担心他的资料该证明准备
回复: HK 面试前呼救-- 核对所需材料、抱怨中介这些情况最好写个解释信说清楚比较好呀
虫虫的长登纪实日志加国生活闲聊扯淡群:198989927,241338508 赏
回复: HK 面试前呼救-- 核对所需材料、抱怨中介我也收到信,想和大家讨论一下,楼主的信上是否有一句话;In addition, you must bring with you any documents marked on the attached list.这应该不是指单子上所有的文件吧,应该是有被标记过的,问题是单子上什么标记都没有。还有一句:It is not necessary to bring document that are not applicable to your case of that you already submitted with the orginal application有过面试经历的同学指点一下点击展开...我的信上也有“In addition, you must bring with you any documents marked on the attached list.”那个应该每个人信上都有的,至于那个“marked”我理解成段前的那个“lIt is not necessary to bring document that are not applicable to your case of that you already submitted with the orginal application 应该是指之前我们已经交过的那些材料就不必要再带了(但是也没说不准带,哈哈。。)
回复: HK 面试前呼救-- 核对所需材料、抱怨中介LZ。你老公的那些东西还是先自己再找找如果真的没办法找到,我觉得需要向使馆做个说明。最后,Good luck to u.
回复: HK 面试前呼救-- 核对所需材料、抱怨中介LZ。你老公的那些东西还是先自己再找找如果真的没办法找到,我觉得需要向使馆做个说明。最后,Good luck to u.点击展开... 谢谢 那些东西之前就找过没找到,现在找了很久还没没结果,我们放弃还是说明下算了
回复: HK 面试前呼救-- 核对所需材料、抱怨中介呵呵,问一下,为什么担保人也要提供“出生证明”啊?
回复: HK 面试前呼救-- 核对所需材料、抱怨中介呵呵,问一下,为什么担保人也要提供“出生证明”啊?点击展开..."For your sponsor: original birth certificate (kinship certificate is NOT acceptable) ", 呵呵..信上这样写,没办法,没写清楚那班VO脑袋瓜子到底装什么
回复: HK 面试前呼救-- 核对所需材料、抱怨中介LZ是到HK面试的吧?其实他要求带这些东西去,基本上都是没用的,VO不会看的,我那时候带去,一整袋,背到我累死了,结果还是乖乖躺在包包里面,不过,虽然是这样,没点用处。但你还是准备好去吧~祝你成功~~
回复: HK 面试前呼救-- 核对所需材料、抱怨中介RLS,加油~我当时准备的那些东西,除了LG的报税单,什么都没看过。 我的中介也很恶心,面试前一晚,我看他给我填的表,居然写了一些很扭曲的婚礼观点,说“在我们中国人的观点里,家里最小的孩子,如果配偶不是初婚,不会有wedding.” 我看了,我那个恨啊。。。他丫是脑残吧,这种扭曲的解释也写得出。
月饼,玫瑰饼,萝卜糕,芋头糕,马蹄糕,凤梨酥。 请给我加声望哈~~RLS,加油~我当时准备的那些东西,除了LG的报税单,什么都没看过。 我的中介也很恶心,面试前一晚,我看他给我填的表,居然写了一些很扭曲的婚礼观点,说“在我们中国人的观点里,家里最小的孩子,如果配偶不是初婚,不会有wedding.” 我看了,我那个恨啊。。。他丫是脑残吧,这种扭曲的解释也写得出。点击展开...额 死中介
微信:reivi_maRLS,加油~我当时准备的那些东西,除了LG的报税单,什么都没看过。 我的中介也很恶心,面试前一晚,我看他给我填的表,居然写了一些很扭曲的婚礼观点,说“在我们中国人的观点里,家里最小的孩子,如果配偶不是初婚,不会有wedding.” 我看了,我那个恨啊。。。他丫是脑残吧,这种扭曲的解释也写得出。点击展开...我中介写的是" 我们没有那个习俗",更脑残
回复: HK 面试前呼救-- 核对所需材料、抱怨中介就算中介准备的材料,申请人看都不看就签字么?
http://www.canadameet.com 赏
05年申请团聚06年拒签上诉07年开庭成功08年登陆多伦多――从结婚到团聚历时3年半! 赏

我一直在写:我在多伦多话家常理短告诉你一个真实的移民生活!我是我丈夫在加拿大请的中介,从递资料到面试一直都很积极的为我们辅导奔波,后来接到面试电话后,他又给我们做了专业辅导,告诉我们要在什么问题上下功夫,面试前两天找不到人了,呵呵,大概是他认为我们的CASE 肯定能过,所以懒得浪费时间了。别抱怨了,好好准备才是硬道理,祝福你面试成功,下午就取签!点击展开... 这位TX,你得中介很专业的说...是HK case,如果将来要的话,我也想参考一下,可以说一下你哪间中介的么??
中中 HKcase:9.19签收--12.2DM1--12.21AR+FN--4.17bb补料/5.4bb补料信--5.11mer--5.31dna信--6.1老公'DNA/6.14BB&我'DNA--7.14IP--7.27补护检信/7.30补护检--8.10DM2--8.17大信封***我要和最爱的恒恒团聚成功,每日都见到对方,组织一个属于我们的小家庭?(?3?)?***这位TX,你得中介很专业的说...是HK case,如果将来要的话,我也想参考一下,可以说一下你哪间中介的么??点击展开...大宝是北京的CASE吧。。。
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