加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助 魁省移民的高人进来指点一二
A. If you are the sponsor’s spouse□yes □NO At the time of my marriage, I was someone else’s spouse □yes □NO I have a de facto spouse or conjugal partner, and have been living separated andapart from my spouse for at least one yearB. If you are the sponsor’s de facto spouse□yes □NO I reside with, and have been in a conjugal relationship with ________________________________________ since _____________________ . □yes □NO I have been in a conjugal relationship with ______________________________________________________since ____________________ . Due to persecution or penal control, we are unable to reside together C. If you are the sponsor’s conjugal partner□yes □NO I have been in a conjugal relationship with ____________________________________________________________since _____________________ 请教!!!!!!!!!!分不清楚facto和conjugal
回复: 求助 魁省移民的高人进来指点一二如果是初婚,就不用填,你看看那前面的说明,有
回复: 求助 魁省移民的高人进来指点一二如果是初婚,就不用填,你看看那前面的说明,有点击展开...谢谢你 我是初婚 我是不是填第一个就行了啊?
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