加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民未满18周岁是否需要无犯罪公证?
回复: 未满18周岁是否需要无犯罪公证?http://forum.iask.ca/showpost.php?p=2236024&postcount=33说明三:参见IMM3903EOriginal police certificates of good conduct or clearances from each country in which you and each of your family members aged 18 years or over have resided six months or more since reaching 18 years of age. You must attach the original police document(s). See Appendix B for additional information.You must submit original fingerprints directly to the authorities conducting the police checks.If you have obtained police certificates from countries where the authorities will forward the results directly to us, attach a brief explanatory note to your application.Note: Once we have finished our assessment of your application, we will send you an instruction letter enabling you to obtain a Hong Kong Certificate of Good Conduct, if applicable.公安部门的良好行为或无过失证明的原件 公证。包括每一个国家,你以及你的18岁以上(含18岁)家庭成员曾居住6个月以上(含),按照到达18岁时间开始。你必须附上原始的公安部门的文件。详细信息参见 附件B。你必须直接提交指纹原件到权威机构让公安部门进行检查。如果你取得国家公安部门的证明,这些权威机构将会直接将结果转发给我们, 并为你的申请附加上简要的说明。注意:如果适用,我们完成你的申请的评估后, 会给你一封指导信(介绍信?),帮助你获得香港的无过失证明.
退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279回复: 未满18周岁是否需要无犯罪公证?非常感谢版主palmer ,你总是在最及时的时候出现!
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