加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民紧急担保人担保资格?
回复: 紧急担保人担保资格?We received your application to sponsor @@@@@ on April 15, 2010. We started processing your application on May 19, 2010. We sent you a letter on May 19, 2010 about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We returned your application with a letter on May 19, 2010. You may re-apply or resubmit your application when the information requested is provided. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.我老婆下个月要面试了,我的担 保资格去年5月已经通过。今天cic查多了上面这段话?是什么意思? 着急中 上面是我担保人的部分去年已经DM了 点击展开...上面 说 2010 年5月19 日你的申请被退回了!你现在又说要个月要面试了!这是哪里对哪里啊!!
退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279We received your application to sponsor @@@@@ on April 15, 2010. We started processing your application on May 19, 2010. We sent you a letter on May 19, 2010 about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We returned your application with a letter on May 19, 2010. You may re-apply or resubmit your application when the information requested is provided. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.我老婆下个月要面试了,我的担 保资格去年5月已经通过。今天cic查多了上面这段话?是什么意思? 着急中 上面是我担保人的部分去年已经DM了点击展开...赶紧写信或打电话问清楚啊,是不是CIC弄错了啊。
回复: 紧急担保人担保资格?似乎是你的担保没通过,但是材料依然转到北京继续审理了!添表格的时候有一项是:担保没有通过的话退料或者继续转北京审理,你选择了继续审理,所以才有安排面试。这只是猜测,具体你是啥情况不很了解,赶紧联系cic吧,如果的确是担保人问题,赶紧补上今年的税单什么的,重新担保兴许可以的。希望使馆能在面试申请人前通过你的担保,不然拒签可能很大了。
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