加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民移民部拟修订移民法,向部分申请人签发附条件
http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=6733809#post6733809Vol. 145, No. 13 ― March 26, 2011 GOVERNMENT NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT Notice requesting comments on a proposal to introduce a conditional permanent residence period of two years or more for sponsored spouses and partners in a relationship of two years or less with their sponsors
回复: 移民部拟修订移民法,向部分申请人签发附条件移民签证,须登陆加拿大后与配偶保持两年或以In order to eliminate the number of immigration purpose marriages, Canadian government tries to tighten its immigration regulations. However,I don't agree with this new proposal. In all western countries, high divorce rate is a well know fact. No one could guarantee how long their marriage could last.So if the marriage is genuine, why does the government have to put a time limit on it ?It's like sending a signal to people that even you are not happy with your marriage, for green card, you'd better tolerate it until it passes two years. When governments make polices, they don't base on commoners' interests.In my opinion, government should put more attention on how to make sure they issue green card to people who deserve it, based on genuine relationship.
回复: 移民部拟修订移民法,向部分申请人签发附条件移民签证,须登陆加拿大后与配偶保持两年或以没事拟什么法案?能通过才怪呢。浪费纳税人钱。 http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=6733809#post6733809Vol. 145, No. 13 ― March 26, 2011 GOVERNMENT NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT Notice requesting comments on a proposal to introduce a conditional permanent residence period of two years or more for sponsored spouses and partners in a relationship of two years or less with their sponsors 点击展开...
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 移民部拟修订移民法,向部分申请人签发附条件移民签证,须登陆加拿大后与配偶保持两年或以拭目而待。。。。。。。。。
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