加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!


香港?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!先自?家樵,本人?在?州,20070910 ?保DM20071004 IP 希望大家多多交流,共同渡咿呃?等待的漫樘?月! 最後,祝大家新年快?!早日DM,收到PL,取??利!?大家多

I wish I could be as good as I choose to be.I will try my best not to complain,excuse and give up!Never say never!赞反馈:阿子 2008-01-31#2 mrs.bean 501 $0.00 回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!我也是广州的080102 担保DM现在等 IP

安居乐业回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!此人是香港使馆的吧,我看朋友办技术移民 他是VO

回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!070903IP

回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!我也是TCW的,10月17IP。

回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!chenyy208和sunny0591和我IP的日子都很近哦~说不定还会差不多时间毕业!!很高兴找到同路人,虽然不一定都去同一个地方,但都很高兴认识大家! 希望大家还会继续跟帖,多交流情况!有问也可以一起来讨论一下哦~~ 将要去一个陌生的国度,未来没有人会知道,但未知的路上,有同行的朋友,那样就会不那么乏味了~ 我们共勉吧! Mrs.Bean 希望你也早日毕业! 提个问,不知各位目前都在忙什么呢?(除了等)

I wish I could be as good as I choose to be.I will try my best not to complain,excuse and give up!Never say never!回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!还是等..一周前收到补料信了~

回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!还是等.. 一周前收到补料信了~点击展开...那就赶紧补料吧~~ 是哦,除了等还是等~那有没有去上上英文课什么的.我现在没有工作,平常在家里的时间多.闲时就看一下书,虽然现在舒坦,但没事做加上等待的煎熬,不乐观的时候就感觉.还好,大部分时间都是乐观的.

I wish I could be as good as I choose to be.I will try my best not to complain,excuse and give up!Never say never!回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!Ding by myself,or this post would fall down soon~

I wish I could be as good as I choose to be.I will try my best not to complain,excuse and give up!Never say never!回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!Learning piano , taking Business English course, shopping and tripping around.btw, it's freezing in guangzhou recently.

安居乐业还是等.. 一周前收到补料信了~点击展开...怎么最近都是收补料的信了亲戚是911ip的,vo 是WCY

回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!Learning piano , taking Business English course, shopping and tripping around.btw, it's freezing in guangzhou recently.点击展开...wow!!Piano!!That's my most favourite instrument. Admire you....Is there any chance listen to your perforance?Where are you to learn Business English?You are in Guangzhou as well,right? I cant believe that Guangzhou can get that cold.....Totallly out of my expectation,it should be a warm spring festival!!!

I wish I could be as good as I choose to be.I will try my best not to complain,excuse and give up!Never say never!怎么最近都是收补料的信了亲戚是911ip的,vo 是WCY点击展开...可能是文件堆积的缘故吧~让我们的文件都等到过期了,所以他们才来处理咯...又或者确实少提交了些什么资料!不过,收补料信好啦,至少知道他们没有把我们给忘了.千万不要是拒签信就好!这样的打击可受不了!对吧!

I wish I could be as good as I choose to be.I will try my best not to complain,excuse and give up!Never say never!回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!对啊.到今天刚好IP5个月.传说的香港IP5-6个月有动静是真的.现在大概就是审到8.9月IP的CASE吧.

回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!希望如此!

生活在加拿大wow!!Piano!!That's my most favourite instrument. Admire you....Is there any chance listen to your perforance?Where are you to learn Business English?You are in Guangzhou as well,right? I cant believe that Guangzhou can get that cold.....Totallly out of my expectation,it should be a warm spring festival!!!点击展开... Well...I am learning Business English at Jinqiao languages Centre which is near by China Plaza. And I've been learning piano for half a year, it's kinda far away from having a performance.I am a Guangzhou local.

安居乐业对啊.到今天刚好IP5个月.传说的香港IP5-6个月有动静是真的.现在大概就是审到8.9月IP的CASE吧.点击展开...啊!是啊~那耐心等等吧!今天刚好是IP 三个月.我也来记念一下.还有两个月要等啊!! 耐心,耐心,再耐心一点!!!!

I wish I could be as good as I choose to be.I will try my best not to complain,excuse and give up!Never say never!Well...I am learning Business English at Jinqiao languages Centre which is near by China Plaza. And I've been learning piano for half a year, it's kinda far away from having a performance.I am a Guangzhou local.点击展开...OH,I know there!how's the teacher there?do you think they are propessional enough?and do you thing the study fee is reasonable for your course?i have ever planned to improve my Eng by taking some courses,such like IELST preperation course. But I give up sign I hear that It is not necessary for me to take the IELST test.Now I just review my ENG at home and talk to my Husband for oral practice. I wrote a lot again.Nice day ,everybody!

I wish I could be as good as I choose to be.I will try my best not to complain,excuse and give up!Never say never!回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!DingDont let it down!

I wish I could be as good as I choose to be.I will try my best not to complain,excuse and give up!Never say never!回复: ?聚的XDJM?,VO是TCW的??集合一下,交流咄度!!我是2008年1月28日IP,昨天(2月4日)收到FN,VO是TCW,希望他能在新年里快快审理我的CASE.希望大家早早与爱人团聚:)

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