加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民写给vo的信,大家来看看,这样可以吗?


To Whom it may concern: Our application was submitted September 21th, to the Canadian Embassy and was forwarded to H.K. by October 26th. File no:B0****** These a few months 。I can see online that the Visa Application is still "in process". Have not received any message,our all want to know to have new progress。 Would you please tell me the progress of my case。 Thank you for your time and attention RegardsMy personal information as below Surname :** Given name:** File no :B0****** Email :y********@qq.com 我这样写有地方需要改进的吗?开头是写To Whom it may concern:还是 Dear sir/madam 哪个比较好。我在第一段后面加上我的fn号码。我不知道fn号码要加在哪里,在最后联系方式有写了,但是怕vo没注意到,所以在前面又写了一个。 我不知道我的vo是谁, 在邮件的开头,主题要写什么?可以写《询问进度》吗

HK case:2010-9-17递・9-21签收・10-15DM・10-26IP・11-13FN ・2011-7-6面试+拒签.2011-7-30上诉,10-19退料、11-14收到调解信、2012-1-10调解(失败),2013年1月重递,4-15收到验DNA信,6-19收到补户信同时IP,7-12DM,7-16大信封。回复: 写给vo的信,大家来看看,这样可以吗?随便写,想问什么就尽管问,只要写得简洁有礼貌就好,不要想太多了,中心思想就是问进度,顺便暗示他们处理快点

溫哥華澤豐裝修有限公司604 808 8960,778 321 8960回复: 写给vo的信,大家来看看,这样可以吗?1)信写得可以。懂英语的人能看懂。2)LZ着急的心情可以理解,但我不觉得写这样的信或E-mail有必要。如果,你确实想了解情况,最好让你在加拿大的担保人写。他们是永久居民或加拿大公民,写信的力度比你大。 如果像你这样写信问进度能加速审理的话,大家都给使馆写信了。刚才上CIC官网看了一下,HK的case一般最长审批速度为16个月。言外之意,像你这样的信发了之后,人家顶多回复你正在审理中。(本人不反对给使馆写信或发E-mail,但问的要有新意。VO最烦的就是总问进度)3)LZ 还是在国内多了解一些关于加拿大的情况,同时多花点时间好好学学英语吧。

[FONT=黑体]——————————————好好学习,天天向上[/FONT]回复: 写给vo的信,大家来看看,这样可以吗?Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to inquiry my application status submitted on September 21th, with the file number indicated below. Though several months have been passed, I noticed that the application status is still "in process". I would appreciate it greatly if you could tell me the latest information regarding to my application.Thank you for your time and attentionRegardsSurname :**Given name:**File no :B0******Email :y********@qq.com

回复: 写给vo的信,大家来看看,这样可以吗?Dear sir/madam,We submitted our application on September 21th, and it was forwarded to H.K. on October 26th. File no:B0******We can only find the application status is "in process" online. And we have not received any other message about our case. We all want to know to how are you getting along with our application. Would you please tell us if there any problem on our case?Thank you for your time and attention.Regards,linqinFile no :B0******Email :y********@qq.com

退役请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请请不要给我发短信提问....不要逼我麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279To Whom it may concern:Our application was submitted September 21th, to the Canadian Embassy and was forwarded to H.K. by October 26th. File no:B0******These a few months 。I can see online that the Visa Application is still "in process". Have not received any message,our all want to know to have new progress。 Would you please tell me the progress of my case。 Thank you for your time and attention RegardsMy personal information as belowSurname :**Given name:**File no :B0******Email :y********@qq.com 我这样写有地方需要改进的吗?开头是写To Whom it may concern:还是Dear sir/madam 哪个比较好。我在第一段后面加上我的fn号码。我不知道fn号码要加在哪里,在最后联系方式有写了,但是怕vo没注意到,所以在前面又写了一个。我不知道我的vo是谁,在邮件的开头,主题要写什么?可以写《询问进度》吗点击展开... However written, BJ will pick up one and only one message: "This applicant is getting impatience." The anticipated outcome is that BJ does not/not offer a reply.

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