加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前
今天早上收到HK来信,原文:Dear Ms. Regina, A ready for visa letter has been sent to your PRC mailing address today. Attached is a copy of the letter. Regards,Canadian Consulate General以下是附件:Dear Applicant, Your permanent resident application appears to be ready for approval and visa issuance. You must submit your passport(s) to this office within 60 days of the date of this letter in order to finalize your application. The total number of passports you are required to submit is 1 Your medical validity will expire on 15-01-2012. You must retrieve the visa(s) and travel to Canada before this date. If you fail to use your visa(s) before this date, you will not be able to become a permanent resident as your visa(s) will be invalid and you will be required to start the entire procedure from the beginning of the process, including submitting a new application and fee. No extension to this date is possible. IMPORTANT - Please note the following: <Each passport must contain at least two (2) blank pages for visas and must be signed by the bearer. < You must report to this office in writing any changes in your travel documents, family configuration and marital status before submitting your passport(s). This includes all births, deaths, marriages, divorces, new custody arrangements and adoptions involving you and/or your dependants. Changes could result in the necessity of filing a new application and fee, and sponsorship if applicable. <All visas will feature the passport numbers that you have provided for your file. If you submit a new passport(s), a document replacement fee may be charged. <No follow-up or reminder letters will be sent and no extensions to visa validity will be granted. If you fail to retrieve the visas before their expiry and/or do not use them prior to their expiry, you will be required to submit a new application, pay new processing fees and qualify under the selection standards in force at that time in order to immigrate to Canada; <Any original documents submitted to our office will be returned by regular mail to the address on file. It is recommended that you send your passport and the passports of any accompanying dependants to our office by registered mail or courier. Normally your passport(s) with visa(s) will then be sent back to you within twenty (20) working days, from the date they are received at our office. Your passports will be returned to you by Registered Mail (registered through Hong Kong Post). Note that the address you provide is where your passport(s) and visa(s) will be returned to. A signature will be required of someone at the delivery address for collection. If you are unavailable at the time they come to deliver the package, you will have to arrange pick up with your local post office. Generally passports with visas will be mailed to you within 20 working days of being received by our office. Note that post office delivery times could delay this further. Please complete the information requested on the attached sheet and provide it with your passports. Please send your passports, your file number, this letter, your current telephone number and mailing address of where you want the passports returned, to our office at: Permanent Resident Visa Section Consulate General of Canada 12/F. Tower 1Exchange Square8 Connaught PlaceHong Kong(852) 2847-7555 File NumberPlease provide two copies of your name, address and telephone number on separate labels or in the space provided below. If the delivery address is in China, please include the address in both English and Chinese. Note: This is the address that your passport will be returned to. No PO Boxes. 然后是两个填写地址方格,全文完。请问大家的取签信是这样的吗?我现在要做什么呢?等平信?还是可以打印这封信寄过去?太多问题了,现在脑袋乱的一团糟。因为我没想过这么快,所以平时没怎么去注意这些事,急!请各位帮帮忙啊。谢谢谢谢!!!我有一个Q群,我在里面叫飞,我记得里面有虫子,粘豆包夫妻,JC,还有,还有...啊,天啊,记不起了, 原谅我 原谅我!重装电脑之后,我忘记了Q号,(我一般用MSN 和雅虎通,这Q是为了加群才申请的,递资料那段时间上过之后就很少上了,有哪位同学见到我,请告诉我我的Q号,真汗,我面壁思过去。)我的进度供大家参考,2011年2月递交,4月IP,后一直无消息,今天收到这封信。我的情况是,我老公留学生身份过去,09年初入籍,那年夏天回来探亲兼相亲,我们是由双方父母介绍认识。
回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!应该是滴~恭喜!
不知道签些啥子,所以就签了这个回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!恭喜LZ,和我收到的签证信内容是一样的,但我收到的是平信,就把那张表格填上姓名/地址/电话,连同护照一起按照信上给的地址寄出就可以啦.
赏 应该是滴~恭喜!点击展开... 谢谢,你的签名我看到也很窝心,嘻嘻~~
回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!恭喜LZ,和我收到的签证信内容是一样的,但我收到的是平信,就把那张表格填上姓名/地址/电话,连同护照一起按照信上给的地址寄出就可以啦.点击展开... 谢谢!同喜同喜!我的是电子邮件,平信还在路上,HK到这里大概要20多天呢,不想等。我能打印这封信填写好寄过去吗?之前不知道在哪看过说可以的,现在一时找不到相关的帖子。
回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!恭喜,沾点喜气
微信:reivi_ma回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!1793294370 你的QQ号吧。GX一下。。打印一下吧。。我觉的你应该去找翻译的好。找专业搞这个的。一般在公安外事科附近会有
人生就是努力的活着等死回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!谢谢楼上的亲,按到猛亲一个! 为什么要找公安呢?
回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!我是说。一般外事科的附近会有翻译。而外事科是属于公安局的吧。。我们这边情况是这样的。。不知道你们那怎么样。里面应该会要求是具体怎么做。如果你懂英文会更好些。不懂最好这样比较好。一般一百来块这样吧
赏 我是说。一般外事科的附近会有翻译。而外事科是属于公安局的吧。。我们这边情况是这样的。。不知道你们那怎么样。里面应该会要求是具体怎么做。如果你懂英文会更好些。不懂最好这样比较好。一般一百来块这样吧点击展开... 真是很好的提议,我老公的英语好,暂时打算等他下班回来帮我填。他也认为不行就找翻译去. 不管怎样,谢谢你!!
回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!我没有收过移民局的电子邮件,都是收平信的.LZ再看看有没有童鞋是自己打印签证信寄出的,还是要等收到签证信,再决定吧!点击展开... 是的,正在到处搜有关帖子,也多得上面的同学告诉我我的Q号,我得以进群跟大家交流, 家园真好。再次谢谢你们!!
回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!电邮打印是可以的。。。。这点。我可以确定。就是不知道要打印哪一张就是了
人生就是努力的活着等死回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!1 填那两张小纸条,写上中英文地址姓名电话。2 投递:这两张小纸条+护照+使馆这封信。3 网上跟踪快递是否安全到达使馆。
赏 谢谢楼上的亲,按到猛亲一个! 为什么要找公安呢?点击展开... 原来你是男同学,我能收回这个猛亲么?改握爪!
回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!1 填那两张小纸条,写上中英文地址姓名电话。2 投递:这两张小纸条+护照+使馆这封信。3 网上跟踪快递是否安全到达使馆。点击展开... 谢谢Winnie,太清楚了,只是我还在纠结能不能打印这封email填写好寄去,你当时是email还是平信?
回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!恭喜!
2011年7月登陆 9月Humber入学 幸福生活ING回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!LZ,我已经发短信给你
回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!恭喜恭喜!!!!
心宽一寸,受益三分!回复: 激动中,这就是传说中的取签信?在线等各位前辈指教,先谢了!恭喜LZ~沾沾喜气~
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